diff -ruN mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/exe_in_usage.patch mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/exe_in_usage.patch
--- mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/exe_in_usage.patch	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/exe_in_usage.patch	2013-05-06 10:33:20.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>
+Only show .exe in the usage on Win32
+Applied in upstream CVS
+--- a/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml
++++ b/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml
+@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@
+ 	if do_exit then exit 1
+ ;;
+ try	
+-	let usage = "Motion-Twin ActionScript2 Compiler 1.14 - (c)2004-2008 Motion-Twin\n Usage : mtasc.exe [options] <files...>\n Options :" in
++	let exe_ext = match Sys.os_type with "Win32" | "Cygwin" -> ".exe" | _ -> "" in
++	let usage = "Motion-Twin ActionScript2 Compiler 1.14 - (c)2004-2008 Motion-Twin\n Usage : mtasc" ^ exe_ext ^ " [options] <files...>\n Options :" in
+ 	let base_path = normalize_path (try Extc.executable_path() with _ -> ".") in
+ 	let files = ref [] in
+ 	let time = Sys.time() in
diff -ruN mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/extc-fixes.patch mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/extc-fixes.patch
--- mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/extc-fixes.patch	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/extc-fixes.patch	2013-05-06 10:35:50.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Patch: extc-fixes.patch
+Author: Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>
+Description: fix issues with extc (hurd, env stuff)
+--- a/ocaml/extc/extc_stubs.c
++++ b/ocaml/extc/extc_stubs.c
+@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+ #else
+ #	include <limits.h>
+ #	include <unistd.h>
++#	include <caml/memory.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifdef __APPLE__
+ #	include <sys/param.h>
+@@ -137,17 +138,27 @@
+ 		failwith("executable_path");
+ 	return caml_copy_string(path);
+ #else
+-	const char *p = getenv("_");
+-	if( p != NULL )
+-		return caml_copy_string(p);
+-	{
+-		char path[200];
+-		int length = readlink("/proc/self/exe", path, sizeof(path));
+-		if( length < 0 || length >= 200 )
+-			failwith("executable_path");
+-	    path[length] = '\0';
+-		return caml_copy_string(path);
++	CAMLparam1 (u);
++	CAMLlocal1 (caml_path);
++	char exe_link_path[200];
++	int length = readlink("/proc/self/exe", exe_link_path, sizeof(exe_link_path));
++	if( length < 0 || length >= 200 ){
++		char* argv0_path = realpath(String_val(u),NULL);
++		if( NULL != argv0_path ){
++			caml_path = caml_copy_string(argv0_path);
++			free(argv0_path); argv0_path = NULL;
++		} else {
++			const char *shell_path = getenv("_");
++			if( shell_path != NULL )
++				caml_path = caml_copy_string(shell_path);
++			else
++				failwith("executable_path");
++		}
++	} else {
++		exe_link_path[length] = '\0';
++		caml_path = caml_copy_string(exe_link_path);
+ 	}
++	CAMLreturn(caml_path);
+ #endif
+ }
+@@ -158,9 +169,12 @@
+ 		failwith("get_full_path");
+ 	return caml_copy_string(path);
+ #else
+-	char path[PATH_MAX];
+-	if( realpath(String_val(f),path) == NULL )
+-		failwith("get_full_path");
+-	return caml_copy_string(path);
++	CAMLparam1 (f);
++	CAMLlocal1 (path_caml);
++	char* path = realpath(String_val(f),NULL);
++	if( NULL == path ) failwith("get_full_path");
++	path_caml = caml_copy_string(path);
++	free(path);
++	CAMLreturn(path_caml);
+ #endif
+ }
diff -ruN mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/fix_mtasc_for_camlp4_3.11.0.patch mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/fix_mtasc_for_camlp4_3.11.0.patch
--- mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/fix_mtasc_for_camlp4_3.11.0.patch	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/fix_mtasc_for_camlp4_3.11.0.patch	2013-05-06 10:36:23.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Patch: fix_mtasc_for_camlp4_3.11.0.patch
+Author: Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org>
+Description: allow parser.ml to compile with camlp4 from ocaml 3.11.0
+Status: applied to upstream CVS
+--- a/ocaml/mtasc/parser.ml
++++ b/ocaml/mtasc/parser.ml
+@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@
+ 	| [< '(Kwd For,p); '(POpen,_); c = parse_expr_opt; e = parse_for p c >] -> e
+ 	| [< '(Kwd If,p); cond = parse_eval; e = parse_expr_opt; e2 , p2 = parse_else (pos e) >] -> EIf (cond,wrap_var e,e2), punion p p2
+ 	| [< '(Kwd Return,p); v , p2 = parse_eval_option p; >] -> EReturn v , punion p p2
+-	| [< '(Kwd Break,p); >] -> EBreak , p
+-	| [< '(Kwd Continue,p); >] -> EContinue , p
++	| [< '(Kwd Break,p) >] -> EBreak , p
++	| [< '(Kwd Continue,p) >] -> EContinue , p
+ 	| [< '(Kwd While,p1); v = parse_eval; e = parse_expr_opt >] -> EWhile (v,wrap_var e,NormalWhile) , punion p1 (pos e)
+ 	| [< '(Kwd Do,p1); e = parse_expr; '(Kwd While,_); v = parse_eval; >] -> EWhile (v,wrap_var e,DoWhile) , punion p1 (pos v)
+ 	| [< '(Kwd Switch,p1); v = parse_eval; '(BrOpen,_); el, p2 = parse_switch false >] -> ESwitch (v,el) , punion p1 p2
+@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@
+ and parse_expr_opt = parser
+ 	| [< e = parse_expr >] -> e
+-	| [< '(Next,p); >] -> EBlock [] , p
++	| [< '(Next,p) >] -> EBlock [] , p
+ and parse_for p c = parser
+ 	| [< '(Kwd In,_); v = parse_eval; '(PClose,p2); e = parse_expr_opt >] -> EForIn(c,v,wrap_var e) , punion p p2
+@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
+ and parse_block callb sp = parser
+ 	| [< e = callb; el,p = parse_block callb sp >] -> e :: el , p
+ 	| [< '(Next,_); el = parse_block callb sp >] -> el
+-	| [< '(BrClose,p); >] -> [] , p
++	| [< '(BrClose,p) >] -> [] , p
+ 	| [< '(Eof,_) >] -> error Unclosed_parenthesis sp
+ and parse_expr_list p = parser
+@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
+ and parse_import = parser
+ 	| [< '(Const (Ident name),_); p = parse_import2 name >] -> p
+-	| [< '(Binop OpMult,_); >] -> [] , None
++	| [< '(Binop OpMult,_) >] -> [] , None
+ and parse_import2 name = parser
+ 	| [< '(Dot,_); p , n = parse_import >] -> name :: p , n
diff -ruN mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/include_dirs.patch mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/include_dirs.patch
--- mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/include_dirs.patch	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/include_dirs.patch	2013-05-06 13:37:58.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>
+Add a couple of paths to the default classpath
+Keep the default path, needed during the test build
+--- a/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml
++++ b/ocaml/mtasc/main.ml
+@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@
+ 	let base_path = normalize_path (try Extc.executable_path() with _ -> ".") in
+ 	let files = ref [] in
+ 	let time = Sys.time() in
+-	Plugin.class_path := [base_path;"";"/"];
++	let prefix = "@FINKPREFIX@/share/mtasc/" in
++	Plugin.class_path := [base_path;prefix;"";"/"];
+ 	let args_spec = [
+ 		("-pack",Arg.String (fun path -> files := read_package path @ !files),"<path> : compile all files in target package");
+ 		("-cp",Arg.String (fun path -> Plugin.class_path := parse_class_path base_path path @ !Plugin.class_path),"<paths> : add classpath");
+@@ -133,8 +135,8 @@
+ 		),": use precompiled mx package");
+ 	] @ !Plugin.options in
+ 	Arg.parse args_spec (fun file -> files := file :: !files) usage;
+-	Plugin.class_path := (base_path ^ "std/") :: !Plugin.class_path;
+-	if (match !GenSwf.version with Some x -> x >= 8 | None -> false) then Plugin.class_path := (base_path ^ "std8/") :: !Plugin.class_path;
++	Plugin.class_path := (base_path ^ "std/") :: (prefix ^ "std/") :: !Plugin.class_path;
++	if (match !GenSwf.version with Some x -> x >= 8 | None -> false) then Plugin.class_path := (base_path ^ "std8/") :: (prefix ^ "std8/") :: !Plugin.class_path;
+ 	Hashtbl.remove Lexer.keywords "add";
+ 	Parser.warning := (fun msg pos -> report ~do_exit:false (msg,pos) "Warning" (fun msg -> msg));
+ 	if !files = [] then begin
diff -ruN mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/makefile_kludges.patch mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/makefile_kludges.patch
--- mtasc-1.14.orig/fink/patches/makefile_kludges.patch	1969-12-31 17:00:00.000000000 -0700
+++ mtasc-1.14/fink/patches/makefile_kludges.patch	2013-05-06 10:34:53.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Paul Wise <pabs@debian.org>
+Kludge the Makefile so it is useful for Debian
+--- a/ocaml/mtasc/doc/Makefile
++++ b/ocaml/mtasc/doc/Makefile
+@@ -1,14 +1,24 @@
+ build:
+-	( cd ocaml/extc ; ocamlc extc_stubs.c ;\
+-	ocamlfind ocamlopt -package extlib -a -o extc.cmxa -cclib ../extc/extc_stubs.o -cclib $(ZLIB) extc.mli extc.ml )
+-	cd ocaml/swflib ; ocamlfind ocamlopt -package extlib -a -o swflib.cmxa -I .. -I ../extc swf.ml swfZip.ml actionScript.ml swfParser.ml
+-	( cd ocaml/mtasc ; ocamllex lexer.mll ;	ocamlopt -c expr.ml lexer.ml ; ocamlopt -c -pp camlp4o parser.ml ;\
+-	ocamlfind ocamlopt -package extlib -c -I .. -I ../extc -I ../swflib typer.ml class.ml plugin.ml genSwf.ml main.ml ;\
+-	ocamlfind ocamlopt -package extlib -linkpkg -o mtasc -cclib $(ZLIB) extLib.cmxa ../extc/extc.cmxa ../swflib/swflib.cmxa expr.cmx lexer.cmx parser.cmx typer.cmx class.cmx plugin.cmx genSwf.cmx main.cmx )
++	( cd ocaml/extc ; $(C) extc_stubs.c ;\
++	ocamlfind $(C) -package extlib -a -o extc.$(A) -cclib ../extc/extc_stubs.o -cclib $(ZLIB) extc.mli extc.ml )
++	cd ocaml/swflib ; ocamlfind $(C) -package extlib -a -o swflib.$(A) -I .. -I ../extc as3.mli as3code.ml as3parse.ml swf.ml swfZip.ml actionScript.ml swfParser.ml
++	( cd ocaml/mtasc ; ocamllex lexer.mll ; ocamlfind $(C) -c expr.ml lexer.ml ; ocamlfind $(C) -c -pp $(CP) parser.ml ;\
++	ocamlfind $(C) -package extlib -c -I .. -I ../extc -I ../swflib typer.ml class.ml plugin.ml genSwf.ml main.ml ;\
++	ocamlfind $(C) -package extlib -linkpkg $(CU) -o mtasc -cclib $(ZLIB) ../extc/extc.$(A) ../swflib/swflib.$(A) expr.$(O) lexer.$(O) parser.$(O) typer.$(O) class.$(O) plugin.$(O) genSwf.$(O) main.$(O) )
+ clean:
+ 	rm -f ocaml/*/*.cma ocaml/*/*.cmi ocaml/*/*.cmo ocaml/*/*.cmx
+@@ -16,9 +26,9 @@
+ 	rm -f ocaml/mtasc/lexer.ml ocaml/mtasc/mtasc
+ install:
+-	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/
++	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/ $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/mtasc/
+ 	cp ocaml/mtasc/mtasc $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+-	cp -r ocaml/mtasc/std $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/
+-	cp -r ocaml/mtasc/std8 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/
++	cp -r ocaml/mtasc/std $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/mtasc/
++	cp -r ocaml/mtasc/std8 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/mtasc/
+ .PHONY: build install clean