# -*- coding: ascii; tab-width: 4 -*- Package: src Version: 1.13 Revision: 1 Description: Simple Revision Control DescDetail: << Simple Revision Control is RCS reloaded with a modern UI, designed to manage single-file solo projects kept more than one to a directory. Use it for FAQs, ~/bin directories, config files, and the like. Features integer sequential revision numbers, a command set that will seem familiar to Subversion/Git/hg users, and no binary blobs anywhere. << Homepage: http://www.catb.org/~esr/src/ Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <daniel@daniel-johnson.org> License: BSD Source: http://www.catb.org/~esr/%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(c8336bc535d49e25122f71a363bf6002af8047f754086d81382cd46e51a32350) Depends: rcs, rcs-fast-import CompileScript: make prefix=%p InfoTest: TestScript: ./srctest -b rcs -p python || exit 2 InstallScript: make install prefix=%p DESTDIR=%d DocFiles: COPYING NEWS README TODO FAQ.asc