Info2: <<

Package:  to-f90
Version:  2000-03-21
Revision: 11
Type: gcc (11)
Description:  Fortran 77 to fortran 90 converter
BuildDepends: gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-compiler
Depends:      gcc%type_pkg[gcc]-shlibs
License:      OSI-Approved

Source-Checksum: SHA256(8b8336c138bc00ac0b2b9d1cecfdb00271a2ee72403dd432c2563845675165d5)
SourceDirectory: .

# Compile Phase (NOTE: there is no configure):
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  gfortran-fsf-%type_raw[gcc] -fdiagnostics-color=always -o to_f90 TO_F90.F90
  strip to_f90 

InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev
  mkdir -p %i/bin
  install -m 755 %b/to_f90 %i/bin

DocFiles:   README.TXT

DescUsage:  see the file README.TXT in %p/share/doc/%n/
Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <>
