Package: xdev-toolkit
Version: 2016-5024
Revision: 1
Description: Delphi -> Lazarus/FPC conversion tools
Depends: <<
  fpc (>=3.2.2), 
  lazarus-gtk2 (>=2.0.12) | lazarus-qt4 (>=2.0.12) | lazarus-qt5 (>=2.0.12) | lazarus-cocoa (>=2.0.12) | lazarus-lcl-gtk2 (>=2.0.12) | lazarus-lcl-qt4 (>=2.0.12) | lazarus-lcl-qt5 (>=2.0.12)
License: LGPL

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:sourceforge:fink/
Source-Checksum: SHA256(545b1ea80bfa56860491fe2b5a445319e757f1fb35c7dbd5c628799525f3f525)

SourceDirectory: %n-%v

# Patch Phase
PatchScript: <<
# set the path for ini file for dfmtolfm
  sed -i.bak "s|ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))|'%p/etc/'|g" dfmtolfm.pas
# replace removed function Shell by fpsystem
  sed -i.bak "s|Shell|fpsystem|g" ViewDoc.pas
  sed -i.bak "s|Shell|fpsystem|g" HelpUtil.pas

# Compile Phase (NOTE: there is no configure):
CompileScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev

# compile programs
fpc CvtHelp.pas
fpc TestRtfDoc.pas
fpc ViewWith.pas
fpc dfmtolfm.pas
fpc makepasx.pas
fpc makever.pas

# compile additional units
fpc PrefsUtil.pas
fpc PropListUtil.pas
fpc -MDelphi HelpUtil.pas -Fu%p/share/lazarus/lcl/units/%m-darwin/ -Fu%p/share/lazarus/components/lazutils/lib/%m-darwin/

# Install Phase:
InstallScript: <<
#!/bin/sh -ev

# Install programs
  mkdir %i/bin
  install -m 755 CvtHelp           %i/bin/CvtHelp
  install -m 755 TestRtfDoc        %i/bin/TestRtfDoc
  install -m 755 ViewWith          %i/bin/ViewWith
  install -m 755 dfmtolfm          %i/bin/dfmtolfm
  install -m 755 makepasx          %i/bin/makepasx
  install -m 755 makever           %i/bin/makever
  install -m 755 %i/bin/

# Install units
  FPC_VERSION=`fpc -iV`
  mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 HelpUtil.o       $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 HelpUtil.ppu     $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 RtfDoc.o         $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 RtfDoc.ppu       $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 ViewDoc.o        $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 ViewDoc.ppu      $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PrefsUtil.o      $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PrefsUtil.ppu    $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PropListUtil.o   $INSTALL_DIR
  install -m 644 PropListUtil.ppu $INSTALL_DIR

# Install sources
  mkdir -p %i/share/fpcsrc/%n
  install -m 644 *.pas %i/share/fpcsrc/%n/
  install -d %i/etc/
  install -c -m 666 dfmtolfm.ini %i/etc/

ConfFiles: %p/etc/dfmtolfm.ini
DocFiles: XDevStatus.html ReadMe.txt filelist.txt

DescDetail: <<
The XDev Toolkit has these programs:

makepasx & dfmtolfm:   Delphi converters
makever:               Create a version info file     Create an app bundle
CvtHelp:               Convert WinHelp RTF to HTML
TestRtfDoc & ViewWith: RTF document creation and viewing

and these units:

HelpUtil:                 Convert WinHelp RTF to HTML
RtfDoc & ViewDoc:         RTF document creation and viewing
PrefsUtil & PropListUtil: Preferences

DescUsage: <<
  Please read the documentation in 

DescPort: <<
  Note: This package installs fpc units 
  and needs to be updated with a new version of fpc.
  Native platform only. To do: cross-platform

Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <>