Package: xmahjongg Version: 3.7 Revision: 4 Maintainer: None BuildDepends: << autoconf2.6, automake1.15, fink-package-precedence, x11-dev << Depends: x11 GCC: 4.0 Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(243d63681cc25b97b30fee76aac98f1923f4734e772c57335b911f4c8647ffcf) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 7c3d56a6c7ec67292e325027216f3a6d CompileScript: << mv autoreconf -fi %{default_script} fink-package-precedence . << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: NEWS README Description: X-Windows version of Mah Jongg DescDetail: << Xmahjongg is an X-Windows version of Mah Jongg, where the aim is to remove all 144 tiles from the board, by matching pairs. Some features of Xmahjongg are: * Colourful Mah Jongg tiles. * Multiple tile sets. * Undo function. * A count of matches remaining. << DescPackaging: << Previously maintained by Jeremy Higgs Goofy -I ordering, but doesn't use any fink headers so not bothering to fix (fink-package-precedence protects against it anyway) -- dmacks pkgdatadir `eval` expansion not working for ${prefix}, but just overriding a default with its default value anyway. << Homepage: License: GPL