Package: perl5182 Version: 5.18.2 Revision: 4 # To match /usr/bin/perl5.18 on 10.10-10.14.4 Distribution: 10.9 Depends: %n-core (>= %v-%r) Conflicts: perl5162, perl5182, perl5184, perl5282, perl5302, perl5303, perl5341 Replaces: perl5162, perl5182, perl5184, perl5282, perl5302, perl5303, perl5341 License: Artistic Description: The Perl programming language, v. 5.18.2 DescDetail: << Perl is a high-level programming language with roots in C, sed, awk and shell scripting. Perl is good at handling processes and files, and is especially good at handling text. Perl's hallmarks are practicality and efficiency. While it is used to do a lot of different things, Perl's most common applications are system administration utilities and web programming. A large proportion of the CGI scripts on the web are written in Perl. Fink's perl packages retain the perl version subdirectories in the lib tree. Without these, upgrading or downgrading Perl breaks all of the binary modules. << DescPort: << Because the perl build system is designed to download source files for "extra" perlmodules directly from CPAN, we do not include those "extra" perlmodules in this package. For that reason, the following packages which are Provided by Apple's build of perl5.18.2 on 10.10 are not provided here: convert-tnef-pm5182, html-parser-pm5182, perl-objcbridge-pm5182, scalar-list-utils-pm5182, uri-pm5182, algorithm-diff-pm5182, class-autouse-pm5182, corefoundation-pm5182, data-hierarcy-pm5182, freezethaw-pm5182, io-pager-pm5182, locale-maketext-lexicon-pm5182, perlio-eol-pm5182 << DescUsage: << Most perl scripts start with #!/usr/bin/perl which will invoke Apple's /usr/bin/perl. This package does not alter /usr/bin/perl. If you wish to use this version of perl in scripts, the script should begin with #!%p/bin/perl5.18.2 instead of #!/usr/bin/perl << Source: mirror:cpan:src/5.0/perl-%v.tar.bz2 Source-Checksum: SHA256(06a0cd490be36d829606aa41d8c9c4c72ae70542f8d4f23ec554335b3d9e2746) CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev sh Configure -desr -Dcc="gcc" -Dcpp="-gcc -E" -Dprefix=%p -Dccflags=-I%p/include -Dldflags=-L%p/lib -Dperladmin=none -Uinstallusrbinperl -Dprivlib="%p/lib/perl5-core/5.18.2" -Darchlib="%p/lib/perl5-core/5.18.2/darwin-thread-multi-2level" -Dman3dir="%p/lib/perl5-core/5.18.2/man/man3" -Dman3ext=3pm -Dscriptdir="%p/bin" -Duseithreads -Dinc_version_list=none -Adefine:startperl="#!%p/bin/perl5.18.2" -Adefine:perlpath="%p/bin/perl5.18.2" make << DocFiles: README Copying InfoTest: << TestScript: << make test || exit 2 << << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mkdir -p %i/etc/profile.d echo "append_path MANPATH %p/lib/perl5-core/5.18.2/man" >> %i/etc/profile.d/%N-core.csh echo "append_path MANPATH %p/lib/perl5/5.18.2/man" >> %i/etc/profile.d/%N-core.csh echo "append_path MANPATH %p/lib/perl5-core/5.18.2/man" >> %i/etc/profile.d/ echo "append_path MANPATH %p/lib/perl5/5.18.2/man" >> %i/etc/profile.d/ echo "export MANPATH" >> %i/etc/profile.d/ chmod 755 %i/etc/profile.d/%N-core.* << SplitOff: << Package: %N-core Conflicts: compress-zlib-pm (<= 1.19-2), crypt-ssleay-pm (<= 0.45-2), dbd-mysql-pm (<= 2.1026-1), dbd-pg-pm (<= 1.21-4), dbd-pg-pm-ssl (<= 1.21-4), dbi-pm (<= 1:1.35-1), digest-md5-pm (<= 2.24-1), digest-sha1-pm (<= 2.02-1), egd (<= 0.8-3), eperl-pm (<= 2.2.14-2), filter-util-pm (<= 1.26-1), fribidi-pm (<= 0.05-2), ftlib-pm (<= 1.2-1), gd-pm (<= 2.06-5), gimp-perl (<= 1.211-4), gtk-perl-pm (<= 0.7008-7), html-parser-pm (<= 3.27-1), http-ghttp-pm (<= 1.07-1), irssi-ssl (<= 0.8.6-3), irssi (<= 0.8.6-2), jcode-pm (<= 0.82-1), libapreq-pm (<= 1.0-1), mac-carbon-pm (<= 0.05-1), macosx-file-pm (<= 0.64-1), mime-base64-pm (<= 2.18-1), net-ssleay-pm (<= 1.22-2), nkf (<= 1.92-1), params-validate-pm (<= 0.57-1), pdl (<= 2.3.2-1), perlmagick-pm (<= 5.5.4-1), pgplot-perl (<= 2.18-4), postgresql-perl (<= 7.3.2-7), postgresql-ssl-perl (<= 7.3.2-7), rrdtool-perl (<= 1.0.41-1), scalar-list-utils-pm (<= 1.11-1), sha-pm (<= 1.2-2), shout-pm (<= 1.0-1), storable-pm (<= 1.0.14-1), string-approx-pm (<= 3.19-1), template-notex-pm (<= 2.08-13), template-pm (<= 2.08-13), term-readkey-pm (<= 2.21-1), term-readline-gnu-pm (<= 1.13-1), text-iconv-pm (<= 1.2-1), time-hires-pm (<= 1.46-1), time-piece-pm (<= 1.08-1), tk-pm (<= 800.024-2), tk-tablematrix-pm (<= 1.01-1), unicode-string-pm (<= 2.07-1), xml-parser-pm (<= 2.31-4), xmms-pm (<= 0.12-2) Provides: << archive-tar-pm5182, attribute-handlers-pm5182, carp-pm5182, cgi-pm5182, compress-raw-bzip2-pm5182, compress-raw-zlib-pm5182, compress-zlib-pm5182, cpanplus-dist-build-pm5182, cpanplus-pm5182, cpan-meta-requirements-pm5182, data-dumper-pm5182, db-pm5182, devel-peek-pm5182, digest-md5-pm5182, digest-pm5182, digest-sha-pm5182, extutils-cbuilder-pm5182, extutils-makemaker-pm5182, extutils-parsexs-pm5182, file-find-pm5182, file-path-pm5182, file-spec-pm5182, file-temp-pm5182, filter-simple-pm5182, getopt-long-pm5182, http-tiny-pm5182, i18n-langtags-pm5182, io-zlib-pm5182, libnet-pm5182, list-util-pm5182, locale-maketext-pm5182, locale-maketext-simple-pm5182, math-bigint-pm5182, memoize-pm5182, mime-base64-pm5182, module-build-pm5182, module-corelist-pm5182, module-load-conditional-pm5182, module-load-pm5182, module-pluggable-pm5182, package-constants-pm5182, params-check-pm5182, perl-ostype-pm5182, pod-escapes-pm5182, pod-parser-pm5182, pod-simple-pm5182, sys-syslog-pm5182, term-readline-pm5182, test-harness-pm5182, test-simple-pm5182, text-tabs-pm5182, text-wrap-pm5182, time-hires-pm5182, unicode-normalize-pm5182 << Files: bin/perl5.18.2 etc lib/perl5 lib/perl5-core Description: Core files for perl, v. 5.18.2 DocFiles: README Copying << DescPackaging: << We split the perl5.18.2 binary and the files in lib/perl5* off as a separate "core" package which does not conflict with other versions of perl. %p/bin/perl and other binaries remain in the perl5182 package, and different versions of perl can be selected by installing a different package instead. We now use lib/perl5-core as the main installation directory to avoid conflicts with fink-installed perl modules. We do not supply perl5182 on 10.10, since that's the one supplied by Apple. << Homepage: Maintainer: Fink Core Group