Package: node-amdefine Version: 0.1.0 Revision: 1.1 ### BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.32) << RunTimeDepends: << nodejs << ### Source: mirror:debian:/pool/main/n/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(756f1e8ba98fde6808eba22c3a57e8c1776d74fd2990e13d0f13f588040fb137) SourceDirectory: amdefine-%v ### DocFiles: LICENSE README.* ### CompileScript: << echo << InstallScript: << install -d -m0755 %i/lib/nodejs/amdefine install -m0644 package.json %i/lib/nodejs/amdefine/ install -m0644 *.js %i/lib/nodejs/amdefine/ << ### Description: Asynch Module Definition (AMD) for Node.js DescDetail: << This module implements the AMD "define" API by wrapping Node.js module loading mechanism, and has some limitations: * modules are loaded synchronously * loader plugins API is partially implemented . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. << ### License: BSD Homepage: Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <>