Package: node-which-module Version: 2.0.0 Revision: 1.1 ### BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.32) << Depends: << nodejs << ### Source: mirror:debian:/pool/main/n/%n/%n_%v.orig.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(60e0f4140269d99169d9811365d79087cdff155da1a1cc0c7aee4aa0d051a636) SourceDirectory: which-module-%v Source2: mirror:debian:pool/main/n/%n/%n_%v-1.debian.tar.xz Source2-Checksum: SHA256(cc0914cab24bed441b03a221f4cdef405bc2bc0c804182e3c5040363925e4990) Source2ExtractDir: which-module-%v ### DocFiles: LICENSE ### CompileScript: << echo << InstallScript: << install -d -m0755 %i/share/nodejs/which-module install -m0644 index.js %i/share/nodejs/which-module/ install -m0644 package.json %i/share/nodejs/which-module/ << ### Description: Find the module object require()d DescDetail: << Find the module object for something that was require()d . Node.js is an event-based server-side JavaScript engine. << ### License: Public Domain Homepage: Maintainer: Justin F. Hallett <>