Package: module-versions-report-pm
Version: 1.06
Revision: 1
Type: perl
Description: Report versions of all modules in memory
License: Artistic/GPL
Maintainer: Christian Schaffner <>

# Unpack Phase:
Source: mirror:cpan:authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/Module-Versions-Report-%v.tar.gz
Source-Checksum: SHA256(a3261d0d84b17678d8c4fd55eb0f892f5144d81ca53ea9a38d75d1a00ad9796a)

# Install Phase:
UpdatePOD: True
DocFiles: ChangeLog README

# Additional Info:
DescDetail: <<
I often get email from someone reporting a bug in a module I've written.
I email back, asking what version of the module it is, what version of
Perl on what OS, and sometimes what version of some relevent third
library (like XML::Parser). They reply, saying "Perl 5". I say "I need
the exact version, as reported by "perl -v"". They tell me. And I say
"I, uh, also asked about the version of my module and XML::Parser [or
whatever]". They say "Oh yeah. It's 2.27". "Is that my module or
XML::Parser?" "XML::Parser." "OK, and what about my module's version?"
"Ohyeah. That's 3.11." By this time, days have passed, and what should
have been a simple operation -- reporting the version of Perl and
relevent modules, has been needlessly complicated.

This module is for simplifying that task. If you add "use
Module::Versions::Report;" to a program (especially handy if your
program is one that demonstrates a bug in some module), then when the
program has finished running, you well get a report detailing the all
modules in memory, and noting the version of each (for modules that
defined a $VERSION, at least).