Info2: << Package: async-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 0.6.2 Revision: 1 Description: Interdependent tasks in a pool of workers DescDetail: << The central instance within async is the Pool. A pool keeps a set of 0 or more workers which can run asynchronoously and process Tasks. Tasks are added to the pool using the add_task function. Once added, the caller receives a ChannelReader instance which connects to a channel. Calling read on the instance will trigger the actual computation. A ChannelReader can serve as input for another task as well, which once added to the Pool, indicates a dependency between these tasks. To obtain one item from task 2, one item needs to be produced by task 1 beforehand - the pool takes care of the dependency handling when scheduling items to be processed. Task instances allow to define the minimum amount of items to be processed on each request, and the maximum amount of items per batch. This chunking behaviour allows you to have fine-grained control about the memory requirements as well as the actually achieved concurrency for your chain of tasks. << DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Kurt Schwehr << Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(ac6894d876e45878faae493b0cf61d0e28ec417334448ac0a6ea2229d8343051) # Python 3.4 support still needs to pass the tests. Type: python (2.7) Depends: python%type_pkg[python] PatchScript: << # Needed for 0.6.1 Python 3.x to build and install. # perl -pi -e 's|_Condition,||g' perl -pi -e 's|import new||g' << CompileScript: << #!/bin/bash -ev if [ "%type_pkg[python]" -ge "31" ]; then 2to3-%type_raw[python] --write --no-diffs . fi %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] build << InstallScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root %d #DocFiles: PKG-INFO License: OSI-Approved Homepage: Maintainer: None # Info2 <<