Info2: << Package: pycli-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 1.1.0 Revision: 1 #Claims to work on 3.x but fails to build. imports its own module before it runs 2to3. Type: python (2.7) Description: Simple, OO approach to Python CLI apps DescDetail: << The cli package is a framework for making simple, correct command line applications in Python. With cli, you can quickly add standard command line parsing; logging; unit and functional testing; configuration file parsing; and profiling to your CLI apps. To make it easier to do the right thing, cli wraps all of these tools into a single, consistent application interface. << Maintainer: Daniel Johnson License: BSD Homepage: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(679186b34dced6af4e53f4a4c5e49c0fa3dd409366b1771538a806cb7f2c99bb) Depends: python%type_pkg[python] BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python] CompileScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] build InfoTest: << TestDepends: unittest2-py%type_pkg[python] TestScript: export PYTHONPATH=%b/lib && %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] test || exit 2 << InstallScript: %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] install --root=%d DocFiles: PKG-INFO docs/index.txt <<