Info4: << Package: threadpoolctl-py%type_pkg[python] Version: 3.5.0 Revision: 1 Type: python (3.8 3.9 3.10) Description: Helpers to limit the number of threads License: BSD Maintainer: None # Dependencies: Depends: python%type_pkg[python] BuildDepends: << bootstrap-modules-py%type_pkg[python] << # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(082433502dd922bf738de0d8bcc4fdcbf0979ff44c42bd40f5af8a282f6fa107) # Compile Phase: CompileScript: PYTHONPATH=%p/share/bootstrap-modules-python%type_pkg[python] %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -m build --wheel --no-isolation --skip-dependency-check InfoTest: << TestDepends: << pytest-py%type_pkg[python] << TestScript: << %p/bin/py.test-%type_raw[python] -p no:relaxed -vv || exit 2 find . -name "*.pyc" -delete rm -rf %b/build/lib/click/__pycache__ << << # Install Phase: InstallScript: PYTHONPATH=%p/share/bootstrap-modules-python%type_pkg[python] %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -m installer --destdir %d dist/*.whl DocFiles: LICENSE DescDetail: << Python helpers to limit the number of threads used in the threadpool-backed of common native libraries used for scientific computing and data science (e.g. BLAS and OpenMP). Fine control of the underlying thread-pool size can be useful in workloads that involve nested parallelism so as to mitigate oversubscription issues. << Homepage: #Info4 <<