# -*- coding: ascii; tab-width: 4 -*- Info2: << Package: zipp-py%type_pkg[python] # 3.18.0 needs NEWSETUPTOOLS >= 61.2 Version: 3.17.0 Revision: 2 Epoch: 1 Type: python (3.8 3.9 3.10) Description: Pathlib object wrapper for zip files DescDetail: << A pathlib-compatible Zipfile object wrapper. A backport of the Path object. << DescPackaging: << * Epoch: 1 added when 3.18.1 badly advertised needing setuptools >= 56, but built an empty wheel with anything below v61.2. << Maintainer: Daniel Johnson License: BSD Homepage: https://pypi.org/project/zipp Source: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/z/zipp/zipp-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(84e64a1c28cf7e91ed2078bb8cc8c259cb19b76942096c8d7b84947690cabaf0) Depends: << python%type_pkg[python], more-itertools-py%type_pkg[python] << BuildDepends: << bootstrap-modules-py%type_pkg[python], setuptools-tng-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 56), setuptools-scm-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 3.4.1) << CompileScript: << PYTHONPATH=%p/share/bootstrap-modules-python%type_pkg[python] %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -m build --wheel --no-isolation --skip-dependency-check << #InfoTest: << # TestDepends: << # jaraco.functools-py%type_pkg[python], # jaraco.itertools-py%type_pkg[python], # pytest-py%type_pkg[python], # pytest-cov-py%type_pkg[python], # pytest-enabler-py%type_pkg[python], # pytest-ruff-py%type_pkg[python] # << # TestScript: PYTHONPATH=%b %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -m pytest -vv || exit 2 #<< InstallScript: << PYTHONPATH=%p/share/bootstrap-modules-python%type_pkg[python] %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -m installer --destdir %d dist/*.whl << DocFiles: LICENSE README.rst <<