Package: xmp Version: 4.2.0 Revision: 1 Description: Extended Module Player DescDetail: << The Extended Module Player, or xmp, is a portable command-line module player for Unix and Unix-like systems. Xmp plays over 80 mainstream and obscure module formats from Amiga, Atari, Acorn, Apple IIgs and PC. << DescUsage: << To customize user settings copy %p/etc/xmp.conf to $HOME/.xmp/ and edit. << License: GPL2+ Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <> Homepage: Depends: libxmp4-shlibs (>= 4.4-1) BuildDepends: libxmp4 (>= 4.4-1), pkgconfig Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(dc54513af9a4681029a1243fd0c9cdf153d813a1125de6c782926674285bc5ae) SetCFLAGS: -O3 ConfigureParams: << --disable-oss \ --disable-alsa \ --disable-dependency-tracking << InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d << DocFiles: README ChangeLog COPYING CREDITS