Package: groff Version: 1.23.0 Revision: 2 GCC: 4.0 Maintainer: Dave Vasilevsky Source: gnu Source-Checksum: SHA256(6b9757f592b7518b4902eb6af7e54570bdccba37a871fddb2d30ae3863511c13) DocFiles: BUG-REPORT COPYING NEWS PROBLEMS README Description: GNU document formatting system DescDetail: << Groff (GNU Troff) is a document processor which reads plain text mixed with formatting commands and produces formatted output. This version includes gxditview and supports HTML. Licensing details: - groff is licensed under the GPL. - gxditview is derived from xditview (MIT license -> BSD style), with modifications in the public domain. << InfoDocs: BuildDepends: << fink (>= 0.32), fink-package-precedence, libiconv-dev, x11-dev << Depends: << ghostscript | ghostscript-nox, libiconv, netpbm-bin, psutils << RuntimeDepends: app-defaults PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: fba55f16b075e83b75d8a58a109d4497 UseMaxBuildJobs: false ConfigureParams: << --with-appresdir=%p/etc/app-defaults \ --disable-silent-rules << CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export LC_CTYPE=C PERLPATH=/usr/bin/perl PERL=/usr/bin/perl ./configure %c make fink-package-precedence . << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev export LC_CTYPE=C make install DESTDIR=%d INSTALL_INFO=echo rm %i/lib/charset.alias << DescPackaging: << Avoid dependency mess if /sw/bin/perl exists at compile-time << License: GPL Homepage: SplitOff: << Package: gxditview Files: bin/gxditview share/man/man1/gxditview.1 Depends: x11, %N DocFiles: src/devices/xditview/README License: BSD <<