Package: latexdiff Version: Revision: 1 Description: Compare latex files and markup differences License: GPL Maintainer: None Depends: algorithm-diff-pm Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(5e55ee205750ccbea8d69cf98791707e7a42ab88e92d3a1101f9de53643aa1d3) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 18c833f8bfd927734b2c21b378aa3f68 PatchScript: << %{default_script} perl -pi -e 's|/usr/local|%i|g' Makefile << CompileScript: # None InfoTest: << TestScript: << make test-ext || exit 2 make test-fast || exit 2 << << DocFiles: COPYING README doc/latexdiff-man.pdf doc/latexdiff-man.tex InstallScript: << make install-latexrevise install-latexdiff-vc install-man # manually install the two -ext and -fast variants because we use U-A # mkdir -p %i/bin install latexdiff %i/bin/latexdiff-ext install latexdiff-fast %i/bin/latexdiff-fast << PostInstScript: << update-alternatives --install %p/bin/latexdiff latexdiff %p/bin/latexdiff-ext 10 update-alternatives --install %p/bin/latexdiff latexdiff %p/bin/latexdiff-fast 20 << PreRmScript: << update-alternatives --remove latexdiff %p/bin/latexdiff-ext update-alternatives --remove latexdiff %p/bin/latexdiff-fast << Homepage: DescDetail: << latexdiff is a Perl script, which compares two latex files and marks up significant differences between them (i.e. a diff for latex files). Various options are available for visual markup using standard latex packages such as 'color.sty'. Changes not directly affecting visible text, for example in formatting commands, are still marked in the latex source. This package installs both 'latexdiff-ext' (which uses an external diff module) and 'latexdiff-fast' (which uses the standard diff utility); the default 'latexdiff' command is managed through the update-alternatives system. You can change this default using e.g. sudo update-alternatives --set latexdiff `which latexdiff-fast` See 'man update-alternatives' for more information. A rudimentary revision facility is provided by another Perl script, 'latexrevise', which accepts or rejects all changes. Manual editing of the difference file can be used to override this default behaviour and accept or reject selected changes only. << DescPackaging: << Previous maintainer: Bruno De Fraine Avoid needing GNU's variant of 'install'. See: <<