Package: apg Version: 2.2.3 Revision: 3 Description: Automated Password Generator Homepage: DescDetail: << apg generates several random passwords. It uses several password generation algorithms (currently two) and a built-in pseudo random number generator. This package only includes the standalone version. << License: BSD DocFiles: CHANGES COPYING INSTALL README THANKS TODO Maintainer: Steffen Prohaska <> Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(69c9facde63958ad0a7630055f34d753901733d55ee759d08845a4eda2ba7dba) BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12-1) PatchFile: %n.patch PatchFile-MD5: 11530aff38361a058d3763a98038d1e4 CompileScript: << make standalone << InstallScript: << make install INSTALL_PREFIX=%i APG_BIN_DIR=/bin APG_MAN_DIR=/share/man/man1 APGD_BIN_DIR=/sbin APGD_MAN_DIR=/share/man/man8 << DescPort: << 2.2.3-3: fixed install process (no need to change files to root), fixed compile warning int/long cast 2.2.3-2: fixed License class, added homepage Patched Makefile: - no need for -lcrypt - fixed install target to be dependent on compile target <<