Package: atool Version: 0.39.0 Revision: 1 Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(aaf60095884abb872e25f8e919a8a63d0dabaeca46faeba87d12812d6efc703b) ConfigureParams: PERL=/usr/bin/perl InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d mkdir -p %i/etc/bash_completion.d cp extra/bash-completion-atool* %i/etc/bash_completion.d/atool << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README TODO License: GPL3+ Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink <> Description: Script tool for making handling archives easy DescUsage: << Supports quite many archive types, which are listed in the manpage. Up to you to figure out which fink packages you need to install for getting the command line utilities. It's really easy in most cases. <<