Package: cdlabelgen
Version: 4.3.0
Revision: 1
Source-Checksum: SHA256(94202a33bd6b19cc3c1cbf6a8e1779d7c72d8b3b48b96267f97d61ced4e1753f)
Maintainer: Charles Lepple <>
License: BSD

Description: Create CD/DVD jewel case inserts

DescDetail: <<
cdlabelgen is a Perl script that generates printouts suitable for use as CD/DVD
labels, jewel case inserts, or envelopes. Both normal sized cases and slim
cases are handled. cdlabelgen can be used to create table of contents for music
CDs, archival CDs, DVDs, etc., with customizable logos or background images,
and it generates PostScript files as output. The package also includes a Perl
CGI Web script which accepts JPEG images as logos or backgrounds, and can also
create PDF output files.

DocFiles: cdlabelgen.html cdlabelgen.pod ChangeLog INSTALL INSTALL.WEB README

PatchScript: <<
echo "Patching variable @where_is_the_template"
awk "{ print } /@where_is_the_template = \($/ { print \"    '%p/share/cdlabelgen/',\" }" cdlabelgen > cdlabelgen-mod
mv cdlabelgen-mod cdlabelgen

CompileScript: echo "Nothing to compile"

InstallScript: <<
echo "Running install script"
mkdir -p %i/share/man/man1
make install BASE_DIR=%i MAN_DIR=%i/share/man LIB_DIR=%i/share/cdlabelgen
cp %i/share/cdlabelgen

DescPackaging: <<
Previous maintainer: Michael Prentice <>