Package: dc3dd Version: 7.1.614 Revision: 1 Depends: libgettext8-shlibs (>= 0.17-19) BuildDepends: << automake1.15, libgettext8-dev (>= 0.17-19), gettext-tools, fink-package-precedence << Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/7.1/%n-%v.tar.bz2 Source-Checksum: SHA256(3465b4cf1aa58bdfe05a7215e282da3f823d907c4673987ad6646f3414b410d4) SetCFLAGS: -Os ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man gl_cv_func_stpncpy=yes InstallScript: << make install DESTDIR=%d /bin/rm %i/lib/charset.alias << DocFiles: ABOUT-NLS AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README* TODO *.txt THANKS* License: GPL2 Homepage: Maintainer: Jack Fink <> Description: Patched version of GNU dd DescDetail: << A patch to the GNU dd program, this version has several features intended for forensic acquisition of data. Highlights include hashing on-the-fly, split output files, pattern writing, a progress meter, and file verification. << DescPort: << Apparently the test for stpncpy on OS X is broken on 10.7+, so apply fix along the lines of <<