Info2: <<
Package: fixpath
Version: 1.0.1
Revision: 10.9
Distribution: 10.9
License: Public Domain
Maintainer: Alexander Hansen <>
Description: Consistent PATHs in X11 and Aqua terminals

Type: systemperl (5.16.2)

BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.32), system-perl%type_pkg[systemperl]
RuntimeDepends: list-moreutils-pm%type_pkg[systemperl]

Source-Checksum: SHA256(b4db512abc86520a5be1d78033b6fa44e8be8681d152cef28bdea8dab4c53d3e)
SourceRename: %n-%v.tgz
SourceDirectory: akhansen-%n-977ac36

PatchScript: <<
	#!/bin/sh -ev
	for ext in pl csh sh ; do
		sed -e 's,@PREFIX@,%p,g' %n.$ > %n.$ext

CompileScript: echo "No compiling required."
InstallScript: <<
	install -d %i/bin
	install %i/bin
	install -d %i/etc/profile.d
	install %n.csh %i/etc/profile.d 

DescDetail: <<
fixpath is a set of scripts to fix the order and remove repeated and unwanted
entries in the PATH or MANPATH. It was originally intended to deal with issues
in the PATH and MANPATH in X11 terminals on Mac OS 10.8 for Fink, but could
easily be adapted for other scenarios.

In addition to installing the "" executable, this package also 
installs scripts in %p/profile.d so that the PATH and MANPATH will 
automatically be adjusted to put Fink's paths at the front when a new terminal
session is started.
DescUsage: <<
You will need to use the login shell option on your X-terminal (e.g. 'xterm 
-ls') for the PATH and MANPATH fixes to be applied automatically when you open
a new window.  This may result in doubling of user-defined entries.  Applying 
the script again will prune those.
DescPackaging: <<
Uses the system's Perl.