Package: ideviceinstaller
Version: 1.0.1
Revision: 4
Description: Manage applications of an iDevice
License: GPL/LGPL

# Dependencies:
BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12), pkgconfig, libxml2, libzip2, libplist1, usbmuxd2-dev, libimobiledevice4-dev
Depends: libzip2-shlibs, libimobiledevice4-shlibs

# Unpack Phase:
Source-Checksum: SHA256(e2e5dc41c08cce7cec9edaf4596322f424d5195c255d3c1b957b81b45529b4f5)


# Additional Info
DescDetail: <<
  ideviceinstaller is a tool to interact with the installation_proxy 
  of an iDevice allowing to install, upgrade, uninstall, archive, restore,
  and enumerate installed or archived apps.

  There is a known bug in libimobiledevice which causes transfers of large 
  apps to/from the device to abort due to a timeout.

Usage: ideviceinstaller OPTIONS

  -U, --uuid UUID	Target specific device by its 40-digit device UUID.
  -l, --list-apps	List apps, possible options:
       -o list_user	- list user apps only (this is the default)
       -o list_system	- list system apps only
       -o list_all	- list all types of apps
       -o xml		- print full output as xml plist
  -i, --install ARCHIVE	Install app from package file specified by ARCHIVE.
  -u, --uninstall APPID	Uninstall app specified by APPID.
  -g, --upgrade APPID	Upgrade app specified by APPID.
  -L, --list-archives	List archived applications, possible options:
       -o xml		- print full output as xml plist
  -a, --archive APPID	Archive app specified by APPID, possible options:
       -o uninstall	- uninstall the package after making an archive
       -o app_only	- archive application data only
       -o copy=PATH	- copy the app archive to directory PATH when done
       -o remove	- only valid when copy=PATH is used: remove after copy
  -r, --restore APPID	Restore archived app specified by APPID
  -R, --remove-archive APPID  Remove app archive specified by APPID
  -o, --options		Pass additional options to the specified command.
  -h, --help		prints usage information
  -d, --debug		enable communication debugging

DescPort: Followed the instructions in README

Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <>