Info2: << Package: libimobiledevice-py%type_pkg[python] Type: python (2.7) Version: 1.1.4 Revision: 6 Description: Library to talk to iDevices License: LGPL # Dependencies: Depends: python%type_pkg[python], libimobiledevice4-shlibs (>= %v-1) BuildDepends: << pkgconfig, automake1.14, autoconf2.6, libtool2, cython-py%type_pkg[python], usbmuxd2-dev, libplist1, libplist-py%type_pkg[python]-dev << GCC: 4.0 # Unpack Phase: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(65289964e909f95375362677a6b941810b32eef82856566ebcd4021b807580b8) SourceDirectory: libimobiledevice-84235e0834e57551028329723f4510e1dbe7bc11 Patchscript: << # This corrects bug #280 of the bug tracker and can be deleted, once fixed by upstream sed -i.bak 's|LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_INTERNAL inline void debug_buffer(|inline void debug_buffer(|g' src/debug.h # fix from git commit 0cac547eb79492e04176ad541fe6fb1d1f576824, Feb 27, 2013 sed -i.bak 's|cdef inline BaseError _error(|cdef BaseError _error(|g' cython/imobiledevice.pxd sed -i.bak 's|cdef inline BaseError _error(|cdef BaseError _error(|g' cython/imobiledevice.pyx # fix from git commit 62ab50f64fa210304338a5bfccdc6a26fac5f0ec, May 13, 2013 sed -i.bak 's|\&c_session_id, \&ssl_enabled)|\&c_session_id, <int *>\&ssl_enabled)|g' cython/lockdown.pxi << ConfigureParams: LDFLAGS="-L%p/lib/python%type_raw[python]/config -L%p/lib" PYTHON=%p/bin/python%type_raw[python] CFLAGS="-I%p/include -std=gnu89" CompileScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev ./ %c # Compile only what is needed for building the python stuff with cython make -C src all make -C cython all << InstallScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev make -C cython install DESTDIR=%d install -d -m 755 %d/%p/include/imobiledevice/cython cp cython/*.pxd %d/%p/include/imobiledevice/cython << DocFiles: AUTHORS COPYING* NEWS README SplitOff: << Package: %N-dev BuildDependsOnly: true Depends: %N Conflicts: libimobiledevice-py25-dev, libimobiledevice-py26-dev, libimobiledevice-py27-dev Replaces: libimobiledevice-py25-dev, libimobiledevice-py26-dev, libimobiledevice-py27-dev Files: include << # Additional Info DescDetail: << libimobiledevice is a software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and Apple TV devices. Unlike other projects, it does not depend on using any existing proprietary libraries and does not require jailbreaking. It allows other software to easily access the device's filesystem, retrieve information about the device and it's internals, backup/restore the device, manage SpringBoard icons, manage installed applications, retrieve addressbook/calendars/notes and bookmarks and synchronize music and video to the device. See the README file for some commandline tools to access iDevices. << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <> <<