Package: memtester Version: 4.5.0 Revision: 1 Description: Userspace memory subsystem fault tester License: GPL Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(8ed52b0d06d4aeb61954994146e2a5b2d20448a8f3ce3ee995120e6dbde2ae37) SourceDirectory: %n-%v BuildDepends: fink-package-precedence PatchScript: << #!/bin/sh -ev # fix of head for Mac OS X sed -i.bak 's|head -1|head -n 1|g' Makefile sed -i.bak 's|cc -s|cc|g' conf-ld << CompileScript: << make fink-package-precedence --no-headers . << InstallScript: << install -d '%i/share/man/man8' install -m 644 memtester.8 '%i/share/man/man8/' install -d '%i/bin' install memtester '%i/bin/' << DocFiles: BUGS COPYING CHANGELOG README README.tests DescDetail: << memtester is a utility for testing the memory subsystem in a computer to determine if it is faulty. << DescPort: << `make install` expects top level /man instead of /share/man; we just install manually here since it's just two files. << Homepage: Maintainer: Karl-Michael Schindler <>