Package: nomarch Version: 1.4 Revision: 1 Description: File archive/compression utility DescDetail: << nomarch lists/extracts/tests `.arc' archives. (It also handles `.ark' files, they're exactly the same.) This is a *very* outdated file format which should never be used for anything new, but unfortunately, you can still run into it every so often (especially if you mess about with old CP/M stuff). So nomarch is handy as a way to deal with these files. For more on how nomarch works and how to use it, do `man nomarch' once it's installed. << Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <> License: GPL2+ Homepage: Source: Source-Checksum: SHA256(fe20da34e0d3ba0cf6388701f44ac22224cf65130ddbc5fcbc27bc4949a6e1ad) NoSetCPPFLAGS: true CompileScript: make PREFIX=%p InstallScript: make install PREFIX=%i MANDIR='$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1' DocFiles: ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README TODO