Package: pwgen Version: 2.07 Revision: 1 Description: Simple password generator DescDetail: << pwgen generates random, meaningless but pronounceable passwords. These passwords contain either only lowercase letters, or upper and lower case mixed, or digits thrown in. Uppercase letters and digits are placed in a way that eases remembering their position when memorizing only the word. << License: GPL DocFiles: LICENSE Maintainer: Beat Birkhofer <> Homepage: Source: mirror:sourceforge:%n/%n-%v.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(eb74593f58296c21c71cd07933e070492e9222b79cedf81d1a02ce09c0e11556) ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man InstallScript: << head -n 9 pwgen.c > LICENSE make install DESTDIR=%d <<