Package: teseq Version: 1.1.1 Revision: 1 Description: Tool for analyzing terminal control sequences DescDetail: << GNU Teseq is a tool for analyzing files that contain control characters and terminal control sequences. It is intended to be useful for diagnosing terminal emulators and programs that make heavy use of terminal features (such as those based on the Curses library). It is primarily targeted at individuals who possess a basic understanding of terminal control sequences, especially CSI sequences. However, by default Teseq will try to identify and describe the sequences that it encounters and the behavior they might produce in a terminal. << Homepage: Maintainer: Daniel Johnson <> License: GPL Source: gnu Source-Checksum: SHA256(32fbd22bc1e16796a02a3915ac6c29015607a19b00a50de570c747860b009622) ConfigureParams: --disable-dependency-tracking --libexecdir=%p/lib/%n CompileScript: << ./configure %c make AM_CFLAGS='' << InstallScript: make install DESTDIR=%d InfoTest: << TestDepends: check TestScript: make check AM_CFLAGS='' || exit 2 << InfoDocs: DocFiles: AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING NEWS README