Package: tmpreaper Version: 1.6.13 Revision: 1 ### Source: mirror:debian:pool/main/t/%N/%N_%v+nmu1.tar.gz Source-Checksum: SHA256(c88f05b5d995b9544edb7aaf36ac5ce55c6fac2a4c21444e5dba655ad310b738) SourceDirectory: %N-%v+nmu1 ### DocFiles: README COPYING ChangeLog ### Maintainer: None <> HomePage: License: DFSG-Approved Description: Removes files based on last access time ### BuildDepends: fink (>= 0.24.12) ### #ConfigureParams: --mandir=%p/share/man ### DescDetail: << Cleans up files in directories based on their age This package provides a program that can be used to clean out temporary-file directories. It recursively searches the directory, refusing to chdir() across symlinks, and removes files that haven't been accessed in a user-specified amount of time. You can specify a set of files to protect from deletion with a shell pattern. It will not remove files owned by the process EUID that have the `w' bit clear, unless you ask it to, much like `rm -f'. `tmpreaper' will not remove symlinks, sockets, fifos, or special files unless given a command line option enabling it to. WARNING: Please do not run `tmpreaper' on `/'. There are no protections against this written into the program, as that would prevent it from functioning the way you'd expect it to in a `chroot(8)' environment. The daily tmpreaper run can be configured through /etc/tmpreaper.conf . <<