Drop a warning when someone resisters a shareable SA_INTERRUPT irq handler.

This doesn't make sense, because the non-SA_INTERRUPT handler expects to run
with interrupts enabled.  And sharing SA_INTERRUPT handlers causes
larger-than-designed interrupt latency.

 25-akpm/arch/i386/kernel/irq.c |   14 +++++++-------
 1 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff -puN arch/i386/kernel/irq.c~shared-irq-warning arch/i386/kernel/irq.c
--- 25/arch/i386/kernel/irq.c~shared-irq-warning	Tue Mar  4 14:30:37 2003
+++ 25-akpm/arch/i386/kernel/irq.c	Tue Mar  4 14:33:54 2003
@@ -449,6 +449,10 @@ out:
  *	SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM	The interrupt can be used for entropy
+ *	SA_SHIRQ|SA_INTERRUPT is not a sensible or legal combination, because
+ *	a non-SA_INTERRUPT handler expects to run with interrupts enabled.
+ *	And sharing SA_INTERRUPT handlers causes larger-than-designed interrupt
+ *	latency.
 int request_irq(unsigned int irq, 
@@ -460,7 +464,6 @@ int request_irq(unsigned int irq, 
 	int retval;
 	struct irqaction * action;
-#if 1
 	 * Sanity-check: shared interrupts should REALLY pass in
 	 * a real dev-ID, otherwise we'll have trouble later trying
@@ -468,18 +471,15 @@ int request_irq(unsigned int irq, 
 	 * interrupt freeing logic etc).
 	if (irqflags & SA_SHIRQ) {
-		if (!dev_id)
-			printk("Bad boy: %s (at 0x%x) called us without a dev_id!\n", devname, (&irq)[-1]);
+		WARN_ON(!dev_id);
+		WARN_ON(irqflags & SA_INTERRUPT);
 	if (irq >= NR_IRQS)
 		return -EINVAL;
 	if (!handler)
 		return -EINVAL;
-	action = (struct irqaction *)
-			kmalloc(sizeof(struct irqaction), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	action = kmalloc(sizeof(*action), GFP_ATOMIC);
 	if (!action)
 		return -ENOMEM;
