DVILN03 is a program to convert TeX Device Independent (DVI) output
  files into a form suitable for printing on a Digital LN03 laser
  printer. The "Local Guide to DVILN03" contains full details of this
  program. Please report any problems or suggestions to Brian Hamilton
  Kelly, or by sending electronic mail to user TEX.


    DVILN03 file-name

  If the program terminates successfully, it will produce two new files,
  with the same name, but different types.

    file-name.LN3  - the output file, suitable for printing on a Digital
                     LN03 laser printer using the TEXPRINT command.

    file-name.TYP  - the log file, recording messages sent by DVILN03 to
                     the terminal, plus additional information.

2 Parameter


  Specifies the TeX DeVice Independent (DVI) file to be converted to 
  a form suitable for printing on a Digital LN03 laser printer. 

2 Command_Qualifiers


 /STARTING_PAGE=starting_page_number             (default = *)

 This qualifier specifies the first TeX page to be converted.  A
 wildcard qualifier may be used, in which case, the first  page number
 matching the specification is used. DVILN03  accepts TeX multiple page
 specifiers e.g. 1.*.19.4; see the user guide for further details.

 If you omit this qualifier, DVILN03 will start at the first page of the


 /NUMBER_OF_PAGES=number_of_pages_to_print       (default=1000000)

 This qualifier specifies the number of TeX pages to be converted.
 If you omit this qualifier, DVILN03 will print the entire document.


 /ORIENTATION=image_orientation                  (default=PORTRAIT)
 This qualifier specifies the orientation of the document as it will be
 printed on the Digital LN03 printer. Two options are available:
   The output is intended to be printed taller than it is wide.

   The output is intended to be printed wider than it is tall.



 The output (ready for printing on an LN03 printer) will normally be 
 written in the current directory, with the same name as the DVI file
 and file extension `.LN3'.  The /OUTPUT qualifier, which requires a
 partial file specification, can be used to override some or all of
 these defaults.

 This qualifier can be particularly useful for users with limited disk 
 quota who can use it to divert output to a scratch disk, or even send
 it directly to a spooled printer.


 This allows the user to control whether the log file will be kept after
 processing the document and optionally to provide an alternative file 
 specification for the file.  The default for this file is to write it 
 in the current directory, with the same name as the DVI file, but with 
 file type `.TYP'.  Any value provided to the /LOG qualifier allows the
 user to override some or all of these defaults.  If /LOG is specified,
 with or without a file specification, the log file will always be 
 retained, even if no error or warning messages have been issued.

 If /NOLOG is specified, the file will always be deleted at the end of
 processing, even if an error or warning message has been issued.

 The default action, if neither qualifier is present, is to delete the
 file if no error or warning messages were issued, but to retain it


 /VERBOSE (deafult)

 Controls the amount of progress messages sent to the user's terminal.
 All messages go to the log file (see /LOG) in the usual fashion, but 
 if /NOVERBOSE has been specified, the terminal only shows the total 
 number of bytes of fonts downloaded and the page numbers processed;
 warning and error messages still appear, of course.


 /LEFT_MARGIN=left_page_margin_offset          (default=300px)

 This qualifier specifies the distance (in the given unit) between the 
 physical left-hand edge of the paper and TeX's logical left-hand edge 
 of the paper. Device Independent (DVI) files are produced by TeX under 
 the assumption that this distance is one inch. The resolution of the 
 Digital LN03 printer is 300 pixels/inch; the default value is therefore
 set to 300px. `px' is used to specify pixels as the unit for this
 dimension; any of TeX's standard physical units (e.g. pt, mm, in) may
 be used instead.
 Use this qualifier with care.


 /TOP_MARGIN=top_margin_offset                (default=300px)

 This qualifier specifies the distance (in the given unit) between the 
 physical top edge of the paper and TeX's logical top edge of the paper. 
 Device Independent (DVI) files are produced by TeX under the assumption
 that this distance is one inch. The resolution of the Digital LN03 
 printer is 300 pixels/inch; the default value is therefore set to
 300px. `px' is used to specify pixels as the unit for this dimension;
 any of TeX's standard physical units (e.g. pt, mm, in) may be used
 Use this qualifier with care.


 /HFUZZ=dimension                             (default=100sp)

 Ordinarily, TeX never generates lines that exceed the right margin; if
 it does, it issues an `Overfull /hbox' message.  However, some macro
 packages cause TeX to exceed the margin by a few points or so, and
 these pages, when processed by DVItoLN03, will give rise to warning
 messages if the right margin is exceeded by more than the value
 specified with /HFUZZ.  The default value of this qualifier is 100sp,
 which is invisibly small (it's approximately the wavelength of visible
 light!); using larger values with this qualifier can suppress the
 warning messages.
 Use this qualifier with care.


 /VFUZZ=dimension                            (default=100sp)

 TeX is even less likely to write output below the bottom margin of the
 page, but this qualifier can be used analogously to /HFUZZ (q.v.) to
 suppress the resultant warning messages if it does! 

 Specifies whether or not DVItoLN03 should use the page numbers stored
 in the .DVI file for deciding which pages should be printed on left and
 right pages.  Each page may have more than one number, and DVItoLN03
 will use the number (from TeX's \count0).  Pages will be printed on
 alternating right and left pages when /NODUPLEX_BY_PAGE_NUMBERS is
 specified. When /DUPLEX_BY_PAGE_NUMBERS is specified, DVItoLN03 will
 print pages with odd and even numbers on right and left pages
 respectively.  However, if a page has number 0, it will be printed on a
 right page.  The /PRINT_MODE must be specified to enable duplex


 Permits use of extra facilities of newer printers such as the DEClaser
 models 2100 and 2200 (LN05 and LN06).  Some combination of options can
 be used with the traditional LN03 as well.

 The options are as follows:

 SIMPLEX   Print only on one side of the paper.  This is the default.
 DUPLEX    Print on both sides of the paper.
 MASTER    Used together with DUPLEX for producing a master for copying.
           This will make the printer print on one side of the paper,
           but insert a blank sheet when the left page in the copies is
           to be blank.  The output is therefore correctly sequenced
           to be photocopied into a double-sided document.  This option 
           can even be used with an ordinary LN03.
 TUMBLED   Used together with duplex mode.  MASTER may not be specified.  
           Print left pages upside down.

 NORMAL    The opposite of TUMBLED.  This is the default.



 The LN05 printer is capable of selecting paper feed from its paper tray
 or by manual insertion of a sheet or envelope: this could be used, for
 example, to print the first page on a manually-fed sheet of letterhead

 The LN06 has two individually selectable paper trays and manual feed as
 standard; in addition, it may be fitted with an optional envelope
 feeder and a large capacity (1000 sheet) external paper tray.

 Any of these paper sources may be selected through use of the
 /FEED_TRAY qualifier; the options available are

   ALL=tray_type          Feed all sheets from the specified tray
   FIRST=tray_type        Feed the first sheet from this tray
   REST=tray_type         Feed subsequent sheets from this tray

 Tray types are specified through use of the following keywords:



 /DEVICE_TYPE=printer_type                      (default: LN03)

 Selects the model of printer for which output is being prepared; the
 default value of this qualifier will vary from site to site, but may
 readily be overridden to generate output for a different model.

 Values accepted for printer_type are:

     LN03   The traditional LN03, or the LN03-plus.  Not the LN03R
            PostScript printer.
     LN05   The DEClaser 2100.
     LN06   The DEClaser 2200.


 /TFM_DIRECTORY=file_spec                   (default=TEX$FONTS:)

 Specifies where files containing TeX Font Metrics will be found.
 Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!


 /VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY=file_spec               (default=TEX$FONTS:)

 Specifies where files containing the description of virtual fonts will
 be found.  
 Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!


 /PK_FONT_DIRECTORY=file_spec               (default=TEX$PK:)

 Specifies where files containing packed pixel rasters will be found. If
 the specification (after logical name translation, if necessary) ends
 with the characters ".]", a tree-structured directory will be assumed,
 with fonts of different magnifications held in separate directories. 
 Otherwise, a flat structure is assumed, with the different
 magnifications being distinguishable by different file type extensions.
 Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!


 /PXL_FONT_DIRECTORY=file_spec              (default=TEX$PXL_ROOT:)

 Specifies where files containing unpacked pixel rasters will be found.
 If the specification (after logical name translation, if necessary)
 ends with the characters ".]", a tree-structured directory will be
 assumed, with fonts of different magnifications held in separate
 directories.  Otherwise, a flat structure is assumed, with the
 different magnifications being distinguishable by different file type
 Only use this qualifier if you are a system wizard!


 /PAPER_SIZE=paper  (Default = A4)

 Controls whether the program assumes the use of European A4 (210x297mm)
 paper or US (8-1/2x11in).  It is insufficient just to use this qualifier
 to control the output: it is also necessary to power down the printer, 
 move the paper size switch on the back to the desired setting, and switch
 on again.  Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that this qualifier will
 ever be specified by a user: rather it is present so that the system
 manager can define the default paper size in use at any individual site.

2 Examples

  This command converts LATEX_OUTPUT_FILE.DVI to a form suitable for
  printing on a Digital LN03 laser printer. All pages are converted
  for printing in portrait form, starting one inch (300 printer 
  pixels) from the top and left-hand edges of the paper.


  As above, but convert only thirteen TeX pages, starting at TeX 
  page [5.3.2].


  This command converts the immediately previous version of file
  LATEX_OUTPUT_FILE.DVI to a form suitable for printing on a Digital LN03
  laser printer. The first 20 pages are converted for printing in
  landscape form, starting one inch (300 printer pixels) from the top
  and left-hand edges of the paper.

  Name of the font to test = myfont

  This is one circumstance in which a user might want to use the extra
  qualifiers, for use with a font that has just been built (by METAFONT)
  and is residing in the current directory.  TeX (and DVItoLN03) will
  expect to find MYFONT.TFM in the current directory; failing that it
  will look, as usual, in the directory indicated by TEX$FONTS.
  DVItoLN03 will in addition look for MYFONT.300PK in one of those

  Converts LATEX_OUTPUT_FILE.DVI to a form suitable for printing on the
  DEClaser 2200.  Pages are printed on both sides of the paper,  and
  DVItoLN03 does not insert blank pages when page numbers indicate it.
  The first sheet of paper must be manually fed, and the rest are taken
  from the top tray.