/* fig2eng.c -- version 0.4 -- 21:29 GMT +10 Mon 27 June 1994. * * fig2eng -- Convert Fig 2.1 code numbers to English. * * Geoffrey Tobin * ecsgrt@luxor.latrobe.edu.au * * Version History: * * 0.0 -- initial attempt, working from Fig2MF 0.04 gt mod 1x. * * 0.1 -- fix for arrows in splines. (fa, ba were wrongly read as * floats.) * -- EPS line, if present, must _precede_ the points line. * (This is contrary to both the Transfig Manual, 2.1.8, and * xfig/Doc/FORMAT2.1 file for xfig 2.1.8, but it is what the * `readme.c' file in transfig 2.1.8 does, so!) * * 0.2 -- count objects from 1, not 0 as before. * * 0.3 -- state arrow direction before detailed arrow information. * -- tabs in this C source replaced by spaces. * * 0.4 -- fig2eng.c has prototypes, and detects ANSI (or non-ANSI) C * compiler. */ #include <stdio.h> #define OUTPUT printf #define put_msg(x) fputs (x, stderr); \ fprintf (stderr, \ " in file \"%s\" \n", figfile) #define dofill() (1.2 - ((double) area_fill / (double) FILL_BLACK)) #define dopen(x) (((x-1)*PEN_INCR) + DEF_PEN) #define FIG_HEADER_LEN 8 #define TITLE "fig2eng" #define VERSION "0.4 Mon 27 June 1994" #define BUF_SIZE 1024 #define O_ELLIPSE 1 #define O_POLYLINE 2 #define O_SPLINE 3 #define O_TEXT 4 #define O_ARC 5 #define O_COMP 6 #define O_ECOMP (-6) #define FILL_BLACK 21 #define N_CURVE 11 #define N_POLYLINE 12 #define N_ELLIPSE 19 #define N_ARC 20 #define DEF_PEN 0.5 #define PEN_INCR 0.10 char *progname = ""; char *figfile = ""; int ppi; #define OK 0 #define FAIL (-1) /* Function prototypes */ #ifdef __STDC__ #define __(X) X #define Void void #else #define __(X) () #define Void int #endif int main __((int argc, char * argv[])); int skipspaces __((FILE * fp)); int process __((char * filename)); int compound __((FILE * fp)); Void end_compound __((void)); int common_fields __((FILE * fp)); int arrow __((FILE * fp)); int points __((FILE * fp, int * p_npts)); int arrow_check __((int fa, int ba)); int polyline __((FILE * fp)); int spline __((FILE * fp)); int ellipse __((FILE * fp)); int arc __((FILE * fp)); int text __((FILE * fp)); /* Function code */ int main #ifdef __STDC__ (int argc, char * argv[]) #else (argc, argv) int argc; char * argv[]; #endif { FILE * fp; int i; progname = argv[0]; figfile = "Standard Input"; OUTPUT ("%%\n%% %s: %s version %s \n%%\n", progname, TITLE, VERSION); if (argc < 2) process ("-"); else { for (i=1; i < argc; i++) process (argv[i]); } return (0); } /* main */ int skipspaces #ifdef __STDC__ (fp) FILE * fp; #else (FILE * fp) #endif { int ch; while (((ch = getc (fp)) != EOF || !feof (fp)) && isspace (ch)) ; /* if not at end of file, ch is now a nonspace */ if (ch != EOF || !feof (fp)) { if (ungetc (ch, fp) == EOF) { put_msg ("FATAL ERROR: ungetc failed!"); OUTPUT ("FATAL ERROR: ungetc failed\n"); return FAIL; } } } /* skipspaces */ int process #ifdef __STDC__ (char * filename) #else (filename) char * filename; #endif { int status = OK; FILE * fp = (FILE *) NULL; int ch; char tmpbuf[FIG_HEADER_LEN+2]; /* possible newline, plus ascii nul */ int nobjs = 0; /* counts objects in Fig file */ int coord_sys; int object; if (filename[0] == '-') { figfile = "Standard Input"; fp = stdin; } else { figfile=filename; if ((fp = fopen (filename, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open the input file \"%s\"\n", progname, filename); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } } /* gt - input Fig file */ OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("%% Interpreting Fig file:\n"); OUTPUT ("%% \n"); OUTPUT ("%% `%s' \n", figfile); OUTPUT ("\n"); fgets (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), fp); if (strncmp (tmpbuf, "#FIG 2.1", FIG_HEADER_LEN) != 0) { put_msg ("Header is not the expected `#FIG 2.1'!"); OUTPUT ("Header is `%s', but expected `#FIG 2.1'\n", tmpbuf); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } OUTPUT ("Fig 2.1\n"); if (fscanf (fp, "%d%d", &ppi, &coord_sys) != 2) { put_msg ("INCOMPLETE ppi and coord_sys data!"); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } OUTPUT ("%d pixels per inch\n", ppi); switch (coord_sys) { case 1: OUTPUT ("origin at lower left corner"); break; case 2: OUTPUT ("origin at upper left corner"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID coordinate system"); put_msg ("INVALID coordinate system!"); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("%% Note: Numbering objects from 0.\n"); for (nobjs = 0; (ch = getc (fp)) != EOF || ! feof (fp); nobjs++) { if (ungetc (ch, fp) == EOF) { put_msg ("FATAL ERROR: ungetc failed!"); OUTPUT ("FATAL ERROR: ungetc failed\n"); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } OUTPUT ("\n"); /* empty line before each object */ if (fscanf (fp, "%d", &object) != 1) { put_msg ("ERROR: object needs to be an integer!"); OUTPUT ("ERROR: object # %d needs to be an integer\n", nobjs+1); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } OUTPUT ("Object # %d: \n", nobjs+1); OUTPUT ("\n"); switch (object) { case O_ELLIPSE: if (ellipse (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } break; case O_POLYLINE: if (polyline (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } break; case O_SPLINE: if (spline (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } break; case O_TEXT: if (text (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } break; case O_ARC: if (arc (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } break; case O_COMP: if (compound (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } break; case O_ECOMP: end_compound (); break; default: fprintf (stderr, "object (# %d) = %d is an ", nobjs+1, object); put_msg ("UNKNOWN object!"); status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; break; } /* skip whitespaces, including end of line */ if (skipspaces (fp) == FAIL) { status = FAIL; goto LabelFail; } if (object != O_COMP && object != O_ECOMP) { OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("End of object # %d.\n", nobjs+1); } } if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp); OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("%% Finished reading Fig file `%s'. \n", figfile); OUTPUT ("\n"); return OK; LabelFail: OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("%% An Error interrupted reading Fig file `%s'. \n", figfile); OUTPUT ("\n"); return FAIL; } /* process */ int compound #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int urx, ury; int llx, lly; OUTPUT ("Compound Object:\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &urx); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ury); fscanf (fp, "%d", &llx); fscanf (fp, "%d", &lly); OUTPUT ("Bounding box corners:\n"); OUTPUT ("Upper right = (%d, %d) \n", urx, ury); OUTPUT ("Lower left = (%d, %d) \n", llx, lly); return OK; } /* compound */ Void end_compound __((void)) { OUTPUT ("End Compound Object.\n"); } /* end_compound */ #define SOLID_LINE 0 #define DASH_LINE 1 #define DOTTED_LINE 2 #define DEFAULT_COLOR (-1) #define BLACK 0 #define BLUE 1 #define GREEN 2 #define CYAN 3 #define RED 4 #define MAGENTA 5 #define YELLOW 6 #define WHITE 7 #define DEFAULT_PEN 0 #define DEFAULT_FILL 0 #define WHITE_FILL 1 #define BLACK_FILL 21 int common_fields #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int line_style, line_thickness, color, depth, pen, area_fill; float style_val; fscanf (fp, "%d", &line_style); fscanf (fp, "%d", &line_thickness); fscanf (fp, "%d", &color); fscanf (fp, "%d", &depth); fscanf (fp, "%d", &pen); fscanf (fp, "%d", &area_fill); fscanf (fp, "%f", &style_val); OUTPUT ("line style = "); switch (line_style) { case SOLID_LINE : OUTPUT ("solid"); break; case DASH_LINE: OUTPUT ("dash"); break; case DOTTED_LINE: OUTPUT ("dotted"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID"); put_msg ("INVALID line style!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("line thickness = %d pixels\n", line_thickness); OUTPUT ("color = "); switch (color) { case DEFAULT_COLOR: OUTPUT ("default"); break; case BLACK: OUTPUT ("black"); break; case BLUE: OUTPUT ("blue"); break; case GREEN: OUTPUT ("green"); break; case CYAN: OUTPUT ("cyan"); break; case RED: OUTPUT ("red"); break; case MAGENTA: OUTPUT ("magenta"); break; case YELLOW: OUTPUT ("yellow"); break; case WHITE: OUTPUT ("white"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID"); put_msg ("INVALID color!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("depth = layer %d\n", depth); OUTPUT ("pen = %d (0 and -1 are the default values) \n", pen); OUTPUT ("area fill = "); switch (area_fill) { case DEFAULT_FILL: OUTPUT ("default"); break; case WHITE_FILL: OUTPUT ("white"); break; case BLACK_FILL: OUTPUT ("black"); break; default: if (area_fill > WHITE_FILL && area_fill < BLACK_FILL) { OUTPUT ("grey, darkness = %d", area_fill); OUTPUT (" (range : 1 to 21)"); } else { OUTPUT ("INVALID"); put_msg ("INVALID area fill!"); return FAIL; } break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("style value = %.3f", style_val); if (line_style == DASH_LINE) OUTPUT (" = dash length"); else if (line_style == DOTTED_LINE) OUTPUT (" = gap between dots"); else OUTPUT (" : ignored"); OUTPUT ("\n"); return OK; } /* common_fields */ int arrow #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int at, as; float athick, awidth, aht; fscanf (fp, "%d", &at); fscanf (fp, "%d", &as); fscanf (fp, "%f", &athick); fscanf (fp, "%f", &awidth); fscanf (fp, "%f", &aht); OUTPUT ("arrow_type = %d (default is 0 or -1)\n", at); OUTPUT ("arrow_style = %d (default is 0 or -1)\n", as); OUTPUT ("arrow_thickness = %.3f (default is 0 or -1, I think)\n", athick); OUTPUT ("arrow_width = %.3f\n", awidth); OUTPUT ("arrow_height = %.3f\n", aht); return OK; } /* arrow */ int points #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp, int * p_npts) #else (fp, p_npts) FILE * fp; int * p_npts; #endif { int npts; for (npts = 0; ; npts++) { int x, y; if (fscanf (fp, "%d%d", &x, &y) != 2) { OUTPUT ("INCOMPLETE points line!\n"); put_msg ("INCOMPLETE points line!"); return FAIL; } if (x == 9999) break; OUTPUT (" (%d, %d)\n", x, y); } * p_npts = npts; /* number of points */ return OK; } /* points */ #define NO_ARROW 0 #define ARROW 1 int arrow_check #ifdef __STDC__ (int fa, int ba) #else (fa, ba) int fa, ba; #endif { OUTPUT ("forward arrow : "); switch (fa) { case ARROW: OUTPUT ("yes"); break; case NO_ARROW: OUTPUT ("no"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID (fa = %d) !", fa); put_msg ("INVALID forward arrow code!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("backward arrow : "); switch (ba) { case ARROW: OUTPUT ("yes"); break; case NO_ARROW: OUTPUT ("no"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID (ba = %d) !", ba); put_msg ("INVALID backward arrow code!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); return OK; } /* arrow_check */ #define T_POLYLINE 1 #define T_BOX 2 #define T_POLYGON 3 #define T_ARC_BOX 4 #define T_EPS_BOX 5 #define EPS_UPRIGHT 0 #define EPS_FLIPPED 1 int polyline #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int sub_type; int radius; int fa, ba; int flipped; char epsfile[100 + 1]; int npts; OUTPUT ("Polyline Object:\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sub_type); OUTPUT ("sub_type = "); switch (sub_type) { case T_POLYLINE: OUTPUT ("polyline"); break; case T_BOX: OUTPUT ("box"); break; case T_POLYGON: OUTPUT ("polygon"); break; case T_ARC_BOX: OUTPUT ("arc_box"); break; case T_EPS_BOX: OUTPUT ("eps_box"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID"); put_msg ("INVALID polyline subtype!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); if (common_fields (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; fscanf (fp, "%d", &radius); OUTPUT ("radius = %d\n", radius); fscanf (fp, "%d", &fa); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ba); if (arrow_check (fa, ba) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (fa == ARROW) { OUTPUT ("forward arrow has:\n"); if (arrow (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; } if (ba == ARROW) { OUTPUT ("backward arrow has:\n"); if (arrow (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; } /* Transfig Manual and xfig's FORMAT2.1 for version 2.1.8 */ /* disagree with transfig's read.c and xfig/Example/logo.fig; */ /* I go with the latter, until proven otherwise. */ if (sub_type == T_EPS_BOX) { int ch; fscanf (fp, "%d", &flipped); fscanf (fp, "%100s", epsfile); /* skip any remaining characters in EPS filename */ while (! isspace (ch = getc(fp))) ; OUTPUT ("EPS orientation = "); switch (flipped) { case EPS_UPRIGHT: OUTPUT ("upright"); break; case EPS_FLIPPED: OUTPUT ("flipped"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID"); put_msg ("INVALID EPS orientation!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("EPS filename = `%s'\n", epsfile); } OUTPUT ("Corner points:\n"); if (points (fp, &npts) == FAIL) return FAIL; return OK; } /* polyline */ #define T_OPEN_NORMAL 0 #define T_CLOSED_NORMAL 1 #define T_OPEN_INTERPOLATED 2 #define T_CLOSED_INTERPOLATED 3 int spline #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int sub_type; int fa, ba; int nkeys; OUTPUT ("Spline Object:\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sub_type); switch (sub_type) { case T_OPEN_NORMAL: OUTPUT ("open B-spline"); break; case T_CLOSED_NORMAL: OUTPUT ("closed B-spline"); break; case T_OPEN_INTERPOLATED: OUTPUT ("open interpolated spline"); break; case T_CLOSED_INTERPOLATED: OUTPUT ("closed interpolated spline"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID spline sub_type"); put_msg ("INVALID spline sub_type!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); if (common_fields (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; fscanf (fp, "%d", &fa); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ba); if (arrow_check (fa, ba) == FAIL) return FAIL; if (fa == ARROW) { OUTPUT ("forward arrow has:\n"); if (arrow (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; } if (ba == ARROW) { OUTPUT ("backward arrow has:\n"); if (arrow (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; } OUTPUT ("Key points:\n"); if (points (fp, &nkeys) == FAIL) return FAIL; switch (sub_type) { case T_OPEN_INTERPOLATED: case T_CLOSED_INTERPOLATED: { int i; OUTPUT ("Control points:\n"); for (i=0; i < nkeys; i++) { int j; /* two control points per key point */ for (j=0; j < 2; j++) { float x, y; fscanf (fp, "%f", &x); fscanf (fp, "%f", &y); OUTPUT ("(%.3f, %.3f) ", x, y); } OUTPUT ("\n"); } } } return OK; } /* spline */ #define T_ELLIPSE_BY_RAD 1 #define T_ELLIPSE_BY_DIA 2 #define T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD 3 #define T_CIRCLE_BY_DIA 4 int ellipse #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int sub_type; int direction; float angle; int cx, cy, rx, ry, sx, sy, ex, ey; OUTPUT ("Ellipse Object:\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sub_type); switch (sub_type) { case T_ELLIPSE_BY_RAD: OUTPUT ("ellipse by radius"); break; case T_ELLIPSE_BY_DIA: OUTPUT ("ellipse by diameter"); break; case T_CIRCLE_BY_RAD: OUTPUT ("circle by radius"); break; case T_CIRCLE_BY_DIA: OUTPUT ("circle by diameter"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID ellipse sub_type"); put_msg ("INVALID ellipse sub_type!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); if (common_fields (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; fscanf (fp, "%d", &direction); OUTPUT ("direction = %d (should be fixed at 1) \n", direction); fscanf (fp, "%f", &angle); OUTPUT ("angle = %.3f radians\n", angle); fscanf (fp, "%d", &cx); fscanf (fp, "%d", &cy); OUTPUT ("centre = (%d,%d) \n", cx, cy); fscanf (fp, "%d", &rx); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ry); OUTPUT ("radii = (%d,%d) \n", rx, ry); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sx); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sy); OUTPUT ("(Fig internal) start = (%d,%d) \n", sx, sy); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ex); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ey); OUTPUT ("(Fig internal) end = (%d,%d) \n", ex, ey); return OK; } /* ellipse */ #define T_3_POINT_ARC 1 #define CLOCKWISE 0 #define COUNTER 1 int arc #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int sub_type; int direction; int fa, ba; float cx, cy; int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; OUTPUT ("Arc Object:\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sub_type); if (sub_type == T_3_POINT_ARC) OUTPUT ("three point arc\n"); else { OUTPUT ("INVALID arc sub_type %d\n", sub_type); put_msg ("INVALID arc sub_type!"); return FAIL; } if (common_fields (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; fscanf (fp, "%d", &direction); OUTPUT ("direction = "); switch (direction) { case CLOCKWISE: OUTPUT ("clockwise"); break; case COUNTER: OUTPUT ("counter clockwise"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID (%d)", direction); put_msg ("INVALID direction!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &fa); fscanf (fp, "%d", &ba); if (arrow_check (fa, ba) == FAIL) return FAIL; fscanf (fp, "%f", &cx); fscanf (fp, "%f", &cy); OUTPUT ("centre = (%.3f, %.3f)\n", cx, cy); fscanf (fp, "%d", &x1); fscanf (fp, "%d", &y1); OUTPUT ("point 1 = (%d, %d)\n", x1, y1); fscanf (fp, "%d", &x2); fscanf (fp, "%d", &y2); OUTPUT ("point 2 = (%d, %d)\n", x2, y2); fscanf (fp, "%d", &x3); fscanf (fp, "%d", &y3); OUTPUT ("point 3 = (%d, %d)\n", x3, y3); if (fa == ARROW) { OUTPUT ("forward arrow has:\n"); if (arrow (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; } if (ba == ARROW) { OUTPUT ("backward arrow has:\n"); if (arrow (fp) == FAIL) return FAIL; } return OK; } /* arc */ #define T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED 0 #define T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED 1 #define T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED 2 #define DEFAULT_FONT_0 0 #define DEFAULT_FONT_1 (-1) #define ROMAN 1 #define BOLD 2 #define ITALICS 3 #define MODERN 4 #define TYPEWRITER 5 #define NO_TEXT 0 #define RIGID_TEXT 1 #define SPECIAL_TEXT 2 #define PSFONT_TEXT 4 #define HIDDEN_TEXT 8 #define TR 1 #define TI 2 #define TB 3 #define TBI 4 #define AG 5 #define AGBO 6 #define AGD 7 #define AGDO 8 #define BKL 9 #define BKLI 10 #define BKD 11 #define BKDI 12 #define COUR 13 #define COURO 14 #define COURB 15 #define COURBI 16 #define HV 17 #define HVO 18 #define HVB 19 #define HVBO 20 #define HVN 21 #define HVNO 22 #define HVNB 23 #define HVNBO 24 #define NCR 25 #define NCI 26 #define NCB 27 #define NCBI 28 #define PLR 29 #define PLI 30 #define PLB 31 #define PLBI 32 #define SYMBOL 33 #define ZCMI 34 #define ZDING 35 int text #ifdef __STDC__ (FILE * fp) #else (fp) FILE * fp; #endif { int sub_type; int font; float size; int pen, color, depth; float angle; int text_flags; float height, length; int x, y; char text[80], /* WARNING: THIS MAY NOT BE BIG ENOUGH! */ junk[2]; OUTPUT ("Text Object:\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &sub_type); OUTPUT ("sub_type = "); switch (sub_type) { case T_LEFT_JUSTIFIED: OUTPUT ("left justified"); break; case T_CENTER_JUSTIFIED: OUTPUT ("centre justified"); break; case T_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED: OUTPUT ("right justified"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID text sub_type = %d", sub_type); put_msg ("INVALID text sub_type!"); return FAIL; break; } OUTPUT ("\n"); fscanf (fp, "%d", &font); OUTPUT ("font = %d (this code is to be interpreted below)\n", font); fscanf (fp, "%f", &size); OUTPUT ("font size = %.3f\n", size); fscanf (fp, "%d", &pen); OUTPUT ("pen = %d (should be default = 0 or -1) \n", pen); fscanf (fp, "%d", &color); OUTPUT ("color = %d (should be default = 0 or -1) \n", color); fscanf (fp, "%d", &depth); OUTPUT ("depth = level %d\n", depth); fscanf (fp, "%f", &angle); OUTPUT ("angle = %.3f radians\n", angle); fscanf (fp, "%d", &text_flags); OUTPUT ("text flags: "); if (text_flags == NO_TEXT) OUTPUT ("none"); else { if (text_flags & RIGID_TEXT) OUTPUT ("rigid "); if (text_flags & SPECIAL_TEXT) OUTPUT ("special "); if (text_flags & PSFONT_TEXT) OUTPUT ("PostScript "); if (text_flags & HIDDEN_TEXT) OUTPUT ("hidden "); } OUTPUT ("\n"); OUTPUT ("font name = "); if (text_flags & PSFONT_TEXT) { switch (font) { case DEFAULT_FONT_0: case DEFAULT_FONT_1: OUTPUT ("default"); break; case TR: OUTPUT ("Times-Roman"); break; case TI: OUTPUT ("Times-Italic"); break; case TB: OUTPUT ("Times-Bold"); break; case TBI: OUTPUT ("Times-Bold-Italic"); break; case AG: OUTPUT ("AvantGarde"); break; case AGBO: OUTPUT ("AvantGarde-BookOblique"); break; case AGD: OUTPUT ("AvantGarde-Demi"); break; case AGDO: OUTPUT ("AvantGarde-DemiOblique"); break; case BKL: OUTPUT ("Bookman-Light"); break; case BKLI: OUTPUT ("Bookman-LightItalic"); break; case BKD: OUTPUT ("Bookman-Demi"); break; case BKDI: OUTPUT ("Bookman-DemiItalic"); break; case COUR: OUTPUT ("Courier"); break; case COURO: OUTPUT ("Courier-Oblique"); break; case COURB: OUTPUT ("Courier-Bold"); break; case COURBI: OUTPUT ("Courier-BoldItalic"); break; case HV: OUTPUT ("Helvetica"); break; case HVO: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-Oblique"); break; case HVB: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-Bold"); break; case HVBO: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-BoldOblique"); break; case HVN: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-Narrow"); break; case HVNO: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-Narrow-Oblique"); break; case HVNB: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-Narrow-Bold"); break; case HVNBO: OUTPUT ("Helvetica-Narrow-BoldOblique"); break; case NCR: OUTPUT ("NewCenturySchlbk-Roman"); break; case NCI: OUTPUT ("NewCenturySchlbk-Italic"); break; case NCB: OUTPUT ("NewCenturySchlbk-Bold"); break; case NCBI: OUTPUT ("NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic"); break; case PLR: OUTPUT ("Palatino-Roman"); break; case PLI: OUTPUT ("Palatino-Italic"); break; case PLB: OUTPUT ("Palatino-Bold"); break; case PLBI: OUTPUT ("Palatino-BoldItalic"); break; case SYMBOL: OUTPUT ("Symbol"); break; case ZCMI: OUTPUT ("ZapfChancery-MediumItalic"); break; case ZDING: OUTPUT ("ZapfDingbats"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID PostScript font = %d\n", font); put_msg ("INVALID PostScript font!"); return FAIL; break; } } else { switch (font) { case DEFAULT_FONT_0: case DEFAULT_FONT_1: OUTPUT ("default"); break; case ROMAN: OUTPUT ("Roman"); break; case BOLD: OUTPUT ("Bold"); break; case ITALICS: OUTPUT ("Italics"); break; case MODERN: OUTPUT ("Modern (sans serif)"); break; case TYPEWRITER: OUTPUT ("Typewriter"); break; default: OUTPUT ("INVALID Fig font = %d", font); put_msg ("INVALID Fig font!"); return FAIL; break; } } OUTPUT ("\n"); fscanf (fp, "%f", &height); OUTPUT ("height = %.3f pixels\n", height); fscanf (fp, "%f", &length); OUTPUT ("length = %.3f pixels\n", length); fscanf (fp, "%d", &x); fscanf (fp, "%d", &y); OUTPUT ("text location = (%d, %d) \n", x, y); fscanf (fp, "%[^\1]%[\1]", text, junk); OUTPUT ("text = `%s'\n", text); return OK; } /* text */ /* end of fig2eng 0.4 of Mon 27 June 1994 */