% podar@sbcs (Sunil Podar) July 14, 1986
% following commands implemented here (see the comments below for more info):
% \pmb
% \timeofday
% \verbfile
% \listing
% poor man's bold. from pp. 386 of TeXbook. 1.732*0.025=0.0433 (the ratio of
% em to ex)
\pmboffset 0.025em
 \kern 2\pmboffset\copy0\kern-\wd0
 \kern-\pmboffset\raise 1.732\pmboffset\box0 }
% \timeofday is just like \today; it gives the current time of day in the form
% hh:mm as in the military style. It eats up a blank so normally one would
% say: \timeofday\  (i.e. a \<space>.
\def\timeofday{{\@tempcnta=\time \divide\@tempcnta by 60 \@tempcntb=\@tempcnta
\multiply\@tempcntb by 60 \advance\@tempcntb by -\time %@tempcntb is -ve here
\ifnum\@tempcntb < -9 \number\@tempcnta:\number-\@tempcntb
%From: Tim Morgan <morgan@uci-icsa>
%Subject: verbatim macros
%Here are some macros which I mostly stole from the TeXbook source and
%other places.  You can say
%	\verbfile{filename}
%to \input all of "filename" in verbatim mode.  The end of the file is the
%only thing that gets you back out of verbatim -- no characters are special.
%\listing is the same except that each line of the file is automatically
% Produce verbatim listings of various sorts

\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=12 } \dospecials}

    \par \tt \spaceskip=0pt	% Make sure we get fixed tt spacing
{\catcode`\^^M=13{\catcode`\ =13\gdef\verbatimdefs{\def^^M{\ \par}\let =\ }}
% Input a file in verbatim mode.  Sometimes useful for including
% real-life examples into a paper.
    \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=0pt
    \input#1 \endgroup

% This is the same as the above, but it adds line numbers to each
% line of the file printed.
    \parskip=0pt plus .05\baselineskip \parindent=20pt
    \everypar{\advance\lineno by 1 \llap{\the\lineno\ \ }}\input#1