%% gatech-thesis-gloss.sty - support code for creating glossaries
%%   depends on gloss.sty, so it is not included by default in the
%%   main gatech-thesis.cls (this cuts down on ``extra'' dependencies
%% To use this package, all you need do is include
%%   \usepackage{gatech-thesis-gloss}
%%   \glossfiles{<glosary file, sans .bib suffix>}
%% in your preamble, and the glossary will be automatically generated
%% and included in the frontmatter.  Of course, you need actual
%% *entries* in the glossary file -- which must end in .bib -- and you
%% need actual citations to those entries within your bodytext, like this:
%%   \gloss{key}.
%% Note that \gloss{<key>} typesets the <word> from the <key> entry of 
%% the glossfile within the text, so there''s no need to do this:
%%   (BAD) word\gloss{keyforword}
%% Read the gloss.sty documentation for more info, but basically 
%% gatech-thesis-gloss.sty makes it simple:
%%    1. insert the two commands above into your preamble
%%    2. create a glossfile with your glossary definitions
%%    3. sprinkle \gloss{} citations in your text
%%    4. run ``bibtex'' on the <rootfile>.gls.aux file created
%%       after the first ``latex'' run.  (But don''t include the
%%       .aux extension.  So say ``bibtex <rootfile>.gls''  You
%%       can do this at the same time you run ``bibtex'' for your
%%       references.
%%    5. run ``latex'' twice more
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{gatech-thesis-gloss}
          [2002/08/08  Glossary support for gatech-thesis.cls]
  PackageError{This style can only be used with the gatech-thesis class}

\glossarypagetrue% why use this package if you're not going to USE it?




% \setglossstring{List of Nomenclature}% ???

\renewcommand{\glossheading}[1]{} % don't print subsection headings ("A", "B", ...)

    % must clear page here, so that phantomsection\addcontentsline is on the correct page