What in my opinion is one of the most irritating limitations with the 
standard encodings used with LaTeX today is that they either have very 
few slots available for ligatures or offer no way in which LaTeX can make 
use all those accented character glyphs that fonts usually come equipped 
with. The relenc package makes it possible to get around this by 
introducing the concept of a relaxed encoding. Unlike normal encodings, 
relaxed encodings give the font designer (or whoever is setting up the 
font for use with LaTeX) a saying on what the author commands setting text 
from the fonts should really do to get their work done. This can be used 
to make more slots available for ligatures without more than marginally 
changing the visible result of any command.

One such relaxed encoding is included with the relenc package: the T1R 
encoding. It behaves like T1 to the author, but allows the font designer to 
include some 60 ligatures in the font (T1 only allows seven). Note however 
that it is up to the font designer to decide how those 60 slots should be 
used, so any subset of them can just as well be used for accented letters.

The package also comes with a font family called zcm, which exists only to 
provide an example of what can be done with the relenc package. This 
example can be viewed if you typeset the file reldemo.tex, but before you 
do that you need to have docstrip generate some other files. That will be 
done automatically if you run LaTeX on relenc.ins.

The distribution of the package roughly consists of four logical parts:
The first part is the package itself and its documentation, the second is 
the T1R encoding, the third is the zcm font family, and the fourth consists 
of files related to the distribution in general. The files in all four 
parts are listed and described below. All these files should be present in 
the distribution. If you recieve only some of these files from someone, 
then complain.

The files in the fourth part are:

README        This file
relenc.ins    The docstrip installation script for the package and 
              accompanying files. This script extracts files for parts 
              one, two, and three from their respective documented source 

The files in the first part are:

relenc.dtx    The documented source file for the relenc package.
relenc.tex    The complete documentation. The appendices of this document 
              even contain the documentation for the T1R encoding and zcm 
              font family, but that text is located in the files 
              t1renc.dtx and t1rzcm.fdd.
2sidedoc.sty  A LaTeX2e package used when typesetting relenc.tex and 
              relenc.dtx. See [1] below.

The file in the second part is:

t1renc.dtx    The specification of the T1R encoding and the documented 
              source for its encoding definition file.

The files in the third part are:

t1rzcm.fdd    A short description of the zcm font family and the 
              documented source for its font definition file.
reldemo.tex   A file that generates an example of what can be done with 
              the relenc package.
zcmr8d.tfm    \   The actual font files for the zcm font family.
zcmr8d.vf      |  PLEASE NOTE: These files are binary files and must be 
zcmr8d.vf2     |  transferred as such. If TeX, while typesetting
zcmr8d.vf3     \  reldemo.tex, stops and complains about "Bad metric (TFM) 
zcmra.tfm      /  file" then these files have most likely been damaged in 
zcmra.vf       |  some way. This sort of thing is usually caused by the 
zcmra.vf2      |  files being FTPed as text files instead of binary 
zcmra.vf3     /   files. ALSO NOTE: You only need four of these for any 
                  given TeX installation, but different installations need 
                  different subsets of them. See the documentation (typeset 
                  relenc.tex or t1rzcm.fdd) for more information.

The files docstrip generate from the documented source files above are:

relenc.sty    This is the relenc package itself.
t1renc.def    This is the encoding definition file for the T1R encoding.
t1rzcm.fd     This is the font definition file for the zcm font family 
              under the T1R encoding.
ecsubzcm.sty  This is a helper package, that may be useful for those who 
              uses the T1R encoding but prefer not to have the zcm font 
              family around.

A simple installation:

  Files to put in some TeX inputs directory:
  Files to put in some directory where TeX and DVI drivers looks for 
  TeX font metric (TFM) files:

  Files to put in some directory where DVI drivers looks for virtual font 
  (VF) files:

[1] The usage of the 2sidedoc package here is merely to split some of my 
    overlong macro names on more than one line, but I originally wrote it 
    to get a better layout on files documented with the doc package when 
    printing them in twoside mode. 2sidedoc sees to that the macro and 
    environment names printed in the margin by the commands in doc always 
    end up in the outer margin (instead of the left margin as with the 
    naked doc package) when the class operates in twoside mode.
    One funny thing about the package is that it writes information in the 
    aux file to help it figure out (for each piece of marginal material) 
    which margin is the outer. Due to this you may have to typeset a 
    document more than one time before the placing gets correct 
    everywhere, but that is the same kind of problem you'll be used to 
    get with incorrect page references, so we all know we can live with it.
    I intend to make a proper release of the 2sidedoc package sometime, 
    but first I will have to do something about the placement of codeline 
    numbers as well. As it turns out, the codeline numbers will assume the 
    role of an optical axis on the page; marking the boundary between the 
    body text and marginal material parts of the paper. This means that 
    these codeline numbers will have to change side depending on whether 
    the page is odd or even as well, just like the marginal material, and 
    I haven't gotten round to implementing a mechanism for this yet.
    Still, there is no harm in using the package as it is. If you put its 
    \usepackage somewhere after that of doc, then it will modify the doc 
    macros that needs to be modified. You don't notice much of it however, 
    unless you are typesetting with twosided printing active.

Lars Hellstr�m