% INDEX PSIZZL - indexing macros for TeX version 1.0 % index entries come in two visibilities - non-silent and silent % non-silent entries are preceeded by a ^ % while silent entries are preceeded by ^^ % the four types of non-silent entries are as follows % ^{text} - type 0, normal % ^|text| - type 1, TeX input, but not a control sequence % ^|\text| - type 2, TeX control sequence % ^\<text> - type 3, TeX concept, a mnemonic name % % the format of the entry in the index file is: % text_!n_pp. where _ is a space, n is the index type, % pp is the page number % \newif\ifproofindex \let\numbercount=\relax \def\\{% {\tt\char'134}% }% \def\<{% \relax\ifmmode\mskip\medmuskip\else\char'74\fi }% \newwrite\@ndexwrite\def\@ndexfile{index.psiztemp }% \adddef\fmtreset{% \immediate\openout\@ndexwrite=\@ndexfile % file for index reminders }% \newif\ifsilent \def\specialhat{% \relax\ifmmode\def\next{^}\else\let\next=\beginxref\fi\next }% \def\beginxref{% \futurelet\next\beginxrefswitch }% \def\beginxrefswitch{% \ifx\next\specialhat\let\next\silentxref \else\silentfalse\let\next\xref \fi \next }% {\c@tCactive\global\let^\specialhat\gdef\silentxref^{\silenttrue\xref}}% \c@tCactive\adddef\l@twrite\l@tCzero %this turns on indexing capability {\c@tVcontrol\c@tBactive|gdef\{}}% \ as an active character -> nothing \def\marginstyle{\vrule height6pt depth2pt width0pt \sevenrm}% \chardef\bslash=`\\ \def\xref{% \futurelet\next\xrefswitch }% \def\xrefswitch{% \begingroup \ifx\next|% \aftergroup\vxref % case 1 or 2, |arg| or |\arg| \else \ifx\next\<% \aftergroup\anglexref % case 3, "\<arg>" means angle bracke \else \aftergroup\normalxref% case 0, "{arg}" \fi \fi \endgroup }% \def\vxref|{\c@tBactive\futurelet\next\vxrefswitch}% \def\vxrefswitch#1|{\c@tBcontrol \ifx\next\empty \def\xreftype{2}\def\next{{\tt\bslash\text}}% type 2, |\arg| \else \def\xreftype{1}\def\next{{\tt\text}}% type 1, |arg| \fi \edef\text{#1}\makexref }% \def\anglexref\<#1>{% \def\xreftype{3}\def\text{#1}\def\next{$\langle$\text$\rangle$}% \makexref }% \def\normalxref#1{% \def\xreftype{0}\def\text{#1}\let\next=\text\makexref }% \def\makexref{% \ifproofindex \insert\margin{\hbox{\marginstyle\text}}% \xdef\writeit{% \write\@ndexwrite{% \text\space!\xreftype\space\noexpand\number\p@gecount.% }% }% \writeit \else\ifhmode\kern\z@\fi \fi \ifsilent\ignorespaces\else\next\fi }% % the \insert (which is done in proofmode only) suppresses hyphenation, % so the \kern\z@ is put in to give the same effect in non-proofmode.