% Use \endnote{1}{text}. At the end of your document, type
% \producenotes to actually flush all end notes to be printed.
% macros for making endnotes instead of footnotes
% We make @ signs act like letters, temporarily, to avoid conflict
% between user names and internal control sequences of plain format.


  \stepcounter{endnotei} $^{\theendnotei}$\@sf% \vendnote
   \vbox{\parindent=0pt\endnotefont\unvbox\endnotebox\bgroup \theendnotei.\

\def\no@te{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\n@@te
  \else\let\next\n@t\fi }%\next}



\def\@endnote{\strut\unskip\hfil \penalty -\@M\relax \egroup} %

\catcode`@=12 % at signs are no longer letters