# autolatex - user configuration file


# Indicates if the generated document must be viewed.
view = no
;viewer = acroread                           # Path of the viewer


# Does the figures must be automatically generated
generate images = yes

# If specified, contains the directory where to search
# for the images to automatically generate
;image directory = <path>

# Type of generation.
# pdf   : use pdflatex to create a PDF document
# dvi   : use latex to create a DVI document
# ps    : use latex and dvips to create a Postscript document
# pspdf : use latex, dvips and ps2pdf to create a PDF document
;generation type = pdf

# Specify the style that must be used by makeindex.
# Valid values are:
#    <filename>      if a filename was specified, AutoLaTeX assumes that it is the .ist file;
#    @system         AutoLaTeX uses the system default .ist file (in AutoLaTeX distribution);
#    @detect         AutoLaTeX will tries to find a .ist file in the project's directory. If
#                    none was found, AutoLaTeX will not pass a style to makeindex;
#    @none           AutoLaTeX assumes that no .ist file must be passed to makeindex;
#    <empty>         AutoLaTeX assumes that no .ist file must be passed to makeindex.
#    @detect@system  If @detect failed, assumes @system
makeindex style = @detect, @system

# Set some internal variables of autotex.
;set make   = make			# GNU make
;set latex  = pdflatex			# LaTeX compiler
;set bibtex = bibtex			# BibTeX compiler
;set dvips  = dvips			# dvi to ps converter
;set ps2pdf = ps2pdf			# ps to pdf converter

;set latex_flags        = 			# Options for the LaTeX compiler
;set latex_draft_flags  = --draftmode		# Options for the LaTeX compiler in draft mode
;set bibtex_flags       = 			# Options for the BibTeX compiler
;set dvips_flags        = 			# Options for the dvi to ps converter
;set ps2pdf_flags       = 			# Options for the ps to pdf converter

;set touch    = autolatex_touch                 # Portable version of the Unix command touch
;set echo     = autolatex_echo                  # Portable version of the Unix command echo
;set echo_err = autolatex_echo_err              # Portable version of the Unix command echo

# Configure the cleaning feature
# List of additional files to remove when cleaning (shell wild cards are allowed).
# This list is used when the target 'clean' is invoked.
;files to clean = 

# List of additional files to remove when all cleaning (shell wild cards are allowed).
# This list is used when the target 'cleanall' is invoked.
;files to desintegrate =

# SCM Configuration (CVS or SVN)
;scm commit = cvs commit
# SCM Configuration (CVS or SVN)
;scm update = cvs update