# EXTRACT VARIOUSLY DELIMITED TEXT SEQUENCES FROM STRINGS. # FOR FULL DOCUMENTATION SEE Balanced.pod use 5.005; use strict; package Text::Balanced; use Exporter; use SelfLoader; use vars qw { $VERSION @ISA %EXPORT_TAGS }; $VERSION = '1.83'; @ISA = qw ( Exporter ); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( ALL => [ qw( &extract_delimited &extract_bracketed &extract_quotelike &extract_codeblock &extract_variable &extract_tagged &extract_multiple &gen_delimited_pat &gen_extract_tagged &delimited_pat ) ] ); Exporter::export_ok_tags('ALL'); # PROTOTYPES sub _match_bracketed($$$$$$); sub _match_variable($$); sub _match_codeblock($$$$$$$); sub _match_quotelike($$$$); # HANDLE RETURN VALUES IN VARIOUS CONTEXTS sub _failmsg { my ($message, $pos) = @_; $@ = bless { error=>$message, pos=>$pos }, "Text::Balanced::ErrorMsg"; } sub _fail { my ($wantarray, $textref, $message, $pos) = @_; _failmsg $message, $pos if $message; return ("",$$textref,"") if $wantarray; return undef; } sub _succeed { $@ = undef; my ($wantarray,$textref) = splice @_, 0, 2; my ($extrapos, $extralen) = @_>18 ? splice(@_, -2, 2) : (0,0); my ($startlen) = $_[5]; my $remainderpos = $_[2]; if ($wantarray) { my @res; while (my ($from, $len) = splice @_, 0, 2) { push @res, substr($$textref,$from,$len); } if ($extralen) { # CORRECT FILLET my $extra = substr($res[0], $extrapos-$startlen, $extralen, "\n"); $res[1] = "$extra$res[1]"; eval { substr($$textref,$remainderpos,0) = $extra; substr($$textref,$extrapos,$extralen,"\n")} ; #REARRANGE HERE DOC AND FILLET IF POSSIBLE pos($$textref) = $remainderpos-$extralen+1; # RESET \G } else { pos($$textref) = $remainderpos; # RESET \G } return @res; } else { my $match = substr($$textref,$_[0],$_[1]); substr($match,$extrapos-$_[0]-$startlen,$extralen,"") if $extralen; my $extra = $extralen ? substr($$textref, $extrapos, $extralen)."\n" : ""; eval {substr($$textref,$_[4],$_[1]+$_[5])=$extra} ; #CHOP OUT PREFIX & MATCH, IF POSSIBLE pos($$textref) = $_[4]; # RESET \G return $match; } } # BUILD A PATTERN MATCHING A SIMPLE DELIMITED STRING sub gen_delimited_pat($;$) # ($delimiters;$escapes) { my ($dels, $escs) = @_; return "" unless $dels =~ /\S/; $escs = '\\' unless $escs; $escs .= substr($escs,-1) x (length($dels)-length($escs)); my @pat = (); my $i; for ($i=0; $i<length $dels; $i++) { my $del = quotemeta substr($dels,$i,1); my $esc = quotemeta substr($escs,$i,1); if ($del eq $esc) { push @pat, "$del(?:[^$del]*(?:(?:$del$del)[^$del]*)*)$del"; } else { push @pat, "$del(?:[^$esc$del]*(?:$esc.[^$esc$del]*)*)$del"; } } my $pat = join '|', @pat; return "(?:$pat)"; } *delimited_pat = \&gen_delimited_pat; # THE EXTRACTION FUNCTIONS sub extract_delimited (;$$$$) { my $textref = defined $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; my $wantarray = wantarray; my $del = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : qq{\'\"\`}; my $pre = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : '\s*'; my $esc = defined $_[3] ? $_[3] : qq{\\}; my $pat = gen_delimited_pat($del, $esc); my $startpos = pos $$textref || 0; return _fail($wantarray, $textref, "Not a delimited pattern", 0) unless $$textref =~ m/\G($pre)($pat)/gc; my $prelen = length($1); my $matchpos = $startpos+$prelen; my $endpos = pos $$textref; return _succeed $wantarray, $textref, $matchpos, $endpos-$matchpos, # MATCH $endpos, length($$textref)-$endpos, # REMAINDER $startpos, $prelen; # PREFIX } sub extract_bracketed (;$$$) { my $textref = defined $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; my $ldel = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '{([<'; my $pre = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : '\s*'; my $wantarray = wantarray; my $qdel = ""; my $quotelike; $ldel =~ s/'//g and $qdel .= q{'}; $ldel =~ s/"//g and $qdel .= q{"}; $ldel =~ s/`//g and $qdel .= q{`}; $ldel =~ s/q//g and $quotelike = 1; $ldel =~ tr/[](){}<>\0-\377/[[(({{<</ds; my $rdel = $ldel; unless ($rdel =~ tr/[({</])}>/) { return _fail $wantarray, $textref, "Did not find a suitable bracket in delimiter: \"$_[1]\"", 0; } my $posbug = pos; $ldel = join('|', map { quotemeta $_ } split('', $ldel)); $rdel = join('|', map { quotemeta $_ } split('', $rdel)); pos = $posbug; my $startpos = pos $$textref || 0; my @match = _match_bracketed($textref,$pre, $ldel, $qdel, $quotelike, $rdel); return _fail ($wantarray, $textref) unless @match; return _succeed ( $wantarray, $textref, $match[2], $match[5]+2, # MATCH @match[8,9], # REMAINDER @match[0,1], # PREFIX ); } sub _match_bracketed($$$$$$) # $textref, $pre, $ldel, $qdel, $quotelike, $rdel { my ($textref, $pre, $ldel, $qdel, $quotelike, $rdel) = @_; my ($startpos, $ldelpos, $endpos) = (pos $$textref = pos $$textref||0); unless ($$textref =~ m/\G$pre/gc) { _failmsg "Did not find prefix: /$pre/", $startpos; return; } $ldelpos = pos $$textref; unless ($$textref =~ m/\G($ldel)/gc) { _failmsg "Did not find opening bracket after prefix: \"$pre\"", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } my @nesting = ( $1 ); my $textlen = length $$textref; while (pos $$textref < $textlen) { next if $$textref =~ m/\G\\./gcs; if ($$textref =~ m/\G($ldel)/gc) { push @nesting, $1; } elsif ($$textref =~ m/\G($rdel)/gc) { my ($found, $brackettype) = ($1, $1); if ($#nesting < 0) { _failmsg "Unmatched closing bracket: \"$found\"", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } my $expected = pop(@nesting); $expected =~ tr/({[</)}]>/; if ($expected ne $brackettype) { _failmsg qq{Mismatched closing bracket: expected "$expected" but found "$found"}, pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } last if $#nesting < 0; } elsif ($qdel && $$textref =~ m/\G([$qdel])/gc) { $$textref =~ m/\G[^\\$1]*(?:\\.[^\\$1]*)*(\Q$1\E)/gc and next; _failmsg "Unmatched embedded quote ($1)", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } elsif ($quotelike && _match_quotelike($textref,"",1,0)) { next; } else { $$textref =~ m/\G(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+|.)/gcs } } if ($#nesting>=0) { _failmsg "Unmatched opening bracket(s): " . join("..",@nesting)."..", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } $endpos = pos $$textref; return ( $startpos, $ldelpos-$startpos, # PREFIX $ldelpos, 1, # OPENING BRACKET $ldelpos+1, $endpos-$ldelpos-2, # CONTENTS $endpos-1, 1, # CLOSING BRACKET $endpos, length($$textref)-$endpos, # REMAINDER ); } sub revbracket($) { my $brack = reverse $_[0]; $brack =~ tr/[({</])}>/; return $brack; } my $XMLNAME = q{[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_:.-]*}; sub extract_tagged (;$$$$$) # ($text, $opentag, $closetag, $pre, \%options) { my $textref = defined $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; my $ldel = $_[1]; my $rdel = $_[2]; my $pre = defined $_[3] ? $_[3] : '\s*'; my %options = defined $_[4] ? %{$_[4]} : (); my $omode = defined $options{fail} ? $options{fail} : ''; my $bad = ref($options{reject}) eq 'ARRAY' ? join('|', @{$options{reject}}) : defined($options{reject}) ? $options{reject} : '' ; my $ignore = ref($options{ignore}) eq 'ARRAY' ? join('|', @{$options{ignore}}) : defined($options{ignore}) ? $options{ignore} : '' ; if (!defined $ldel) { $ldel = '<\w+(?:' . gen_delimited_pat(q{'"}) . '|[^>])*>'; } $@ = undef; my @match = _match_tagged($textref, $pre, $ldel, $rdel, $omode, $bad, $ignore); return _fail(wantarray, $textref) unless @match; return _succeed wantarray, $textref, $match[2], $match[3]+$match[5]+$match[7], # MATCH @match[8..9,0..1,2..7]; # REM, PRE, BITS } sub _match_tagged # ($$$$$$$) { my ($textref, $pre, $ldel, $rdel, $omode, $bad, $ignore) = @_; my $rdelspec; my ($startpos, $opentagpos, $textpos, $parapos, $closetagpos, $endpos) = ( pos($$textref) = pos($$textref)||0 ); unless ($$textref =~ m/\G($pre)/gc) { _failmsg "Did not find prefix: /$pre/", pos $$textref; goto failed; } $opentagpos = pos($$textref); unless ($$textref =~ m/\G$ldel/gc) { _failmsg "Did not find opening tag: /$ldel/", pos $$textref; goto failed; } $textpos = pos($$textref); if (!defined $rdel) { $rdelspec = $&; unless ($rdelspec =~ s/\A([[(<{]+)($XMLNAME).*/ quotemeta "$1\/$2". revbracket($1) /oes) { _failmsg "Unable to construct closing tag to match: $rdel", pos $$textref; goto failed; } } else { $rdelspec = eval "qq{$rdel}"; } while (pos($$textref) < length($$textref)) { next if $$textref =~ m/\G\\./gc; if ($$textref =~ m/\G(\n[ \t]*\n)/gc ) { $parapos = pos($$textref) - length($1) unless defined $parapos; } elsif ($$textref =~ m/\G($rdelspec)/gc ) { $closetagpos = pos($$textref)-length($1); goto matched; } elsif ($ignore && $$textref =~ m/\G(?:$ignore)/gc) { next; } elsif ($bad && $$textref =~ m/\G($bad)/gcs) { pos($$textref) -= length($1); # CUT OFF WHATEVER CAUSED THE SHORTNESS goto short if ($omode eq 'PARA' || $omode eq 'MAX'); _failmsg "Found invalid nested tag: $1", pos $$textref; goto failed; } elsif ($$textref =~ m/\G($ldel)/gc) { my $tag = $1; pos($$textref) -= length($tag); # REWIND TO NESTED TAG unless (_match_tagged(@_)) # MATCH NESTED TAG { goto short if $omode eq 'PARA' || $omode eq 'MAX'; _failmsg "Found unbalanced nested tag: $tag", pos $$textref; goto failed; } } else { $$textref =~ m/./gcs } } short: $closetagpos = pos($$textref); goto matched if $omode eq 'MAX'; goto failed unless $omode eq 'PARA'; if (defined $parapos) { pos($$textref) = $parapos } else { $parapos = pos($$textref) } return ( $startpos, $opentagpos-$startpos, # PREFIX $opentagpos, $textpos-$opentagpos, # OPENING TAG $textpos, $parapos-$textpos, # TEXT $parapos, 0, # NO CLOSING TAG $parapos, length($$textref)-$parapos, # REMAINDER ); matched: $endpos = pos($$textref); return ( $startpos, $opentagpos-$startpos, # PREFIX $opentagpos, $textpos-$opentagpos, # OPENING TAG $textpos, $closetagpos-$textpos, # TEXT $closetagpos, $endpos-$closetagpos, # CLOSING TAG $endpos, length($$textref)-$endpos, # REMAINDER ); failed: _failmsg "Did not find closing tag", pos $$textref unless $@; pos($$textref) = $startpos; return; } sub extract_variable (;$$) { my $textref = defined $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; return ("","","") unless defined $$textref; my $pre = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '\s*'; my @match = _match_variable($textref,$pre); return _fail wantarray, $textref unless @match; return _succeed wantarray, $textref, @match[2..3,4..5,0..1]; # MATCH, REMAINDER, PREFIX } sub _match_variable($$) { my ($textref, $pre) = @_; my $startpos = pos($$textref) = pos($$textref)||0; unless ($$textref =~ m/\G($pre)/gc) { _failmsg "Did not find prefix: /$pre/", pos $$textref; return; } my $varpos = pos($$textref); unless ($$textref =~ m/\G(\$#?|[*\@\%]|\\&)+/gc) { _failmsg "Did not find leading dereferencer", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } unless ($$textref =~ m/\G\s*(?:::|')?(?:[_a-z]\w*(?:::|'))*[_a-z]\w*/gci or _match_codeblock($textref, "", '\{', '\}', '\{', '\}', 0)) { _failmsg "Bad identifier after dereferencer", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } while (1) { next if _match_codeblock($textref, qr/\s*->\s*(?:[a-zA-Z]\w+\s*)?/, qr/[({[]/, qr/[)}\]]/, qr/[({[]/, qr/[)}\]]/, 0); next if _match_codeblock($textref, qr/\s*/, qr/[{[]/, qr/[}\]]/, qr/[{[]/, qr/[}\]]/, 0); next if _match_variable($textref,'\s*->\s*'); next if $$textref =~ m/\G\s*->\s*\w+(?![{([])/gc; last; } my $endpos = pos($$textref); return ($startpos, $varpos-$startpos, $varpos, $endpos-$varpos, $endpos, length($$textref)-$endpos ); } sub extract_codeblock (;$$$$$) { my $textref = defined $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; my $wantarray = wantarray; my $ldel_inner = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '{'; my $pre = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : '\s*'; my $ldel_outer = defined $_[3] ? $_[3] : $ldel_inner; my $rd = $_[4]; my $rdel_inner = $ldel_inner; my $rdel_outer = $ldel_outer; my $posbug = pos; for ($ldel_inner, $ldel_outer) { tr/[]()<>{}\0-\377/[[((<<{{/ds } for ($rdel_inner, $rdel_outer) { tr/[]()<>{}\0-\377/]]))>>}}/ds } for ($ldel_inner, $ldel_outer, $rdel_inner, $rdel_outer) { $_ = '('.join('|',map { quotemeta $_ } split('',$_)).')' } pos = $posbug; my @match = _match_codeblock($textref, $pre, $ldel_outer, $rdel_outer, $ldel_inner, $rdel_inner, $rd); return _fail($wantarray, $textref) unless @match; return _succeed($wantarray, $textref, @match[2..3,4..5,0..1] # MATCH, REMAINDER, PREFIX ); } sub _match_codeblock($$$$$$$) { my ($textref, $pre, $ldel_outer, $rdel_outer, $ldel_inner, $rdel_inner, $rd) = @_; my $startpos = pos($$textref) = pos($$textref) || 0; unless ($$textref =~ m/\G($pre)/gc) { _failmsg qq{Did not match prefix /$pre/ at"} . substr($$textref,pos($$textref),20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; return; } my $codepos = pos($$textref); unless ($$textref =~ m/\G($ldel_outer)/gc) # OUTERMOST DELIMITER { _failmsg qq{Did not find expected opening bracket at "} . substr($$textref,pos($$textref),20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } my $closing = $1; $closing =~ tr/([<{/)]>}/; my $matched; my $patvalid = 1; while (pos($$textref) < length($$textref)) { $matched = ''; if ($rd && $$textref =~ m#\G(\Q(?)\E|\Q(s?)\E|\Q(s)\E)#gc) { $patvalid = 0; next; } if ($$textref =~ m/\G\s*#.*/gc) { next; } if ($$textref =~ m/\G\s*($rdel_outer)/gc) { unless ($matched = ($closing && $1 eq $closing) ) { next if $1 eq '>'; # MIGHT BE A "LESS THAN" _failmsg q{Mismatched closing bracket at "} . substr($$textref,pos($$textref),20) . qq{...". Expected '$closing'}, pos $$textref; } last; } if (_match_variable($textref,'\s*') || _match_quotelike($textref,'\s*',$patvalid,$patvalid) ) { $patvalid = 0; next; } # NEED TO COVER MANY MORE CASES HERE!!! if ($$textref =~ m#\G\s*( [-+*x/%^&|.]=? | =(?!>) | (\*\*|&&|\|\||<<|>>)=? | [!=][~=] | split|grep|map|return )#gcx) { $patvalid = 1; next; } if ( _match_codeblock($textref, '\s*', $ldel_inner, $rdel_inner, $ldel_inner, $rdel_inner, $rd) ) { $patvalid = 1; next; } if ($$textref =~ m/\G\s*$ldel_outer/gc) { _failmsg q{Improperly nested codeblock at "} . substr($$textref,pos($$textref),20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; last; } $patvalid = 0; $$textref =~ m/\G\s*(\w+|[-=>]>|.|\Z)/gc; } continue { $@ = undef } unless ($matched) { _failmsg 'No match found for opening bracket', pos $$textref unless $@; return; } my $endpos = pos($$textref); return ( $startpos, $codepos-$startpos, $codepos, $endpos-$codepos, $endpos, length($$textref)-$endpos, ); } my %mods = ( 'none' => '[cgimsox]*', 'm' => '[cgimsox]*', 's' => '[cegimsox]*', 'tr' => '[cds]*', 'y' => '[cds]*', 'qq' => '', 'qx' => '', 'qw' => '', 'qr' => '[imsx]*', 'q' => '', ); sub extract_quotelike (;$$) { my $textref = $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; my $wantarray = wantarray; my $pre = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '\s*'; my @match = _match_quotelike($textref,$pre,1,0); return _fail($wantarray, $textref) unless @match; return _succeed($wantarray, $textref, $match[2], $match[18]-$match[2], # MATCH @match[18,19], # REMAINDER @match[0,1], # PREFIX @match[2..17], # THE BITS @match[20,21], # ANY FILLET? ); }; sub _match_quotelike($$$$) # ($textref, $prepat, $allow_raw_match) { my ($textref, $pre, $rawmatch, $qmark) = @_; my ($textlen,$startpos, $oppos, $preld1pos,$ld1pos,$str1pos,$rd1pos, $preld2pos,$ld2pos,$str2pos,$rd2pos, $modpos) = ( length($$textref), pos($$textref) = pos($$textref) || 0 ); unless ($$textref =~ m/\G($pre)/gc) { _failmsg qq{Did not find prefix /$pre/ at "} . substr($$textref, pos($$textref), 20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; return; } $oppos = pos($$textref); my $initial = substr($$textref,$oppos,1); if ($initial && $initial =~ m|^[\"\'\`]| || $rawmatch && $initial =~ m|^/| || $qmark && $initial =~ m|^\?|) { unless ($$textref =~ m/ \Q$initial\E [^\\$initial]* (\\.[^\\$initial]*)* \Q$initial\E /gcx) { _failmsg qq{Did not find closing delimiter to match '$initial' at "} . substr($$textref, $oppos, 20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } $modpos= pos($$textref); $rd1pos = $modpos-1; if ($initial eq '/' || $initial eq '?') { $$textref =~ m/\G$mods{none}/gc } my $endpos = pos($$textref); return ( $startpos, $oppos-$startpos, # PREFIX $oppos, 0, # NO OPERATOR $oppos, 1, # LEFT DEL $oppos+1, $rd1pos-$oppos-1, # STR/PAT $rd1pos, 1, # RIGHT DEL $modpos, 0, # NO 2ND LDEL $modpos, 0, # NO 2ND STR $modpos, 0, # NO 2ND RDEL $modpos, $endpos-$modpos, # MODIFIERS $endpos, $textlen-$endpos, # REMAINDER ); } unless ($$textref =~ m{\G((?:m|s|qq|qx|qw|q|qr|tr|y)\b(?=\s*\S)|<<)}gc) { _failmsg q{No quotelike operator found after prefix at "} . substr($$textref, pos($$textref), 20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } my $op = $1; $preld1pos = pos($$textref); if ($op eq '<<') { $ld1pos = pos($$textref); my $label; if ($$textref =~ m{\G([A-Za-z_]\w*)}gc) { $label = $1; } elsif ($$textref =~ m{ \G ' ([^'\\]* (?:\\.[^'\\]*)*) ' | \G " ([^"\\]* (?:\\.[^"\\]*)*) " | \G ` ([^`\\]* (?:\\.[^`\\]*)*) ` }gcx) { $label = $+; } else { $label = ""; } my $extrapos = pos($$textref); $$textref =~ m{.*\n}gc; $str1pos = pos($$textref); unless ($$textref =~ m{.*?\n(?=$label\n)}gc) { _failmsg qq{Missing here doc terminator ('$label') after "} . substr($$textref, $startpos, 20) . q{..."}, pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } $rd1pos = pos($$textref); $$textref =~ m{$label\n}gc; $ld2pos = pos($$textref); return ( $startpos, $oppos-$startpos, # PREFIX $oppos, length($op), # OPERATOR $ld1pos, $extrapos-$ld1pos, # LEFT DEL $str1pos, $rd1pos-$str1pos, # STR/PAT $rd1pos, $ld2pos-$rd1pos, # RIGHT DEL $ld2pos, 0, # NO 2ND LDEL $ld2pos, 0, # NO 2ND STR $ld2pos, 0, # NO 2ND RDEL $ld2pos, 0, # NO MODIFIERS $ld2pos, $textlen-$ld2pos, # REMAINDER $extrapos, $str1pos-$extrapos, # FILLETED BIT ); } $$textref =~ m/\G\s*/gc; $ld1pos = pos($$textref); $str1pos = $ld1pos+1; unless ($$textref =~ m/\G(\S)/gc) # SHOULD USE LOOKAHEAD { _failmsg "No block delimiter found after quotelike $op", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } pos($$textref) = $ld1pos; # HAVE TO DO THIS BECAUSE LOOKAHEAD BROKEN my ($ldel1, $rdel1) = ("\Q$1","\Q$1"); if ($ldel1 =~ /[[(<{]/) { $rdel1 =~ tr/[({</])}>/; _match_bracketed($textref,"",$ldel1,"","",$rdel1) || do { pos $$textref = $startpos; return }; } else { $$textref =~ /$ldel1[^\\$ldel1]*(\\.[^\\$ldel1]*)*$ldel1/gc || do { pos $$textref = $startpos; return }; } $ld2pos = $rd1pos = pos($$textref)-1; my $second_arg = $op =~ /s|tr|y/ ? 1 : 0; if ($second_arg) { my ($ldel2, $rdel2); if ($ldel1 =~ /[[(<{]/) { unless ($$textref =~ /\G\s*(\S)/gc) # SHOULD USE LOOKAHEAD { _failmsg "Missing second block for quotelike $op", pos $$textref; pos $$textref = $startpos; return; } $ldel2 = $rdel2 = "\Q$1"; $rdel2 =~ tr/[({</])}>/; } else { $ldel2 = $rdel2 = $ldel1; } $str2pos = $ld2pos+1; if ($ldel2 =~ /[[(<{]/) { pos($$textref)--; # OVERCOME BROKEN LOOKAHEAD _match_bracketed($textref,"",$ldel2,"","",$rdel2) || do { pos $$textref = $startpos; return }; } else { $$textref =~ /[^\\$ldel2]*(\\.[^\\$ldel2]*)*$ldel2/gc || do { pos $$textref = $startpos; return }; } $rd2pos = pos($$textref)-1; } else { $ld2pos = $str2pos = $rd2pos = $rd1pos; } $modpos = pos $$textref; $$textref =~ m/\G($mods{$op})/gc; my $endpos = pos $$textref; return ( $startpos, $oppos-$startpos, # PREFIX $oppos, length($op), # OPERATOR $ld1pos, 1, # LEFT DEL $str1pos, $rd1pos-$str1pos, # STR/PAT $rd1pos, 1, # RIGHT DEL $ld2pos, $second_arg, # 2ND LDEL (MAYBE) $str2pos, $rd2pos-$str2pos, # 2ND STR (MAYBE) $rd2pos, $second_arg, # 2ND RDEL (MAYBE) $modpos, $endpos-$modpos, # MODIFIERS $endpos, $textlen-$endpos, # REMAINDER ); } my $def_func = [ sub { extract_variable($_[0], '') }, sub { extract_quotelike($_[0],'') }, sub { extract_codeblock($_[0],'{}','') }, ]; sub extract_multiple (;$$$$) # ($text, $functions_ref, $max_fields, $ignoreunknown) { my $textref = defined($_[0]) ? \$_[0] : \$_; my $posbug = pos; my ($lastpos, $firstpos); my @fields = (); for ($$textref) { my @func = defined $_[1] ? @{$_[1]} : @{$def_func}; my $max = defined $_[2] && $_[2]>0 ? $_[2] : 1_000_000_000; my $igunk = $_[3]; pos ||= 0; unless (wantarray) { use Carp; carp "extract_multiple reset maximal count to 1 in scalar context" if $^W && defined($_[2]) && $max > 1; $max = 1 } my $unkpos; my $func; my $class; my @class; foreach $func ( @func ) { if (ref($func) eq 'HASH') { push @class, (keys %$func)[0]; $func = (values %$func)[0]; } else { push @class, undef; } } FIELD: while (pos() < length()) { my $field; foreach my $i ( 0..$#func ) { $func = $func[$i]; $class = $class[$i]; $lastpos = pos; if (ref($func) eq 'CODE') { ($field) = $func->($_) } elsif (ref($func) eq 'Text::Balanced::Extractor') { $field = $func->extract($_) } elsif( m/\G$func/gc ) { $field = defined($1) ? $1 : $& } if (defined($field) && length($field)) { if (defined($unkpos) && !$igunk) { push @fields, substr($_, $unkpos, $lastpos-$unkpos); $firstpos = $unkpos unless defined $firstpos; undef $unkpos; last FIELD if @fields == $max; } push @fields, $class ? bless(\$field, $class) : $field; $firstpos = $lastpos unless defined $firstpos; $lastpos = pos; last FIELD if @fields == $max; next FIELD; } } if (/\G(.)/gcs) { $unkpos = pos()-1 unless $igunk || defined $unkpos; } } if (defined $unkpos) { push @fields, substr($_, $unkpos); $firstpos = $unkpos unless defined $firstpos; $lastpos = length; } last; } pos $$textref = $lastpos; return @fields if wantarray; $firstpos ||= 0; eval { substr($$textref,$firstpos,$lastpos-$firstpos)=""; pos $$textref = $firstpos }; return $fields[0]; } sub gen_extract_tagged # ($opentag, $closetag, $pre, \%options) { my $ldel = $_[0]; my $rdel = $_[1]; my $pre = defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : '\s*'; my %options = defined $_[3] ? %{$_[3]} : (); my $omode = defined $options{fail} ? $options{fail} : ''; my $bad = ref($options{reject}) eq 'ARRAY' ? join('|', @{$options{reject}}) : defined($options{reject}) ? $options{reject} : '' ; my $ignore = ref($options{ignore}) eq 'ARRAY' ? join('|', @{$options{ignore}}) : defined($options{ignore}) ? $options{ignore} : '' ; if (!defined $ldel) { $ldel = '<\w+(?:' . gen_delimited_pat(q{'"}) . '|[^>])*>'; } my $posbug = pos; for ($ldel, $pre, $bad, $ignore) { $_ = qr/$_/ if $_ } pos = $posbug; my $closure = sub { my $textref = defined $_[0] ? \$_[0] : \$_; my @match = Text::Balanced::_match_tagged($textref, $pre, $ldel, $rdel, $omode, $bad, $ignore); return _fail(wantarray, $textref) unless @match; return _succeed wantarray, $textref, $match[2], $match[3]+$match[5]+$match[7], # MATCH @match[8..9,0..1,2..7]; # REM, PRE, BITS }; bless $closure, 'Text::Balanced::Extractor'; } package Text::Balanced::Extractor; sub extract($$) # ($self, $text) { &{$_[0]}($_[1]); } package Text::Balanced::ErrorMsg; use overload '""' => sub { "$_[0]->{error}, detected at offset $_[0]->{pos}" }; 1;