; qfig_set.dat :  user-definable data settings
;    a symbol ";" can NEVER be removed in this file
;    data must be given left-flushed and be punctuated by ";"
;arrow = arrowhead + darrowhead * obj%(n%, 4) in dot (1dot=.25mm)
8!	;arrowhead
1.5	;darrowhead
;arrow directions
9!	;arrowdirect=pi/(this number): arrow is directed to \pm arrowdirect
30!	;arcarrowd=pi/(this number): correction of inward direction on the arc
;dashpattern on PiCTeX : line gap [dot gap [dot gap]]
6pt, 3pt			;dpattern$(1) : dashed line
10pt, 3pt, 2pt, 3pt		;dpattern$(2) : dash-dotted line
10pt, 3pt, 2pt, 3pt, 2pt, 3pt	;dpattern$(3) : dash-double dotted line
;filler color on N-Graph : 0:black,  1:blue,  2:green,  3:cyan
;                          4:red, 5:magenta, 6:yellow, 7:white
0	;filler%(0) : no filler
2	;filler%(1) : thin
6	;filler%(2) : medium
1	;filler%(3) : thick
;dashpattern on eepic (actual value = number \times .25mm)
\dottedline{3}		;eepicpattern$(1) : dotted line
\dashline[50]{10}	;eepicpattern$(2) : dashed line
\dashline[50]{10}[2]	;eepicpattern$(3) : dot dashed line
;filler pattern on eepic : \special{sh 0.4} ...etc.
[0.1]	;tpicshade$(1)
[0.4]	;tpicshade$(2)
[0.7]	;tpicshade$(3)
;step of horizontal/vertical scroll
200	;hscroll% > 0, <= 200
120	;vscroll% > 0, <= 120
;approximate curves by piecewise lines
10	;interpolcurve% = # of interpolation points between two data
5.	;interpolang (in degree) : interpol. pts. at every this angle
; For definition of font type and size for LaTeX/TeX output
;NOTE: No spaces are allowed within the definitions. A space
;will automatically be added at the end of the string
;e.g. "\xpt\rm" will become "\xpt\rm " in the output.
\xpt\rm           ;10pt roman
\xpt\bf           ;10pt bold
\xpt\it           ;10pt italic
\xpt\FonttenBI    ;10pt bold italic
\xiipt\rm         ;12pt roman
\xiipt\bf         ;12pt bold
\xiipt\it         ;12pt italic
\xiipt\FonttwlBI  ;12pt bold italic