#ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)@(#)tfontedpr.c 1.3 (LBL) 4/12/85"; #endif /* tfontedpr - general purpose "pretty printer" for use with TeX. * * Copyright (C) 1985 by Van Jacobson, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. * This program may be freely used and copied but may not be sold * without the author's written permission. This notice must remain * in any copy or derivative. * * This program is used as part of the "tgrind" shell script. It * converts program source file(s) to TeX input files. * * This program is an adaptation of "vfontedpr" v4.2 (12/11/84) from * the 4.2bsd Unix distribution. Vfontedpr was written by Dave * Presotto (based on an earlier program of the same name written by * Bill Joy). * * I would welcome comments, enhancements, bug fixes, etc. Please * mail them to: * van@lbl-rtsg.arpa (from arpanet, milnet, csnet, etc.) * ..!ucbvax!lbl-csam!van (from Usenet/UUCP) * * Modifications. * -------------- * 30Mar85 Chris & Van: Fixed "\C" & "\S" (comment & string start indicators) * to really appear at the start of comments & strings. * Changes for speeded-up expmatch. * 29Mar85 Chris Torek (chris@maryland): Bug fixes for '~' and '^L' * output. Most cpu-time eaters recoded to improve * efficiency. * 10Feb85 Van Written. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #define boolean int #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #define NIL 0 #define STANDARD 0 #define ALTERNATE 1 #define STRLEN 10 /* length of strings introducing things */ #define PNAMELEN 80 /* length of a function/procedure name */ #define PSMAX 20 /* size of procedure name stacking */ /* regular expression routines */ char *expmatch(); /* match a string to an expression */ char *convexp(); /* convert expression to internal form */ char *tgetstr(); boolean isproc(); char *ctime(); /* * The state variables */ boolean incomm; /* in a comment of the primary type */ boolean instr; /* in a string constant */ boolean inchr; /* in a string constant */ boolean nokeyw = FALSE; /* no keywords being flagged */ boolean prccont; /* continue last procedure */ int comtype; /* type of comment */ int psptr; /* the stack index of the current procedure */ char pstack[PSMAX][PNAMELEN+1]; /* the procedure name stack */ int plstack[PSMAX]; /* the procedure nesting level stack */ int blklevel; /* current nesting level */ char *defsfile = DEFSFILE; /* name of language definitions file */ char pname[BUFSIZ+1]; /* * The language specific globals */ char *language = "c"; /* the language indicator */ char *l_keywds[BUFSIZ/2]; /* keyword table address */ char *l_prcbeg; /* regular expr for procedure begin */ char *l_combeg; /* string introducing a comment */ char *l_comend; /* string ending a comment */ char *l_acmbeg; /* string introducing a comment */ char *l_acmend; /* string ending a comment */ char *l_blkbeg; /* string begining of a block */ char *l_blkend; /* string ending a block */ char *l_strbeg; /* delimiter for string constant */ char *l_strend; /* delimiter for string constant */ char *l_chrbeg; /* delimiter for character constant */ char *l_chrend; /* delimiter for character constant */ char l_escape; /* character used to escape characters */ boolean l_toplex; /* procedures only defined at top lex level */ boolean l_onecase; /* upper & lower case equivalent */ /* * global variables also used by expmatch */ extern boolean _escaped; /* if last character was an escape */ extern char *_start; /* start of the current string */ int (*re_strncmp)(); /* function to do string compares */ extern int strncmp(); extern int lc_strncmp(); /* * The following table converts ASCII characters to a printed * representation, taking care of all the TeX quoting. N.B.: all * single-character strings are assumed to be equivalent to the * character for that index (i.e., printtab['c'] can't be "f"). * (This is purely for efficiency hacking.) */ char *printtab[128] = { "\0x", "\\^A", "\\^B", "\\^C", "\\^D", "\\^E", "\\^F", "\\^G", "\\^H", "\t", "}}\n", "\\^K", "\0x", "\\^M", "\\^N", "\\^O", "\\^P", "\\^Q", "\\^R", "\\^S", "\\^T", "\\^U", "\\^V", "\\^W", "\\^X", "\\^Y", "\\^Z", "\\^[", "\\^\\!","\\^]", "\\^\\^","\\^_", " ", "!", "\\\"", "\\#", "\\$", "\\%", "\\&", "\\'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "\\-", ".", "\\/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "\\<", "=", "\\>", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\!", "]", "\\^", "\\_", "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "\\{", "\\|", "\\}", "\\~", "\\^?", }; /* Output a character, with translation. Avoid side effects with this macro! */ #define outchar(c) (printtab[c][1] ? printf("%s", printtab[c]) : putchar(c)) /* * Output a TeX command to tab to column "col" (see tgrindmac.tex for a * partial explanation of the bizarre brace arrangement). */ #define tabto(col) printf("}\\Tab{%d}{", col); main(argc, argv) int argc; register char *argv[]; { char *fname = "", *p; struct stat stbuf; char buf[BUFSIZ]; char strings[2 * BUFSIZ]; char defs[2 * BUFSIZ]; printf("\\input tgrindmac\n"); argc--, argv++; do { register char *cp; register int i; if (argc > 0) { if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-h")) { if (argc == 1) { printf("\\Head{}\n"); argc = 0; goto rest; } printf("\\Head{"); putstr( argv[1] ); printf( "}\n" ); argc--, argv++; argc--, argv++; if (argc > 0) continue; goto rest; } /* take input from the standard place */ if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-")) { argc = 0; goto rest; } /* indicate no keywords */ if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-n")) { nokeyw++; argc--, argv++; continue; } /* specify the language */ if (!strncmp(argv[0], "-l", 2)) { language = argv[0]+2; argc--, argv++; continue; } /* specify the language description file */ if (!strncmp(argv[0], "-d", 2)) { defsfile = argv[1]; argc--, argv++; argc--, argv++; continue; } /* open the file for input */ if (freopen(argv[0], "r", stdin) == NULL) { perror(argv[0]); exit(1); } fname = argv[0]; argc--, argv++; } rest: /* * get the language definition from the defs file */ i = tgetent (defs, language, defsfile); if (i == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "no entry for language %s\n", language); exit (0); } else if (i < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "cannot find vgrindefs file %s\n", defsfile); exit (0); } p = strings; if (tgetstr ("kw", &p) == NIL) nokeyw = TRUE; else { char **cpp; cpp = l_keywds; cp = strings; while (*cp) { while (*cp == ' ' || *cp =='\t') *cp++ = NULL; if (*cp) *cpp++ = cp; while (*cp != ' ' && *cp != '\t' && *cp) cp++; } *cpp = NIL; } p = buf; l_prcbeg = convexp (tgetstr ("pb", &p)); p = buf; l_combeg = convexp (tgetstr ("cb", &p)); p = buf; l_comend = convexp (tgetstr ("ce", &p)); p = buf; l_acmbeg = convexp (tgetstr ("ab", &p)); p = buf; l_acmend = convexp (tgetstr ("ae", &p)); p = buf; l_strbeg = convexp (tgetstr ("sb", &p)); p = buf; l_strend = convexp (tgetstr ("se", &p)); p = buf; l_blkbeg = convexp (tgetstr ("bb", &p)); p = buf; l_blkend = convexp (tgetstr ("be", &p)); p = buf; l_chrbeg = convexp (tgetstr ("lb", &p)); p = buf; l_chrend = convexp (tgetstr ("le", &p)); l_escape = '\\'; l_onecase = tgetflag ("oc"); if ( l_onecase ) re_strncmp = lc_strncmp; else re_strncmp = strncmp; l_toplex = tgetflag ("tl"); /* initialize the program */ incomm = FALSE; instr = FALSE; inchr = FALSE; _escaped = FALSE; blklevel = 0; for (psptr=0; psptr<PSMAX; psptr++) { pstack[psptr][0] = NULL; plstack[psptr] = 0; } psptr = -1; fstat(fileno(stdin), &stbuf); cp = ctime(&stbuf.st_mtime); cp[10] = '\0'; cp[16] = '\0'; cp[24] = '\0'; printf("\\File{"); putstr( fname ); printf("},{%s},{%s %s}\n", cp+11, cp+4, cp+20); /* * MAIN LOOP!!! */ while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, stdin) != NULL) { cp = buf; if (*cp == '\f') { printf("\\NewPage\n"); cp++; if (*cp == '\n')/* some people like ^Ls on their own line */ continue; } prccont = FALSE; printf("\\L{\\LB{"); putScp(cp); if (prccont && (psptr >= 0)) { printf("\\ProcCont{"); putstr( pstack[psptr] ); printf("}"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf ("com %o str %o chr %o ptr %d\n", incomm, instr, inchr, psptr); #endif } } while (argc > 0); printf("\\vfill\\eject\\end\n"); exit(0); } #define isidchr(c) (isalnum(c) || (c) == '_') putScp(os) char *os; { register char *s = os; /* pointer to unmatched string */ register char *s1; /* temp. string */ char *comptr; /* start of a comment delimiter */ char *comendptr; /* end of a comment delimiter */ char *acmptr; /* start of an alt. comment delimiter */ char *acmendptr; /* end of an alt. comment delimiter */ char *strptr; /* start of a string delimiter */ char *strendptr; /* end of a string delimiter */ char *chrptr; /* start of a char. const delimiter */ char *chrendptr; /* end of a char. const delimiter */ char *blksptr; /* start of a lexical block start */ char *blksendptr; /* end of a lexical block start */ char *blkeptr; /* start of a lexical block end */ char *blkeendptr; /* end of a lexical block end */ _start = os; /* remember the start for expmatch */ _escaped = FALSE; if (nokeyw || incomm || instr) goto skip; if (isproc(s)) { printf("\\Proc{"); putstr(pname); printf("}"); if (psptr < PSMAX) { ++psptr; strncpy (pstack[psptr], pname, PNAMELEN); pstack[psptr][PNAMELEN] = NULL; plstack[psptr] = blklevel; } } skip: do { /* check for string, comment, blockstart, etc */ if (!incomm && !instr && !inchr) { blkeendptr = expmatch (s, l_blkend, &blkeptr, NIL); blksendptr = expmatch (s, l_blkbeg, &blksptr, NIL); comendptr = expmatch (s, l_combeg, &comptr, NIL); acmendptr = expmatch (s, l_acmbeg, &acmptr, NIL); strendptr = expmatch (s, l_strbeg, &strptr, NIL); chrendptr = expmatch (s, l_chrbeg, &chrptr, NIL); /* start of a comment? */ if (comptr != NIL && (strptr == NIL || comptr < strptr) && (acmptr == NIL || comptr < acmptr) && (chrptr == NIL || comptr < chrptr) && (blksptr == NIL || comptr < blksptr) && (blkeptr == NIL || comptr < blkeptr)) { putKcp (s, comptr-1, FALSE); printf("\\C{}"); s = comendptr; putKcp (comptr, comendptr-1, FALSE); incomm = TRUE; comtype = STANDARD; continue; } /* start of an alternate-form comment? */ if (acmptr != NIL && (strptr == NIL || acmptr < strptr) && (chrptr == NIL || acmptr < chrptr) && (blksptr == NIL || acmptr < blksptr) && (blkeptr == NIL || acmptr < blkeptr)) { putKcp (s, acmptr-1, FALSE); printf("\\C{}"); s = acmendptr; putKcp (acmptr, acmendptr, FALSE); incomm = TRUE; comtype = ALTERNATE; continue; } /* start of a string? */ if (strptr != NIL && (chrptr == NIL || strptr < chrptr) && (blksptr == NIL || strptr < blksptr) && (blkeptr == NIL || strptr < blkeptr)) { putKcp (s, strptr-1, FALSE); printf("\\S{}"); s = strendptr; putKcp (strptr,strendptr-1, FALSE); instr = TRUE; continue; } /* start of a character string? */ if (chrptr != NIL && (blksptr == NIL || chrptr < blksptr) && (blkeptr == NIL || chrptr < blkeptr)) { putKcp (s, chrptr-1, FALSE); printf("\\S{}"); s = chrendptr; putKcp (chrptr, chrendptr-1, FALSE); inchr = TRUE; continue; } /* end of a lexical block */ if (blkeptr != NIL) { if (blksptr == NIL || blkeptr < blksptr) { putKcp (s, blkeendptr - 1, FALSE); s = blkeendptr; blklevel--; if (psptr >= 0 && plstack[psptr] >= blklevel) { /* end of current procedure */ blklevel = plstack[psptr]; /* see if we should print the last proc name */ if (--psptr >= 0) prccont = TRUE; else psptr = -1; } continue; } } /* start of a lexical block */ if (blksptr != NIL) { putKcp (s, blksendptr - 1, FALSE); s = blksendptr; blklevel++; continue; } /* check for end of comment */ } else if (incomm) { if ((comendptr = expmatch( s, comtype==STANDARD? l_comend : l_acmend, NIL, NIL)) != NIL) { putKcp (s, comendptr-1, TRUE); s = comendptr; incomm = FALSE; printf("\\CE{}"); } else { comptr = s; s += strlen(s); putKcp (comptr, s-1, TRUE); } continue; /* check for end of string */ } else if (instr) { if ((strendptr = expmatch (s, l_strend, NIL, NIL)) != NIL) { putKcp (s, strendptr-1, TRUE); s = strendptr; instr = FALSE; printf("\\SE{}"); } else { strptr = s; s += strlen(s); putKcp (strptr, s-1, TRUE); } continue; /* check for end of character string */ } else if (inchr) { if ((chrendptr = expmatch (s, l_chrend, NIL, NIL)) != NIL) { putKcp (s, chrendptr-1, TRUE); s = chrendptr; inchr = FALSE; printf("\\SE{}"); } else { chrptr = s; s += strlen(s); putKcp (chrptr, s-1, TRUE); } continue; } /* print out the line */ chrptr = s; s += strlen(s); putKcp (chrptr, s-1, FALSE); } while (*s); } putKcp(start, end, nix) register char *start; /* start of string to write */ register char *end; /* end of string to write */ register boolean nix; /* true if we should force nokeyw */ { register int i, c; if (nokeyw) nix = TRUE; while (start <= end) { c = *start++; /* take care of nice tab stops */ if (c == '\t') { while (start <= end && *start == '\t') start++; tabto(width(_start, start)); continue; } if (!nix && (isidchr(c) || c == '#' || c == '%' || c == '!' || c == '$')) { /* potential keyword */ start--; if (start == _start || !isidchr(start[-1])) { i = iskw(start); if (i > 0) { printf("\\K{"); while (--i >= 0) { c = *start++; outchar(c); } putchar('}'); continue; } } start++; } outchar(c); } } width(s, os) register char *s, *os; { register int i = 0, c; while (s < os) { c = *s++; if (c == '\t') { i = (i + 8) &~ 7; continue; } if (c < ' ') i += 2; else i++; } return (i); } /* output a string, escaping special characters */ putstr(cp) register char *cp; { register int c; if (cp == NULL) return; while ((c = *cp++) != 0) outchar(c); } /* * look for a process beginning on this line */ boolean isproc(s) char *s; { pname[0] = NULL; if ((!l_toplex || blklevel == 0) && expmatch(s, l_prcbeg, NIL, pname) != NIL) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } /* iskw - check to see if the next word is a keyword */ iskw(s) register char *s; { register char **ss = l_keywds; register int i = 1; register char *cp = s; register int firstc = *s; while (++cp, isidchr(*cp)) i++; while (cp = *ss++) { if (!l_onecase && firstc != *cp) continue; if ((*re_strncmp)(s, cp, i) == 0 && !isidchr(cp[i])) return (i); } return (0); }