%% This is file `position.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% position.dtx  (with options: `package')
%% File `position.dtx'.
%% Copyright (C) 1997 - 2000 Michael Plugge <m.plugge@fh-mannheim.de>
%% All rights reserved.
%% Please send error reports and suggestions for improvements to:
%%                          Michael Plugge
%%                          Neustadter Str. 132
%%                          D-67360 Lingenfeld
%%                          Germany
%%               Internet:  <m.plugge@fh-mannheim.de>

%% \CharacterTable
%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
\ifx\documentclass\undefined %this package may be used also with LaTeX 2.09 ;-)))
 \message{position.sty  1.4.0\space <2000/02/25>}
 \ProvidesPackage{position}[2000/02/25\space 1.4.0]
 \typeout{Package: position 1.4.0\space <2000/02/25>}
\gdef\spy{{\tt \symbol{'040}}}

\gdef\bs#1{$\count255=1\loop\ifnum\count255<#1\advance\count255 by 1
\gdef\mlt#1{$\count255=1 \loop\ifnum\count255<#1\advance\count255 by 1
\gdef\mgt#1{$\count255=1 \loop\ifnum\count255<#1\advance\count255 by 1
\gdef\mast#1{$\count255=0 \loop\ifnum\count255<#1\advance\count255 by 1
\gdef\mblank#1{\count255=0 \loop\ifnum\count255<#1\advance\count255 by 1
 \par\noindent\hbox to \plinenowidth{\hss {\rm\scriptsize #2}\hspace{1em}}%
 \plena\textwidth \advance\plena -\plinenowidth
 \pstart#1\advance\pstart 1 \pstarta\pstart
 \skip0\ind\multiply\skip0 by #1 \pcur\skip0
 \ifnum #1>0 \hspace*{\skip0}\fi%
 \ifpend\advance\plena -\wd\pendbox\fi%
 \hbox to \plinenowidth{\hss {\rm\scriptsize #4}\hspace{1em}}%
   \pcurbr\ind\multiply\pcurbr #1 \pcur\pcurbr \gdef\pst{}% 0
   \pcurbr\ind\multiply\pcurbr #1 \gdef\pst{$\ast$}% 1
   \pcurbr\ind\multiply\pcurbr #1
   \advance\pcurbr\pcmtstart \gdef\pst{}% 2
   \pcurbr\ind\multiply\pcurbr #1
   \advance\pcurbr\pcmtstart \gdef\pst{$\ast$}% 3
   \pcurbr\pcmtstart \setbox\poutbox=\hbox{/}%
   \advance\pcurbr\wd\poutbox \gdef\pst{}% 4
   \pcurbr\pcmtstart \setbox\poutbox=\hbox{/}%
   \advance\pcurbr\wd\poutbox \gdef\pst{$\ast$}% 5
   \pcurbr\pcmtstart \setbox\poutbox=\hbox{/$\ast$}%
   \advance\pcurbr\wd\poutbox \gdef\pst{}% 6
   \pcurbr\pcmtstart \setbox\poutbox=\hbox{/$\ast$}%
   \advance\pcurbr\wd\poutbox \gdef\pst{$\ast$}% 7
   \pcurbr\ind\multiply\pcurbr #1 \gdef\pst{}% 8
   \pcurbr0pt \gdef\pst{}%
 \pcur\pcurbr \advance\pcur\wd\pstartbox
 \ifpend\advance\plena -\wd\pendbox \fi%
 \ifnum#2=8 \pcurbr0pt\fi%
\gdef\pee{\advance\plena -\wd\pendbox\pendtrue}
\gdef\ped{\advance\plena \wd\pendbox\pendfalse}
 \advance\plena -\wd\pendbox
 \ifnum#2 > -1 \pstart#2\fi%
 \ifnum#1>-1 \pstart#1\fi%
 \ifnum#1=-2 \pstart\pstarta\fi%
\gdef\cmtinit{\pcurbr\pcur \pcmtstart\pcur}
 \skip0\ind \multiply\skip0\pstart
   \eol %insert line break
   \calcindent% calculate the indentation for the new line
   \pdecr\count255 \advance\pdecr-\pstart
   \pcur\wd\poutbox \advance\pcur\skip0
   \count255 #1\advance\count255 -\pdecr
   \skip0\ind \multiply\skip0\count255 %calculate the output position
   \advance\skip0-\pcur %calculate the width of the needed space
   \count255 #1 %current start position (needed for line break)
 \ifdim\skip0<0.25em %(current position > target position)
   \skip0 0.25em% insert a small space
 \ifnum #1<1 \skip0 0pt \count255 -#1\fi%
   %copy #2 to \poutbox and add the width of the box to \pcur
%%%% probieren: \advance\pcur\wd\poutbox \advance\pcur\skip0
%%%% dann ohne \relax
 \advance\pcur\skip0 \advance\pcur\wd\poutbox %calculate the new position
 \relax% TeX seems to be tired at this point; give it some rest ;-)))
 \ifdim\pcur>\plena %requested position > right margin; break line
 \count255 #2 \advance\count255 -\pdecr
 \skip0\ind \multiply\skip0\count255
 \advance\skip0-\pcur \divide\skip0 #1
 \count255 #2 %current start position (for line break)
 \ifdim\skip0<0.3em \skip0 0.3em \multiply\skip0 #1\fi%
 \ifdim\skip0>0.45em \skip0 0.45em \multiply\skip0 #1\fi%
   %copy #3 to \poutbox and add the width of the box to \pcur
 \advance\pcur\wd\poutbox \advance\pcur\skip0
 \ifdim\pcur>\plena %requested position > right margin
   \brkln% insert a line break
 \ifnum#1<0 \count255 -#1 \skip0 0pt\fi%
 \ifnum#1=0 \count255 0 \skip0 0pt\fi%
   \count255 #1 \advance\count255 -\pdecr
   \skip0\ind \multiply\skip0\count255
   \count255 #1 %current start position (for line break)
 \ifdim\skip0<0.25em \skip0 0.25em\fi%
 \ifdim\skip0>0.55em \skip0 0.55em\fi%
 \ifnum#1<1 \skip0 0pt\fi%
   %copy #2 to \poutbox and add the width of the box to \pcur
 \advance\pcur\wd\poutbox \advance\pcur\skip0
 \ifdim\pcur>\plena %requested position > right margin
   \brkln% insert a line break
 \ifnum#1>0 \skip0\ind\multiply\skip0 by #1\advance\skip0-\pcur \fi%
 \ifdim\skip0<0pt \skip0 0pt\fi% don't move back!
 \ifnum#1>0 \hspace*{\skip0}\advance\pcur\skip0\fi%
 \setbox\poutbox=\hbox{#3}\skip0\wd\poutbox %width of one output character (#3)
 \skip1\ind\multiply\skip1 by #2 \skip2\skip1 \advance\skip1-\pcur
 \pcur\skip2 \advance\pcur\skip0 \skip2\skip1 %total width of line
 \advance\skip0 #4 %add kern
 \divide\skip1\skip0 \count255\skip1 \advance\count255 by 1% number of characters
 \skip1\wd\poutbox \multiply\skip1 by \count255 \advance\skip2 -\skip1
 \ifdim\skip2<0pt \advance\count255 -1 \advance\skip2 \wd\poutbox \fi%
   \ifnum\count255>0\advance\count255 by -1 \hspace*{\skip2}\copy\poutbox%

%% End of file `position.sty'.