/*\v % write table of contents (only in single file mode): \ifmfiles\else\pagenumbering{roman} \tableofcontents\newpage\pagenumbering{arabic}\fi \centerline{\huge\bf File tiny\_c2l.l} */ /*\b <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<***********************>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <* filename : tiny_c2l.l *> <* purpose : this is a little lex file as an example for a simple *> <* : converter using the position macros. Only a few *> <* : basic conversions are implemented; all fonts etc. are *> <* : hard-coded. You may use this file as example for use *> <* : of the position macros or as starting point for an own *> <* : converter project. *> <* : *> <* cvt2ltx : This file is the tiny version of c2ltx; keywords, *> <* equiv. : strings and comments are recognized. A very simple *> <* : version of embedded LaTeX is implemented (only append *> <* : mode and verbatim mode; everything is copied verbatim *> <* : to the output file in both cases. *> <* : *> <* version : 1.4.0 from 25-feb-2000 *> <* author : Michael Plugge <m.plugge@fh-mannheim.de> *> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<***********************>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> */ %{ /*\v \section{Declaration Part} */ #define VERSION "1.4.0" #define VERSION_DATE "25-feb-2000" #define TAB2SPC 3 #define BASE_FONT "basefont" #define BLOCK_FONT "blockfont" #define KEYWORD_FONT "keywordfont" #define STRING_FONT "stringfont" #define COMMENT_FONT "commentfont" #define HEADFONT "headfont" #define FOOTFONT "footfont" #define LHEAD "" #define CHEAD "Produced from %f on %D %t" #define RHEAD "" #define LFOOT "" #define CFOOT "Page %p" #define RFOOT "" #define L2E_STYLE " \\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n\ \\usepackage{a4,position,fancyhdr}\n\ \\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n\ \\textwidth18cm\\textheight25cm\\hoffset-3cm\\voffset-1cm" #define L209_STYLE " \\documentstyle[a4,position,fancyhdr]{article}\n\ \\textwidth18cm\\textheight25cm\\hoffset-3cm\\voffset-1cm" #define L2E_STYLE_LINE " \\documentclass[10pt]{article}\n\ \\usepackage{a4,position,fancyhdr}\n\ \\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n\ \\textwidth18cm\\textheight25cm\\hoffset-3cm\\voffset-1cm" #define L209_STYLE_LINE " \\documentstyle[a4,position,fancyhdr]{article}\n\ \\textwidth18cm\\textheight25cm\\hoffset-3cm\\voffset-1cm" /*\f The following definition controls the behavior of linebreaks * for comments: after this ASCII position, continuation lines use * the current indentation */ #define ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT 50 #define LEN(val) if((leng+=val)>70){leng=0; fprintf(yyout,"%%\n ");} #if VMS #undef ECHO #define ECHO yyleng==1 ? fputc(*yytext,yyout) : fprintf(yyout,"%s",yytext) #endif #include <string.h> #include <time.h> char *ptr,*ptr1,*kern,*inputname,buffer[256],init=1,cmt_mode; int pos,old_pos,brace_open,tmp,leng,tab2spc=TAB2SPC,sc,sc1, pes_old= -1,cmt_blanks,skip_cnt,cmt_pos,line=1,show_lines,use_header=1; long year; time_t time_val; struct tm *atime; char *lhead=LHEAD,*chead=CHEAD,*rhead=RHEAD,*headfont=HEADFONT, *lfoot=LFOOT,*cfoot=CFOOT,*rfoot=RFOOT,*footfont=FOOTFONT, *latex_prolog1= "%%%% This file was generated by tiny_c2l (version %s, %s)\n\n\ \\ifx\\getformat\\undefined\n\ \\newcount\\getformat\\getformat0\n\ \\else\n\ \\mfilestrue\\getformat3\n\ \\fi\n\ \\ifx\\documentclass\\undefined\\advance\\getformat1\\fi\n\n\ \\ifcase\\getformat\n\ %s\n\ \\or\n\ %s\n\ \\else\\fi %% multiple file input: don't load format\n%s", *latex_prolog2="\\gdef\\cmt#1#2{\\psinit{#1}{\\hphantom{/}$\\ast$\\mblank{#2}}\\%s}\n\ \\gdef\\cmtpp#1#2{\\psinit{#1}{//\\mblank{#2}}\\%s}\n\ \\gdef\\ccmtend{\\setbox\\pstartbox=\\hbox{\\hphantom{/}}}\n\ \\ifmfiles\\else\\begin{document}\\fi\\begin{flushleft}\n\n", *month[]={ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }, *local_month[]={ "Januar", "Februar", "M�rz", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember" }, *month1[]={"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"}, *local_month1[]={"Jan","Feb","Mrz","Apr","Mai","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Okt","Nov","Dez"}, *usage_text1=" Usage: tiny_c2l [options] [infile [outfile]] [options]\n\ infile and/or outfile may be omitted; in this case stdin/stdout are used.\n\ valid options are:\n\ -hn don't generate header or footer text\n\ -hl<txt> header text: left side (default \"\")\n\ -hc<txt> header text: center (default \"Produced from %f on %D %t\")\n\ -hr<txt> header text: right side (default \"\")\n\ -fl<txt> footer text: left side (default \"\")\n\ -fc<txt> footer text: center (default \"Page %p\")\n\ -fr<txt> footer text: right side (default \"\")\n\ possible escape sequences for the -h. and -f. switches are:\n\ %f: input file name %m: month (numeric value)\n\ %p: page number %n: (english) name of month (full form)\n\ %t: time (HH:MM) %s: (english) name of month (short form)\n\ %D: date (DD-MMM-YYYY) %N: (local) name of month (full form)\n\ %h: hour %S: (local) name of month (short form)\n\ %M: minute %y: year\n\ %d: day of month %: the `%' character itself\n\ -l[cnt] output line numbers\n\ -+ C++ mode\n\ -j java mode\n\ -o outputname (if stdin is used for input)\n\ -t<cnt> number of spaces per tab character (default: ", *usage_text2=")\n\ -d debug (debug output is written to tiny_c2l.dbg)\n\ -? show this help screen\n"; void keyword(void); void skip_msg(void); void chk_cmt(void); void print_jmpo(int linebegin); void init_out(int mode); int die(char *cmd,int mode); void substitute_format(char *format); char *subst(int c); void current_line(void); %} /* preprocessor keywords (without the leading #) */ PP_KEY (define[ \t])|(undef[ \t])|(ifn?(def)?[ \t(])|(elif[ \t(])|(else[ \t\n])|(endif[ \t\n])|(error[ \t])|(line[ \t])|(pragma[ \t])|(include[ \t<\"]) SP [ \t]+ SPO [ \t]* WS [ \t\n] WSO [ \t\n]* WSSEMI [ \t\n;] WSBRSEMI [ \t\n(;] WSBR [ \t\n(] WSBR2 [ \t\n)] WSBC [ \t\n{] WSS [ \t\n*] WSSB [ \t\n*)] WSC [ \t\n:] OPER [ \t\n+\-*/%|&^~!=<>\[(,] CA [ \t\n<] WSB2 [ \t\n\[(] NEW_DEL [ \t\n\[(<] %x LINE_BEGIN OMIT %x STRING C_CMT CPP_CMT FILL_CMT FILL_CPP_CMT %x EL_CMT1 EL_CMT2 EL_CMT3 PREPROCESSOR %s JAVA CPLUSPLUS %option 8bit noyywrap outfile="tiny_c2l.c" debug %% /*\v \section{Rules section}\subsection{\LaTeX Prolog} */ if(show_lines) fprintf(yyout,latex_prolog1,VERSION,VERSION_DATE,L2E_STYLE_LINE, L209_STYLE_LINE,use_header?"\\pagestyle{fancy}\n":""); else fprintf(yyout,latex_prolog1,VERSION,VERSION_DATE,L2E_STYLE, L209_STYLE,use_header?"\\pagestyle{fancy}\n":""); fprintf(yyout,"\\plcntmargin{777}\n"); if(use_header){ fprintf(yyout,"\\lhead{\\%s ",headfont); substitute_format(lhead); fprintf(yyout,"\\chead{\\%s ",headfont); substitute_format(chead); fprintf(yyout,"\\rhead{\\%s ",headfont); substitute_format(rhead); fprintf(yyout,"\\lfoot{\\%s ",footfont); substitute_format(lfoot); fprintf(yyout,"\\cfoot{\\%s ",footfont); substitute_format(cfoot); fprintf(yyout,"\\rfoot{\\%s ",footfont); substitute_format(rfoot); } if(!show_lines) fprintf(yyout,"\\plinenowidth0pt\n"); else fprintf(yyout,"\\plcntmargin{77}\n"); fprintf(yyout,latex_prolog2,COMMENT_FONT,COMMENT_FONT); BEGIN(LINE_BEGIN); /*\v \subsection{Rules for Line Begin} */ <LINE_BEGIN>{ /* special cases: blank lines, Blanks at end of line */ ^{SPO}\n { fprintf(yyout,"\\init0"); current_line(); fprintf(yyout,"\\n\\ped\n"); pos=brace_open=0; line++; } {SP}$ /* ignore spaces at end of line */ /* general line begin (we need the \init macro here) */ ^" " pos++; fprintf(yyout,"\\init1"); current_line(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{-1}{"); brace_open=1; leng=16; BEGIN(sc); ^{SP} print_jmpo(1); BEGIN(sc); ^[^ \t\n] { fprintf(yyout,"\\init0"); current_line(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{"); yyless(0); pes_old= -1; brace_open=1; leng=14; cmt_pos=1; BEGIN(sc); } . yyless(0); cmt_pos=pos+1; BEGIN(sc1); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for Blanks and Tabs} */ <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS,JAVA,PREPROCESSOR,C_CMT,CPP_CMT,FILL_CMT,FILL_CPP_CMT>{ " " { pos++; if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{%d}{",pos); brace_open=1; LEN(10); } {SP} print_jmpo(0); } <C_CMT>{ \n{SPO}"*/" { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; pos=leng=brace_open=cmt_mode=0; fprintf(yyout,"\\n\n\\initc{0}{5}{0}"); current_line(); fprintf(yyout,"\\ccmtend\\%s",BASE_FONT); leng=30; init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"/}"); brace_open=cmt_mode=0; LEN(17+strlen(BASE_FONT)); BEGIN(sc1); } \n{SPO}\*{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; for(ptr=yytext+yyleng-1,cmt_blanks=0;*ptr==' ';ptr--)cmt_blanks++; pos=cmt_pos+cmt_blanks; fprintf(yyout,"\\n\n\\initc{0}{5}{%d}",cmt_blanks); current_line(); leng=brace_open=0; LEN(25); } \n{SPO}\*+\/? { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; LEN(15); for(ptr=yytext+yyleng-1,cmt_blanks=0;*ptr==' ';ptr--)cmt_blanks++; pos=cmt_pos; for(ptr=yytext,tmp=0;*ptr;)if(*ptr++=='*')tmp++; if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='/'){ fprintf(yyout,"\\ccmtend\\%s",BASE_FONT); BEGIN(sc1); } fprintf(yyout,"\\n\n\\initc{0}{5}{0}"); current_line(); if(tmp>4){ LEN(31); fprintf(yyout,"\\mpout{%d}{%d}{%s}{%s}",cmt_pos,cmt_pos+tmp-2,"$\\ast$","2pt"); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='/')fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{/}"); } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{\\mast{%d}/}",tmp); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='/')fputc('/',yyout); LEN(10+strlen(BASE_FONT)+yyleng); } brace_open=0; } \n{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; leng=brace_open=0; for(pos=0,ptr=yytext+1;*ptr;ptr++){ if(*ptr=='\t') pos+=tab2spc-pos%tab2spc; else pos++; } LEN(20); fprintf(yyout,"\\n\n\\initc{%d}{0}{0}",pos); current_line(); } } <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS,JAVA,CPP_CMT,FILL_CMT,FILL_CPP_CMT>\n { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; pos=leng=brace_open=0; fprintf(yyout,"\\n\\ped\n"); pes_old= -1; if(YY_START==CPP_CMT || YY_START==FILL_CPP_CMT){ sc=sc1; fprintf(yyout,"\\%s ",BASE_FONT); LEN(2+strlen(BASE_FONT)); } else sc=YY_START; BEGIN(LINE_BEGIN); } <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS,JAVA,STRING,C_CMT,CPP_CMT,FILL_CMT,FILL_CPP_CMT>{ {SP}$ /* ignore spaces at end of line */ /*\v \subsection{Rules for special characters} */ \<{2,9} init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\mlt{%d}",yyleng); LEN(7); \>{2,9} init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\mgt{%d}",yyleng); LEN(7); \\{2,} init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\bs{%d}",yyleng); LEN(6); \*{2,9} init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\mast{%d}",yyleng); LEN(8); /*\v \subsection{``Leader'' rules} */ \<{10,} | \>{10,} | \+{10,} | \${10,} | \#{10,} | \%{10,} | \~{10,} | \*{10,} { switch(*yytext){ case '<': kern="-2pt"; ptr="$<$"; break; case '>': kern="-2pt"; ptr="$>$"; break; case '+': kern="0pt"; ptr="+"; break; case '$': kern="0pt"; ptr="\\$"; break; case '#': kern="0pt"; ptr="\\#"; break; case '%': kern="0pt"; ptr="\\%"; break; case '~': kern="0pt"; ptr="$\\sim$"; break; case '*': kern="2pt"; ptr="$\\ast$"; break; default: kern="0pt"; ptr=""; break; } if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); fprintf(yyout,"\\mpout{%d}{%d}{%s}{%s}",pos,pos+yyleng-1,ptr,kern); pos+=yyleng; brace_open=0; LEN(strlen(kern)+strlen(ptr)+19); } } /*\v \subsection{Rules for Preprocessor Keywords} */ /* (first handle just the leading #) */ \#{SPO}{PP_KEY} { yyless(1); init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"{\\%s \\#}}\\pes{ \\bs{1}}{%d}",KEYWORD_FONT,pos+2); pes_old=pos+2; brace_open=0; LEN(18+strlen(KEYWORD_FONT)); BEGIN(PREPROCESSOR); } <PREPROCESSOR>.|\n yyless(0); BEGIN(sc1); /* this should not occur */ <PREPROCESSOR>{PP_KEY} yyless(yyleng-1); keyword(); /*\v \subsection{Rules for common C/C++/Java Keywords} */ break[ \t\n;] | case[ \t\n(] | char[ \t\n*)] | continue[ \t\n;] | default[ \t\n:] | do[ \t\n{] | double[ \t\n*)] | else[ \t\n{] | float[ \t\n*)] | for[ \t\n(] | goto{WS} | if[ \t\n(] | int[ \t\n*)] | long[ \t\n*)] | return[ \t\n(;] | short[ \t\n*)] | static[ \t\n*)] | switch[ \t\n(] | void[ \t\n)] | volatile{WS} | while[ \t\n(] yyless(yyleng-1); keyword(); /*\v \subsection{Rules for C/C++ only Keywords} */ <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS>{ auto{WS} | const{WS} | defined[ \t\n(] | enum{WS} | extern{WS} | register{WS} | sizeof[ \t\n(] | struct[ \t\n{] | typedef{WS} | union[ \t\n{] yyless(yyleng-1); keyword(); /*\v \subsection{Rules for special VMS Keywords} */ _align[ \t\n(] | globaldef[ \t\n{] | globalref[ \t\n{] | globalvalue[ \t\n{] | main_program[ \t\n{] | MAIN_PROGRAM[ \t\n{] | noshare[ \t\n{] | readonly[ \t\n{] | variant_struct[ \t\n{] | variant_union[ \t\n{] yyless(yyleng-1); keyword(); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for C++ Keywords} */ <CPLUSPLUS>{ and[ \t\n(] | and_eq[ \t\n(] | asm[ \t\n{] | bitand[ \t\n(] | bitor[ \t\n(] | bool{WS} | compl{WS} | const_cast[ \t\n<] | dynamic_cast[ \t\n<] | explicit{WS} | export{WS} | friend{WS} | inline[ \t\n{] | mutable[ \t\n*)] | namespace[ \t\n{] | not[ \t\n(] | not_eq[ \t\n(] | or[ \t\n(] | or_eq[ \t\n(] | reinterpret_cast[ \t\n<] | static_cast[ \t\n<] | template[ \t\n:] | typeid[ \t\n(] | typename[ \t\n(] | using{WS} | virtual{WS} | wchar_t[ \t\n*)] | xor[ \t\n(] | xor_eq[ \t\n(] yyless(yyleng-1); keyword(); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for Java only Keywords} */ <JAVA>{ abstract{WS} | boolean{WS} | byte{WS} | byvalue{WS} | extends{WS} | final{WS} | finally[ \t\n{] | implements{WS} | import{WS} | inner{WS} | instanceof{WS} | interface{WS} | native{WS} | null[ \t\n)] | package{WS} | super[ \t\n(] | synchronized{WS} | throws{WS} | transient{WS} keyword(); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for C++/Java Keywords} */ <CPLUSPLUS,JAVA>{ catch[ \t\n(] | class{WS} | const[ \t\n*] | delete[ \t\n\[(<] | false[ \t\n;] | new[ \t\n\[(<] | operator[ \t\n+\-*/%|&^~!=<>\[(,] | private[ \t\n:] | protected[ \t\n:] | public[ \t\n:] | this[ \t\n\-.*] | throw[ \t\n(] | true[ \t\n;] | try[ \t\n{] yyless(yyleng-1); keyword(); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for Strings} */ \"\" init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"{\\tt \"\"}"); LEN(8); \\*\" { if(yyleng%2){ /* even number of `\': begin string */ init_out(0); if(yyleng>1) fprintf(yyout,"\\bs{%d}\\qql}\\%s\\pes{\\bs{1}}{0}",yyleng-1,STRING_FONT); else fprintf(yyout,"\\qql}\\%s\\pes{\\bs{1}}{0}",STRING_FONT); LEN(21+strlen(STRING_FONT)); brace_open=0; BEGIN(STRING); } else{ /* odd number of `\': no string */ init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\bs{%d}{\\tt \"}",yyleng-1); LEN(14); } } <STRING>{ \n { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; pos=leng=brace_open=0; fprintf(yyout,"\\n\n\\initc000"); current_line(); LEN(20); } " "+ init_out(0); for(tmp=0;tmp<yyleng;tmp++)fputc('~',yyout); fputc('}',yyout); brace_open=0; LEN(yyleng+1); \t print_jmpo(0); \\+n init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\bs{%d}n}",yyleng-1); LEN(9); brace_open=0; \\*\" { if(yyleng%2){ /* even number of `\': end string */ init_out(0); if(yyleng>1) fprintf(yyout,"\\bs{%d}\\%s \\qqr}\\%s",yyleng-1,BASE_FONT,BASE_FONT); else fprintf(yyout,"\\%s \\qqr}\\%s",BASE_FONT,BASE_FONT); if(pes_old>=0) fprintf(yyout,"\\pes{ \\bs{1}}{%d}\\njo0{",pes_old); else fprintf(yyout,"\\ped\\pstart\\pstarta\\njo0{"); LEN(36+strlen(BASE_FONT)); BEGIN(sc1); } else{ /* odd number of `\': no string */ init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"\\bs{%d}{\\tt \"}",yyleng-1); LEN(14); } } } /*\v \subsection{Rules for Comments} */ "/*\\f"[ ]* { if(pos<ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT)cmt_pos=pos+2; init_out(1); cmt_mode=3; old_pos=pos-yyleng>ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT ? -2 : pos-yyleng; fprintf(yyout,"/$\\ast$\\%s",COMMENT_FONT); cmt_blanks=0; if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)==' ') for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++==' '){ fputc('~',yyout); cmt_blanks++; } LEN(13+strlen(COMMENT_FONT)); BEGIN(FILL_CMT); } "/*"(\\b)?[ ]* { if(pos<ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT)cmt_pos=pos+2; init_out(1); if(*(yytext+3)!='b'){ /* no block comment */ cmt_mode=1; old_pos=pos-yyleng>ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT ? -2 : pos-yyleng; } else cmt_mode=2; cmt_blanks=0; fprintf(yyout,"/$\\ast$"); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)==' '){ if(cmt_mode==1){ fprintf(yyout,"\\%s",COMMENT_FONT); LEN(13+strlen(COMMENT_FONT)); } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\%s",BLOCK_FONT); LEN(13+strlen(BLOCK_FONT)); } for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++==' '){ fputc('~',yyout); cmt_blanks++; } } BEGIN(C_CMT); } \/\*+\/ | \/\*{2,}(\\b)? { if(pos<ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT)cmt_pos=pos+2; init_out(1); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)!='b'){ /* no block comment */ cmt_mode=1; old_pos=pos-yyleng>ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT ? -2 : pos-yyleng; } else cmt_mode=2; /* block comment */ cmt_blanks=0; if(yyleng==2 || yyleng==4 && *(yytext+3)=='b') fprintf(yyout,"/$\\ast$"); else if(*(yytext+2)=='*' && yyleng<11){ for(ptr=yytext+1,tmp=0;*ptr++=='*';tmp++); fprintf(yyout,"/\\mast{%d}}",tmp); brace_open=0; } else{ fprintf(yyout,"/}"); brace_open=0; if(cmt_mode==1) tmp=pos; else tmp=pos-2; fprintf(yyout,"\\mpout{%d}{%d}{%s}{%s}", tmp-yyleng+1,tmp-1,"$\\ast$","2pt"); } LEN(15); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='/'){ yyless(yyleng-1); cmt_mode=0; } else BEGIN(C_CMT); } <CPLUSPLUS,JAVA>{ "//\\f"[ ]* | \/{2,}[ ]* { init_out(2); if(*(yytext+3)=='f') BEGIN(FILL_CPP_CMT); else BEGIN(CPP_CMT); fprintf(yyout,"//"); for(ptr=yytext,cmt_blanks=0;*ptr;)if(*ptr++==' '){ fputc('~',yyout); cmt_blanks++; } old_pos=pos-yyleng>ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT ? -2 : pos-yyleng; fprintf(yyout,"}\\cmtpp{%d}{%d}",old_pos,cmt_blanks); brace_open=0; } } <C_CMT>\*+\/ { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); brace_open=cmt_mode=0; fprintf(yyout,"\\ccmtend\\%s",BASE_FONT); pos+=yyleng; if(yyleng>5){ LEN(31); fprintf(yyout,"\\mpout{%d}{%d}{%s}{%s}\\njo0{/}", pos-yyleng,pos-2,"$\\ast$","2pt"); } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{\\mast{%d}/}",yyleng-1); LEN(10+strlen(BASE_FONT)+yyleng); } BEGIN(sc1); } <C_CMT,FILL_CMT>{ " :" { yyless(1); if(cmt_mode==2 || cmt_mode==5) print_jmpo(0); else{ pos++; if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{%d}{",pos); brace_open=1; LEN(10); } } [ ][^ \t\n]\n { yyless(1); if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); chk_cmt(); if(cmt_mode==2 || cmt_mode==5){ fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{",++pos); LEN(10); } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{%d}{",++pos); LEN(9); } brace_open=1; } } <FILL_CMT>{ /* special rules for / *\f (fill comments for C) */ "*/" | \n{SPO}\*\/ { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++=='\n')line++; chk_cmt(); brace_open=cmt_mode=0; fprintf(yyout,"\\ccmtend\\%s",BASE_FONT); pos+=yyleng; fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{$\\ast$/}",pos+=100); /* force line break */ LEN(20); BEGIN(sc1); } {SPO}\n{SPO} | \n{SPO}\*{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{%d}{",++pos); /* replace pattern by a blank */ LEN(9); brace_open=1; } (\n{SPO}\*{SPO}){2,} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++=='\n')line++; fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{}\\jmpo{%d}{",pos+100,pos+200); /* empty line with star */ pos+=200; LEN(23); brace_open=1; } (\n{SPO}){2,}(\*{SPO})? | \n{SPO}@\n{SPO} | \n{SPO}\*{SPO}@\n{SPO}\*{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++=='\n')line++; fprintf(yyout,"\\n\\jmpo{%d}{",pos+=100); /* empty line */ LEN(12); brace_open=1; } {SP}@\n{SPO} | {SP}@\n{SPO}\*{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{",pos+=100); /* force linebreak */ LEN(9); brace_open=1; } } <FILL_CPP_CMT>{ /* special rules for //\f (fill comments for C++/Java ) */ \n{SPO}"//"{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{%d}{",++pos); /* replace pattern by a blank */ LEN(9); brace_open=1; } \n{SPO}"//"{SPO}@?\n{SPO}"//"{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++=='\n')line++; fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{}\\jmpo{%d}{",pos+100,pos+200); /* empty line */ pos+=200; LEN(23); brace_open=1; } {SP}@\n{SPO}"//"{SPO} { if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); line++; chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{",pos+=100); /* force linebreak */ LEN(9); brace_open=1; } } <C_CMT,CPP_CMT,FILL_CMT,FILL_CPP_CMT,STRING>[`'] init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"{%c}",*yytext); /*\v \subsection{Rules for line breaking without spaces} */ \-{2,} { /* don't split ++ -- */ init_out(0); fputc('{',yyout); for(tmp=0;tmp<yyleng;tmp++)fprintf(yyout,"\\mm"); fputc('}',yyout); LEN(yyleng*3+2); } \+{2,} init_out(0); ECHO; LEN(yyleng); "<<=" | ">>=" { /* allow a linebreak before these patterns */ if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{"); if(*ptr=='<') fprintf(yyout,"\\mlt{2}="); else fprintf(yyout,"\\mgt{2}="); brace_open=1; LEN(8); } "||" | "&&" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "&=" | "|=" | "%=" | "<=" | ">=" | "==" | "!=" | [+\-*/%={] { /* allow a linebreak before these patterns */ if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); brace_open=0; init_out(0); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;ptr++)fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*ptr)); LEN(9); } [,;}] init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"%s}",subst(*yytext)); brace_open=0; [a-zA-Z0-9$_]+ { /* C identifier: print them out */ init_out(0); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;ptr++)switch(*ptr){ case '_': case '$': fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*ptr)); break; default: fputc(*ptr,yyout); break; } LEN(yyleng); } <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS,JAVA>\'.\' { init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"{\\sq}%s{\\sq}",subst(*(yytext+1))); } <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS,JAVA,STRING,C_CMT,CPP_CMT,FILL_CMT,FILL_CPP_CMT>{ . { init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*yytext)); } \f\n? fprintf(yyout,"\\newpage\n"); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='\n')line++; [a-zA-Z0-9]+ init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"%s",yytext); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for omitting Code} */ <LINE_BEGIN>{ {SPO}"/*"\\o[q+]"*/"{SPO}\n { for(ptr=yytext;*ptr++!='o';); if(*ptr=='+') skip_cnt=0; else skip_cnt= -1; tmp= -1; sc=YY_START; BEGIN(OMIT); line++; } {SPO}"/*"\\o[1-9]+q?"*/"{SPO}\n { for(ptr=yytext;*ptr++!='o';); tmp=atoi(ptr); skip_cnt= -1; for(;*ptr && *ptr!='q';ptr++)if(*ptr=='*')skip_cnt=0; BEGIN(OMIT); line++; } } <OMIT>{ {SPO}"/*\\o-*/"{SPO}\n { if(sc==C_CMT)chk_cmt(); if(sc==STRING)fprintf(yyout,"\\%s",STRING_FONT); skip_msg(); brace_open=0; BEGIN(LINE_BEGIN); line++; } \/\*+(\\b)? sc=C_CMT; if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='b')cmt_mode=2; else cmt_mode=1; \*+\/ sc=sc1; cmt_mode=0; \\*\" { if(yyleng%2 && sc!=C_CMT) if(sc!=STRING) sc=STRING; /* begin of string */ else sc=sc1; /* end of string */ } \*+ \/+ \\ [^\\\"*\/\n]+ /* skip */ \n { if(skip_cnt>=0)skip_cnt++; line++; if(!--tmp){ if(sc==C_CMT)chk_cmt(); skip_msg(); brace_open=0; BEGIN(LINE_BEGIN); } } <<EOF>> skip_msg(); yyterminate(); } /*\v \subsection{Rules for Embedded \LaTeX} */ <CPLUSPLUS>"//\\a " init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"}// "); brace_open=0; BEGIN(EL_CMT3); <EL_CMT3>\n yyless(0); BEGIN(CPLUSPLUS); <INITIAL,CPLUSPLUS,LINE_BEGIN>{ "/*\\a" init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"}\\ped{}/$\\ast$"); brace_open=0; BEGIN(EL_CMT1); {SPO}"/*\\v" | {WSO}"/*\\v1" { for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)if(*ptr++=='\n')line++; if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); brace_open=0; fprintf(yyout,"\\ped{}\n"); BEGIN(EL_CMT2); } } <EL_CMT1,EL_CMT2>{ \n ECHO; line++; "*/"{SPO}\n? { if(YY_START==EL_CMT1)fprintf(yyout,"$\\ast$/"); if(*(yytext+yyleng-1)=='\n'){ pos=leng=brace_open=0; sc=sc1; line++; fputc('\n',yyout); BEGIN(LINE_BEGIN); } else{ BEGIN(sc1); LEN(7); } } } <EL_CMT1,EL_CMT2,EL_CMT3>[^ \t\n*]+ ECHO; %% /*\v \section{C Code section}\subsection{Function chk\_cmt(void)} */ void chk_cmt(void) { /* values for cmt_mode: * cmt_mode==1: normal comment mode (first line) * cmt_mode==2: block comment mode * cmt_mode==3: fill mode (Started with / *\f) * cmt_mode==4: normal comment mode (not in the first line) * cmt_mode==5: block comment mode (continuation) */ if(cmt_mode==1 || cmt_mode==3){ fprintf(yyout,"\\cmt{%d}{%d}",old_pos,cmt_blanks); cmt_mode=0; } else if(cmt_mode==2){ fprintf(yyout,"\\%s ",BLOCK_FONT); LEN(2+strlen(BLOCK_FONT)); cmt_mode=5; } } /*\v \subsection{Function skip\_msg(void)} */ void skip_msg(void) { if(skip_cnt==1) fprintf(yyout,"\\par\\centerline{/\\mast{20}{ \\commentfont SKIP A LINE }\\mast{20}/}\\par\n"); else if(skip_cnt>1) fprintf(yyout,"\\par\\centerline{/\\mast{20}{ \\commentfont SKIP %d LINES }\\mast{20}/}\\par\n",skip_cnt); } /*\v \subsection{Function keyword(void)} */ void keyword(void) { init_out(0); fprintf(yyout,"{\\%s ",KEYWORD_FONT); for(ptr=yytext;*ptr;)fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*ptr++)); fputc('}',yyout); LEN(3+strlen(KEYWORD_FONT)+yyleng); yy_set_bol(0); if(YY_START==PREPROCESSOR)BEGIN(sc1); } /*\v \subsection{Function init\_out(void)} */ void init_out(int mode) { /* mode==0: kein \cmtinit * mode==1: \cmtinit f�r C-Kommentar * mode==2: \cmtinit f�r C++-Kommentar */ pos+=yyleng; if(mode==0){ if(!brace_open){ chk_cmt(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{"); leng+=7; } } else{ if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); if(pos-yyleng>ALIGN_CMT_LIMIT){ /* position is too far right; omit \cmtinit */ fprintf(yyout,"\\njo0{"); leng+=7; } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\cmtinit\\njo0{"); leng+=15; } } brace_open=1; } /*\v \subsection{Function print\_jmpo(int linebegin)} */ void print_jmpo(int linebegin) { int old=pos; for(ptr=yytext;*ptr==' ' || *ptr=='\t';ptr++){ if(*ptr=='\t') pos+=tab2spc-pos%tab2spc; else pos++; } if(linebegin){ fprintf(yyout,"\\init{%d}",pos); current_line(); fprintf(yyout,"\\njo{%d}{",-pos); leng=18; } else if(brace_open){ fputc('}',yyout); chk_cmt(); if(YY_START==FILL_CMT || YY_START==FILL_CPP_CMT){ fprintf(yyout,"\\xnjo{%d}{%d}{",pos-old,pos); LEN(13); } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{",pos); LEN(10); } } else{ chk_cmt(); if(YY_START==FILL_CMT || YY_START==FILL_CPP_CMT){ fprintf(yyout,"\\xnjo{%d}{%d}{",pos-old,pos); LEN(13); } else{ fprintf(yyout,"\\jmpo{%d}{",pos); LEN(10); } } brace_open=1; } /*\v \subsection{Function die(char *cmd,int mode)} */ int die(char *cmd,int mode) { switch(mode){ case 1: fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s for read; exit\n",cmd); exit(4); case 2: fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s for write; exit\n",cmd); exit(4); case 3: fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",cmd); exit(4); default: return 0; } } /*\v \subsection{Function subst(int c)} */ char *subst(int c) { static char retbuffer[2]; if(c<0)c+=256; switch(c){ case '#': leng+=2; return "\\#"; case '$': leng+=2; return "\\$"; case '%': leng+=2; return "\\%"; case '&': leng+=2; return "\\&"; case '\'': leng+=3; return "\\sq{}"; case '*': leng+=6; return "$\\ast$"; case '-': leng+=5; return "{\\mm}"; case '<': leng+=3; return "$<$"; case '>': leng+=3; return "$>$"; case '[': leng+=3; return "{[}"; case '\\': leng+=4; return "\\bs{1}"; case ']': leng+=3; return "{]}"; case '^': leng+=9; return "$\\hat{~}$"; case '_': leng+=5; return "{\\ul}"; case '`': leng+=3; return "{`}"; case '{': leng+=6; return "\\brl{}"; case '|': leng+=6; return "$\\mid$"; case '}': leng+=6; return "\\brr{}"; case '~': leng+=6; return "$\\sim$"; case '"': leng+=7; return "{\\tt \"}"; default: leng++; *retbuffer=c; return retbuffer; } } /*\v \subsection{Function substitute\_format(char *format)} */ void substitute_format(char *format) { char c,*ptr1; for(ptr=format;*ptr;ptr++){ if(*ptr=='%'){ /* escape sequences: */ switch(*++ptr){ case 'd': /* %d: day of month */ fprintf(yyout,"%d",atime->tm_mday); break; case 'D': /* %D: date (format DD-MMM-YYYY) */ fprintf(yyout,"%d{\\mm}%s{\\mm}%ld",atime->tm_mday,month1[atime->tm_mon],year); break; case 'f': /* %f: input file name */ for(ptr1=inputname;*ptr1;)fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*ptr1++)); break; case 'h': fprintf(yyout,"%02d",atime->tm_hour); break; case 'm': /* %m: month (numeric value) */ fprintf(yyout,"%d",atime->tm_mon+1); break; case 'M': /* %M: minute */ fprintf(yyout,"%02d",atime->tm_min); break; case 'n': /* %n: (english) name of month (full form) */ fprintf(yyout,"%s",month[atime->tm_mon]); break; case 'N': /* %N: (local) name of month (full form) */ fprintf(yyout,"%s",local_month[atime->tm_mon]); break; case 's': /* %s: (english) name of month (short form) */ fprintf(yyout,"%s",month1[atime->tm_mon]); break; case 'S': /* %S: (local) name of month (short form) */ fprintf(yyout,"%s",local_month1[atime->tm_mon]); break; case 'p': /* %p: page (in the LaTeX file) */ fprintf(yyout,"\\thepage"); break; case 't': /* %t: time (format HH:MM) */ fprintf(yyout,"%02d:%02d",atime->tm_hour,atime->tm_min); break; case 'y': /* %y: year */ fprintf(yyout,"%ld",year); break; case '%': /* %%: the `%' character itself */ fputc('\\',yyout); fputc('%',yyout); break; default: /* unknown escape sequence: just print it out */ fprintf(stderr,"Unknown escape sequence `%%%c' detected; print it out.\n",*ptr); fprintf(stderr,"(format string was >%s<)\n",format); fputc('%',yyout); fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*ptr)); break; } } else fprintf(yyout,"%s",subst(*ptr)); } fprintf(yyout,"}\n"); } /*\v \subsection{Function current\_line(void)} */ void current_line(void) { if(show_lines>0 && line%show_lines==0){ fprintf(yyout,"{%d}",line); } else fprintf(yyout,"{}"); LEN(10); } /*\v \subsection{Function main(int argc, char **argv)} */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; #ifdef FLEX_DEBUG yy_flex_debug=0; #endif /* FLEX_DEBUG */ time(&time_val); atime=localtime(&time_val); year=time_val/(365L*24L*60L*60L)+1970L; sc=sc1=INITIAL; for(i=1;i<argc;i++){ if(*argv[i]=='-'){ for(ptr=argv[i]+1;*ptr;)switch(*ptr++){ case 'd': #ifdef FLEX_DEBUG yy_flex_debug=1; #else fprintf(stderr,"tiny_c2l was compiled without debug info; ignore switch -d\n"); #endif break; case '+': sc=sc1=CPLUSPLUS; break; case 'j': sc=sc1=JAVA; break; case 'h': switch(*ptr++){ case 'n': use_header=0; break; /* no header */ case 'l': lhead=ptr; break; /* left header text */ case 'c': chead=ptr; break; /* center header text */ case 'r': rhead=ptr; break; /* right header text */ default: break; } while(*ptr)ptr++; /* forget the rest of the argument */ break; case 'l': if(*ptr) show_lines=atoi(ptr); else show_lines=5; while(*ptr)ptr++; /* forget the rest of the argument */ break; case 'f': switch(*ptr++){ case 'l': lfoot=ptr; break; /* left footer text */ case 'c': cfoot=ptr; break; /* center footer text */ case 'r': rfoot=ptr; break; /* right footer text */ default: break; } while(*ptr)ptr++; /* forget the rest of the argument */ break; case 'o': /* output name */ if(!yyout)(yyout=fopen(ptr,"w")) || die(ptr,2); break; case 't': tab2spc=atoi(ptr); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr,"tiny_c2l Version %s (%s)\n%s%d%s", VERSION,VERSION_DATE,usage_text1,TAB2SPC,usage_text2); #if VMS exit(1); #else exit(0); #endif default: break; } } else if(!yyin) /* argument without leading '-': input or output name */ (yyin=fopen(inputname=argv[i],"r")) || die(inputname,1); else if(!yyout) (yyout=fopen(argv[i],"w")) || die(argv[i],2); } if(!yyin)yyin=stdin; /* no inputname specified */ if(!yyout)yyout=stdout; /* no outputname specified */ if(inputname){ for(ptr=inputname,ptr1=buffer;*ptr;) switch(*ptr){ case '_': case '$': *ptr1++='\\'; default: *ptr1++= *ptr++; break; } *ptr1=0; } else strcpy(buffer,inputname="(stdin)"); #ifdef FLEX_DEBUG if(yy_flex_debug){ /* FLEX gives very much debug info; write the stuff to a file */ fprintf(stderr,"redirect stderr to file tiny_c2l.dbg\n"); (freopen("tiny_c2l.dbg","w",stderr)) || die("error opening file tiny_c2l.dbg for stderr (freopen)",3); } #endif /* FLEX_DEBUG */ yylex(); /* write the end of the LaTeX file */ if(brace_open)fputc('}',yyout); fprintf(yyout,"\\end{flushleft}\n\ \\ifmfiles\\def\\END{\\relax}\\else\\def\\END{\\end{document}}\\fi\n\ \\END\n"); fclose(yyin); fclose(yyout); }