#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Noweb filter to propagate @language directive from a chunk to used
# chunks.  Assumes that root chunks already have a @language directive
# (see guesslang filter).  Takes no argument.

# Copyright (c) 2003 by Yann Dirson <ydirson@altern.org>

# Distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
# version 2.

use strict;

my (%chunklangs, %chunkchildren);

# FIXME: we could bufferize as needed, if we want to grow more complex
my @data = <STDIN>;

# register the chunk hierarchy
  my $thischunk = undef;
  foreach (@data) {
    if (m/^\@end code/) {	# this one first to limit to code chunks
      $thischunk = undef;
    } elsif (m/^\@use (.*)$/) {
      push @{$chunkchildren{$thischunk}}, $1 if defined $thischunk;
    } elsif (m/^\@defn (.*)$/) {
      $thischunk = $1;
    } elsif (m/^\@language (.*)$/) {
      die "\@language without a \@defn: $_" unless defined $thischunk;
      $chunklangs{$thischunk} = $1;

# propagate to argument's children
sub propagate {
  my ($thischunk) = @_;
  if (defined $chunklangs{$thischunk}) {
    foreach my $child (@{$chunkchildren{$thischunk}}) {
      if (defined $chunklangs{$child}) {
	if ($chunklangs{$child} eq $chunklangs{$thischunk}) {
	  print STDERR "Notice: chunk used more than once: \`$child'\n";
	} else {
	  die "Chunk cannot inherits languages \`$chunklangs{$child}' and " .
	    "\`$chunklangs{$thischunk}': \`$child'\n";
      } else {
	$chunklangs{$child} = $chunklangs{$thischunk};

      # recurse
  } else {
    print STDERR "Warning: could not infer language for \`$thischunk'\n";

# propagate from all known chunks
foreach my $chunk (keys %chunklangs) {

# output
foreach (@data) {
  if (m/^\@defn (.*)$/) {
    print $_;
    print "\@language $chunklangs{$1}\n" if (defined $chunklangs{$1})
  } elsif (m/^\@language /) {
    # Do not output twice. Since we already asserted consistency we can
    # simply ignore this one.
  } else {
    print $_;