*** README.old	Sat Apr  8 12:55:24 1989
--- README	Mon Apr 10 12:16:25 1989
*** 33,38 ****
--- 33,44 ----
  6) Go into WEBROOT and type `make boot'
+    Once this is successful you will have executable versions of tangle for
+    C and Awk, which is the minumum needed to make other things.  After you've
+    done this, you can afford to `make clean', which will remove the .c and
+    .awk source you used to bootstrap yourself.  You can always make them over
+    again using the executable versions (`make source').
  7) Move webkernel.tex into a place where TeX can find it
*** Makefile.old	Mon Apr 10 12:10:11 1989
--- Makefile	Mon Apr 10 12:14:16 1989
*** 2,11 ****
  # Not to be sold, but may be used freely for any purpose
  # For more information, see file COPYRIGHT in the parent directory
! # This is a SUN OS 4 Makefile.  Sorry.
  MAKE=make $(MFLAGS)
  DIRECTORIES=ada awk c dijkstra larch penelope ssl doc master
  	@for i in $(DIRECTORIES); do \
  		cd $$i; \
--- 2,16 ----
  # Not to be sold, but may be used freely for any purpose
  # For more information, see file COPYRIGHT in the parent directory
! # This is a SUN OS 4 Makefile.  Sorry.  Makefiles in subdirectories
! # should work under any reasonable Make.
  MAKE=make $(MFLAGS)
  DIRECTORIES=ada awk c dijkstra larch penelope ssl doc master
+ # Removes excess junk from the world, except it doesn't remove
+ # common object files from ./master
+ # This destroys the sources, so don't make clean until you've made boot.
  	@for i in $(DIRECTORIES); do \
  		cd $$i; \
*** 16,34 ****
  	rm -f *~
  	@echo "All done."
  	cd c ; $(MAKE) source ; cd ..
  	cd awk ; $(MAKE) source ; cd ..
  #	$(MAKE) clean
  #	$(MAKE) source
! 	tar cvhf spiderweb.tar README COPYRIGHT BUGS webkernel.tex Makefile $(DIRECTORIES)
  	cd c; $(MAKE) boot; cd ..
  	cd awk; $(MAKE) boot; cd ..
  	@for i in $(DIRECTORIES); do \
  		cd $$i; \
--- 21,46 ----
  	rm -f *~
  	@echo "All done."
+ # This creates the minimum sources in preparation for `make distribution'
  	cd c ; $(MAKE) source ; cd ..
  	cd awk ; $(MAKE) source ; cd ..
+ # Put everything into a tar file.  Must `make source' first, and should clean
  #	$(MAKE) clean
+ 	cd master ; make superclean ; cd ..	# remove common .o from master
  #	$(MAKE) source
! 	tar cvhf spiderweb.tar README COPYRIGHT BUGS webkernel.tex \
!                  Makefile $(DIRECTORIES)
+ # Used to bring up the system when first installing it.  Requires sources,
+ # either from the distribution tarfile or from `make source'
  	cd c; $(MAKE) boot; cd ..
  	cd awk; $(MAKE) boot; cd ..
+ # Make all known webs.  For lunatics only.
  	@for i in $(DIRECTORIES); do \
  		cd $$i; \