*** master/weave.web.old	Fri Apr 14 12:31:34 1989
--- master/weave.web	Fri Apr 14 12:33:28 1989
*** 353,359 ****
  @d ignore = 0 /* control code of no interest to \.{CWEAVE} */
  @d verbatim = @'2 /* extended ASCII alpha will not appear */
! @d tangle_force_line = @'3 /* extended ASCII beta will not appear */
  @d begin_comment = @'10 /* ASCII tab mark will not appear */
  @d octal = @'14 /* ASCII carriage return will not appear */
  @d hex = @'15 /* ASCII form feed will not appear */
--- 353,359 ----
  @d ignore = 0 /* control code of no interest to \.{CWEAVE} */
  @d verbatim = @'2 /* extended ASCII alpha will not appear */
! 		 /* extended ASCII beta will not appear */
  @d begin_comment = @'10 /* ASCII tab mark will not appear */
  @d octal = @'14 /* ASCII carriage return will not appear */
  @d hex = @'15 /* ASCII form feed will not appear */
*** 395,401 ****
- ccode['\\']=tangle_force_line;
--- 395,400 ----
*** 2026,2032 ****
  case xref_roman: case xref_wildcard: case xref_typewriter: 
-   case tangle_force_line: app_str("\\]"); app_scrap(SP_ignore_scrap,yes_math); break;
    case thin_space: app_str("\\,"); app_scrap(SP_ignore_scrap,yes_math); break;
    case math_break:
   small_app(opt); app_str("0"); app_scrap(SP_ignore_scrap,yes_math); break;
--- 2025,2030 ----
*** doc/spiderwebman.tex.old	Fri Apr 14 12:32:11 1989
--- doc/spiderwebman.tex	Fri Apr 14 12:39:57 1989
*** 952,958 ****
  \@= [\PAS] The ``control text'' that follows, up to the next `\.{@>}', will
  be passed verbatim to the \PASCAL\ program.
! \@\\ [\PAS] Force end-of-line here in the \PASCAL\ program file.
  \@! [\PAS,T] The module number in an index entry will be underlined if `\.{@!}'
  immediately precedes the identifier or control text being indexed.
--- 952,958 ----
  \@= [\PAS] The ``control text'' that follows, up to the next `\.{@>}', will
  be passed verbatim to the \PASCAL\ program.
! %%% \@\\ [\PAS] Force end-of-line here in the \PASCAL\ program file.
  \@! [\PAS,T] The module number in an index entry will be underlined if `\.{@!}'
  immediately precedes the identifier or control text being indexed.
*** 982,987 ****
--- 982,990 ----
  [\PAS,T] This cancels an implicit (or explicit) `\.{@!}', so that the next
  index entry will not be underlined.
+ \newstuff This is not implemented in the current version of Spidery \.{WEB}.
+ \endnewstuff
  \@, [\PAS] This control code inserts a thin space in \.{WEAVE}'s output; it is
  ignored by \.{TANGLE}.