% This file contains templates for each entry in the bibliographic database.
% It provides only the fields which are defined as required and optional
% in the BibTeX style ASTRON.BST.
% First come the required fields, then the optional. Text in fields requires
% quotes (already provided in the templates); numbers don't.
% Remember to delete the fields which you do not use. This will prevent
% BibTeX from producing many irrelevant warnings and error messages.

% Usage (compare with @ARTICLE template):
% @ARTICLE{citation_label,
%	author    = "Title",
%	year      = 1990,
%	journal   = "The full name",	    % or: journal = abbrv,
%	volume    = 42,
%	pages     = 24,			    % or: pages = "24--31",
%	crossref  = "other_citation_label",
%	key       = "alternative_sort_key", % See LaTeX or BibTeX User's Guide
%	type      = "type of the publication",
%	note      = "additional information"}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	journal   = "",
	volume    = ,
	pages     = ,
	crossref  = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	publisher = "",
	address   = "",
	editor    = "",
	edition   = "",
	volume    = ,
	series    = "",
	number    = ,
	crossref  = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	howpublished = "",
	address   = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

@CONFERENCE{,     % `Conference' is the same as `inproceedings'.
	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	booktitle = "",
	editor    = "",
	volume    = ,
	pages     = ,
	publisher = "",
	address   = "",
	organization = "",
	series    = "",
	number    = ,
	crossref  = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	chapter   = ,
	title     = "",
	publisher = "",
	address   = "",
	editor    = "",
	edition   = "",
	volume    = "",
	series    = "",
	number    = ,
	pages     = ,
	crossref  = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	booktitle = "",
	publisher = "",
	address   = "",
	chapter   = ,
	editor    = "",
	edition   = "",
	volume    = "",
	series    = "",
	number    = ,
	pages     = ,
	crossref  = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	booktitle = "",
	editor    = "",
	volume    = ,
	pages     = ,
	publisher = "",
	address   = "",
	organization = "",
	series    = "",
	number    = ,
	crossref  = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	organization = "",
	edition   = "",
	address   = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	school    = "",
	address   = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	howpublished = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	school    = "",
	address   = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	editor    = "",
	volume    = ,
	publisher = "",
	address   = "",
	organization = "",
	series    = "",
	number    = ,
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	institution = "",
	address   = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = "",
	note      = ""}

	author    = "",
	year      = ,
	title     = "",
	note      = "",
	key       = "",
	type      = ""}