This archive contains PostScript binary files for a few "decorative
initials" (also called "dropped initials") fonts, and the service
files needed in order to use these fonts with [La]TeX.

The fonts are a (small) subset of the ones designed and crafted by:

          Dieter Steffmann <>
     Marburger Stra�e 93a, D-57223 Kreuztal (Germany)

and available under his Web page

(follow the link to "Fonts"). 

The author gave his permission, that these
fonts can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.

The files included in the distribution are:

        .pfb files:   PostScript Font Binary files;
        .afm files:   Adobe Font Metric files;
        .tfm files:   TeX Font Metric files, for LaTeX;
        .fd  files:   Font Description files, for LaTeX;
        config files: configuration files, for dvips;
        .map files:   font mapping files, for dvips;
        .tex files:   example files;
        .pdf files:   Portable Document Format output from the
                      above example files.

The names of the included fonts, and the related file names are:

     AcornInitials           (Acorn.afm, Acorn.pfb)
     AnnStone                (AnnSton.afm, AnnSton.pfb)
     ArtNouveauInitialen     (ArtNouv.afm, ArtNouv.pfb)
     ArtNouveauCaps          (ArtNouvc.afm, ArtNouvc.pfb)
     CarrickCaps             (Carrickc.afm, Carrickc.pfb)
     EichenlaubInitialen     (Eichenla.afm, Eichenla.pfb)
     EileenCaps-Regular      (Eileen.afm, Eileen.pfb)
     EileenCaps-Black        (EileenBl.afm, EileenBl.pfb)
     ElzevierCaps-Regular    (Elzevier.afm, Elzevier.pfb)
     GotischeInitialen       (GotIn.afm, GotIn.pfb)
     GoudyInitialen          (GoudyIn.afm, GoudyIn.pfb)
     KinigsteinCaps          (Kinigcap.afm, Kinigcap.pfb)
     KonanurKaps             (Konanur.afm, Konanur.pfb)
     Kramer-Regular          (Kramer.afm, Kramer.pfb)
     MorrisInitialen         (MorrisIn.afm, MorrisIn.pfb)
     NouveauDropCaps         (Nouveaud.afm, Nouveaud.pfb)
     Romantik                (Romantik.afm, Romantik.pfb)
     RothenburgDecorative    (Rothdn.afm, Rothdn.pfb)
     RoyalInitialen          (RoyalIn.afm, RoyalIn.pfb)
     SanRemo                 (Sanremo.afm, Sanremo.pfb)
     Starburst-Regular       (Starburst.afm, Starburst.pfb)
     TypographerCaps         (Typocaps.afm, Typocaps.pfb)
     ZallmanCaps             (Zallman.afm, Zallman.pfb)

In order to install the distribution, copy the files (with the
exception of the .afm files, not needed by LaTeX) to a directory
searched by LaTeX and dvips.

To process the example files, try the commands:

                latex <name>.tex
                dvips -j0 -P <name> <name>.dvi

where <name> is the base name of the afm and pfb files (one of Acorn,
AnnSton, ...); to process the example files without any previous
installation, try with

        TEXCONFIG="\!\!:." dvips -j0 -P <name> <name>.dvi

from the current directory (for the Bourne shell; for C-like shells I
don't know how to change an environment variable on-the-fly).

For what concerns the "-j0", this option should not be needed by
modern versions of dvips (the PostScript output has been generated
by dvips 5.92b); I suspect that these fonts are not completely well
formed internally, but I do not have the time to investigate more
--- using -j0 the PostScript output is consistent.  Also, Acrobat
Reader 5.06 chokes on some PDF files (while xpdf has no problems),
in particular the big ones like GoudyInitials; the PDF output has
been generated by Ghostscript 8.00.

The same files are available on the WWW under the URL


(follow the link to the directory "Initials").

                Happy TeXing,                           MLO