The jeopardy.sty style allows to build the jeopardy game with
pdflatex. It is based on the jj_game.cls class and exerquiz.sty and
eforms.sty packages, written by D. P. Story. The author of the game
can use multichoice questions or fill-in questions. The answer for
fill-in questions is either a mathematical formula or a text string
(see the documentation of exerquiz.sty and \RespBoxMath and
\RespBoxTxt commands to learn more about all facilities). JavaScripts
are written to record the score. If the score is greater than a given
value, a hidden string is shown. The option picture allows to build
the game where the user uncovers parts of a hidden image. User should
use the style with some screen presentation package, such as web.sty
or pdfscreen.sty. The option twoplayers allows to build the game for two 

To get jeopardy.sty file run

latex jeopardy.ins

command. Have a fun!