README lineno.sty v4.31 2005-10-03 The LaTeX package lineno.sty provides line numbers on paragraphs. After TeX has broken a paragraph into lines there will be line numbers attached to them, with the possibility to make references through the LaTeX \ref, \pageref cross reference mechanism. % Copyright 1995--2003 Stephan I. B"ottcher <>; % Copyright 2002--2005 Uwe L"uck,, % for versions 4.x and code from former Ednotes % bundle--author-maintained. % % The files listed below can be redistributed and/or modified under % the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either % version 1.3a of the License, or any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % % We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. ** [ UL: A few festive words on history and responsibility ** ** are next preceding hard facts as to (see lower) ** ** o `Files' and ** ** o `Installation and usage'. ] ** 2004-09-13 Uwe L"uck [(UL)] is new maintainer for lineno.sty. lineno.sty served the purpose for which I wrote it years ago. Uwe L"uck uses lineno.sty with his Ednotes package, which required quite a few changes and fixes. His package depends on lineno, therefore Uwe agreed to take over the maintenance of lineno.sty. lineno.sty v4.0 includes most of the well tested changes that Uwe needs for Ednotes. These changes blend well into the concepts of the package, so I am happy to let it go. From here on it is Uwe's, and he may proceed to mangle it as he likes. Expect some radical changes. You may find him to be quite a bit friendlier towards the poor souls who still use Windows :-). Currently, you need some kind of Unix environment to extract the source documentation from the sty file. If some version 3 users run into difficulties with Uwe's newer versions, but need a minor bug-fix in version 3, please do not hesitate to ask me for help. But all requests for new features or major changes shall go to Uwe. Cheers Stephan [ Thanks! And please let me know as well should compatibility problems arise! The announced radical changes are postponed again this time (v4.1). --Ednotes is in CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/ednotes. Uwe ] Changes: 2004-10-19 UL: package options for tabular and math 2004-09-03 UL: merge Ednotes changes, taking over lineno.sty 2002 .. 2003 FMi, UL, SiB: bug fixes 2001-08-04 SiB: linenomath wrapping for \[ \] 2001-07-30 SiB: [hyperref] option obsolete. 2001-01-17 SiB: LaTeX class option [twocolumn] support 2001-01-04 SiB: LaTeX class option [fleqn] support 2000-12-18 SiB: longtable compatibility 2000-07-01 SiB: extra \newlabel items, [hyperref] option 2000-03-10 SiB: indirect call of \output, to work with multicol. 1999-08-28 SiB: fixed the footnote problem using \holdinginserts 1999-06-11 SiB: included the extensions into lineno.sty 1999-03-02 SIB: Added LPPL License Files: README This file. (v4.1: UL) CHANGES Differences to previous versions. (v4.1: UL) COPYING The LPPL header. lineno.sty The package itself, ready to use. edtable.sty Module for tabular environments. (UL, v4.1) ednmath0.sty Module for \linelabel in math mode. (UL, v4.1) lineno.tex The source for the documentation. lineno.pdf PDF deriving from the former. (v4.1: UL) lnosuppl.pdf PDF listing of present non-PDF files ulineno.tex The pathetic attempt of a users' manual. [Describes v3.1 currently.] (UL, v4.1) ulineno.pdf PDF of former. vplref.sty Conditionally include page number in line number references (UL, v4.2) As of version v3.00, the extension packages for lineno have all been incorporated into lineno.sty itself. Except for itemrule.sty, which was removed. Home: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/lineno Authors: Uwe L"uck <> Stephan I. B"ottcher <> Compatibility with other packages: wrapfig.sty works since v2.05 multicol.sty works partly since 3.02. Do NOT use \linelabel. Do NOT put a multicol in internal vertical mode {table}, {figure}, etc. hyperref.sty \ref to a \linelabel works since v3.03. longtable.sty broke with lineno.sty loaded, but not enabled. This is fixed in v3.04. Installation and usage (UL, v4.1): For being able to use ALL the new lineno.sty options, the following files must be "visible" to (La)TeX ("visible" explained below for beginners): lineno.sty, edtable.sty, ednmath0.sty, ltabptch.sty as above ("Home", note that clicking on "entire directory" suffices); longtable.sty -- from the standard LaTeX Tools bundle. Usage always starts with loading lineno.sty by \usepackage. The remaining .sty files are loaded automatically on the lineno.sty options (and we recommend not to load them through [the mandatory argument of] \usepackage). For details, see lineno.tex/pdf and the .sty files mentioned above--search especially for tabular and math mode. (+ `print' below here). "Visible to (LaTeX)": Some users don't understand this "visibility" for a while, and indeed it may be somewhat non-trivial. These users may find help in CTAN:macros/latex/ednotes/visible.txt . E.g., former users of lineno.sty may just put all the .sty files into the folder (at their workplace) where they had placed lineno.sty before. (/UL, /v4.1) To print the documented source: Take the style-file `lineno.sty', and feed it to a Un*x shell. (Or download the extracted source documentation `lineno.tex'.) csh> source ./lineno.sty sh> . ./lineno.sty [ I.e., type `sh lineno.sty' (e.g.) as a UNIX command line. Problems with awk may arise. I therefore switched to nawk in lineno.sty v4.00, but this may trouble you as well. (UL) ] (Please ignore the error message at the beginning about the iffalse.) Please have a look at a similar work of Michal Jaegermann and James Fortune: CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/numline/ ============================================================================== <- End of official README.txt (UL) Changes for v4.1 (Oct. 2004): minor fixes (removed `supported/', e.g.); bracketed text; lines with `(UL)'; redistribution with README only. Formerly: lineno.sty v4.0 $Id: README,v 2004/09/13 20:15:47 stephan Exp $ CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/lineno CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/supported/numline/