This is file `manifest.txt'. This file is part of a work named "C.D.P. Bundle". Copyright (C) 1999-2006 by Gustavo MEZZETTI <>. The C.D.P. Bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2003/12/01 or later. The C.D.P. Bundle has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". This file specifies what the C.D.P. Bundle consists of; more precisely, it explains how the locutions "Work" and "Compiled Work", used in the LaTeX Project Public License, are to be interpreted in the case of this work. January 1, 2006 (vers. 0.34) MEANING OF THE TERM "Work" ========================== In the case of the C.D.P. Bundle, the "Work" is the collection of the following 4 files: 00readme.txt -- start by reading this file manifest.txt -- the file you are reading now cdpbundl.dtx -- main source file cdpbundl.ins -- installation script If you have received the 4 files listed above, you possess an integral copy of the C.D.P. Bundle. MEANING OF THE TERM "Compiled Work" =================================== In the case of the C.D.P. Bundle, a "Compiled Work" is the collection of: a) the following 2 files that are also part of the "Work" (see above): 00readme.txt manifest.txt AND b) the following 10 files: letteracdp.cls -- the letteracdp LaTeX document class articoletteracdp.cls -- the articoletteracdp LaTeX document class adiseal.sty -- the adiseal LaTeX package lettcdpadi.cls -- the lettcdpadi LaTeX document class cdpaddon.sty -- the cdpaddon LaTeX package cdpshues-example.def -- prototype color definition file epson-stylus-740.def -- other example color definition files hp-laserjet-4500.def / cdpshues.cfg -- configuration file for the cdpaddon package cdpbundl.dvi -- documentation in DVI format You may, at your option, substitute the file `cdpbundl.dvi' with the following one: cdpbundl.pdf -- documentation in PDF format but at least one among the files `cdpbundl.dvi' and `cdpbundl.pdf' must be included in a "Compiled Work" that you want to distribute. The file `cdpbundl.pdf' is obtained by submitting to the program pdflatex the file `cdpbundl.dtx', following the same steps as those explained in `00readme.txt' under the title "How to generate the documentation". ANCILLARY FILES =============== The package of files distributed through the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) includes also the following two files: README -- guide to directory contents overview.pdf -- general information on the C.D.P. Bundle (PDF) These two files are included only for informative purposes and are _not_ a required part of the C.D.P. Bundle (of course you may, if you wish, include them in your distribution too). COMMENT ======= Please remember that, in order to distribute a LPPL-compliant copy of the C.D.P. Bundle, it suffices to distribute only the 4 files that constitute the "Work".